You cannot cure serious eye diseases with herbs. But in the case of minor ailments - and these are the most common ones - herbs are simply irreplaceable. You can improve your eyesight not only by taking beta-carotene. The substances obtained from the sunflower, chamomile noble, cornflower or blueberry fruit also have a beneficial effect on the eyes. Find out which herbs and plants protect your eyes and improve your eyesight.
Medicinal plants and herbs that improve eyesightand have a beneficial effecton the eyesare very popular. The growing interest in phytotherapy and research on active substances contained in herbs and fruit plants have brought surprising results. The number of medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the eyes has increased. They include, among others vegetables rich in beta-carotene, sunflower, cornflower, chamomile, blueberry and bee pollen.
Only at night, when we sleep, our eyes really rest. The muscles responsible for the accommodation of the eyeball relax, the production of moisturizing and disinfecting tears and tissue regeneration take place without any problems. During the day the eyes have no rest. They get tired most when we stare motionlessly at the computer monitor for a long time from a short distance. Then we blink less often and the eyeball is less moisturized, and therefore more exposed to irritation. But it's not just the computer that is to blame. Weak or too bright light, dry or polluted air, long car driving or working at night, poorly chosen corrective glasses or inadequate sunglasses, a diet low in antioxidants - there are many causes of eye problems.
Herbs protect the eyes and improve eyesightin many ways. The most common complaints are redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis caused by irritation, swelling of the eyelids or blurred vision due to fatigue. And that's when it is worth reaching for herbs. They are used for washing or compressing the eyes. They are also available in ready-made preparations, e.g. for instillations.
Chamomile soothes eye irritation
This herb has many uses, but is best known for its antiseptic properties due to its high essential oil content. The main ingredientThe essential oil is alpha-bisabolol and its oxides - they have a bactericidal effect against gram-positive bacteria and fungiCandida albicansand are perfectly tolerated by the skin. Other components of the oil - spiroethers also have such properties. Chamomile baskets also contain compounds with other healing properties, including antiallergic chamazulene, flavonoids and coumarins, which relax the intestinal muscles, mucus compounds, choline, vitamin C and mineral s alts.
Chamomile is included in numerous herbal mixtures recommended for various ailments, incl. in liver problems, digestive disorders, inflammation of the mouth and throat or in periods of nervous tension and problems with falling asleep. It is also one of the ingredients of the herbal blend soothing eye fatigue and the Blend for the he althy eyes of Father Klimuszko. It is also perfect when used individually in the case of irritation and redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis - soothes, soothes inflammation, strengthens the blood vessels of the eyes, eliminates free radicals.
- Pour a teaspoon of chamomile baskets with a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for 10 minutes. Drain. Soak cotton pads or cotton pads with a warm infusion and place the compress on the eyes for a few minutes. When it cools down, change to a warm compress.
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Worth knowingBeta-carotene in the fight against night blindness
A common eye disorder is twilight amblyopia, also known as night blindness. The cause of the disorder is sometimes damage to the retinal rods - reduced ability of the eye to adapt to the dark, a diet poor in vitamin A, myopia, optic nerve atrophy or retinal detachment. Both in the prevention and treatment of this disease, beta-carotene is used. The body processes as much of this plant pigment as it needs. Large amounts of carotene are found in peppers, carrots, lettuce, spinach, and broccoli.
Firefly: anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent
Although it looks inconspicuous, it contains substances with exceptional potency - these are: iridoid glycosides (including aukubin), phenolic acids and their depsides, tannins, flavonoid and phenylpropanoid glycosides, essential oil, coumarins and mineral s alts with lots of copper and magnesium. This kit has strong anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent properties. Therefore, the firefly is very effective in the case of conjunctivitis (both bacterial and allergic), barley and eyelid margin inflammation. It also works well for irritationeyes, tearing due to allergies or photosensitivity.
Firefly herb is one of the ingredients of soothing eye drops, incl. Zuma skylight plus, recommended for irritation, fatigue and redness of the eyes. Firefly homeopathic drops for the same purpose and Gel with Firefly are also very popular for a long time. For home use, you can also buy a skylight in the form of dried or fix bags.
- 1-2 bags of firefly herb pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Let it cool down. Dampen a piece of gauze with lukewarm decoction and rinse the edges of the eyelids or put it in the form of a compress for a few minutes.
- Pour a teaspoon of crushed firefly herb with a glass of boiling water and leave it to brew for 10 minutes. Drain and leave the infusion to cool down. Use for compresses on the eyelids.
Blueberry improves eyesight
American blueberry contains anthocyanins, which improve night vision! This is valuable information for drivers and pilots. Blueberry fruit should be eaten systematically and raw, or after frostbite. Fried or boiled they lose their nutritional and healing properties. During the processes taking place at high temperature, the fruit loses, for example, almost 20 percent. phytoestrogens that are responsible (as proven by studies conducted in Finland) for protection against heart disease. And other compounds are inactivated to an even greater extent. This shows that blueberries should be eaten fresh, preferably straight from the bush.
Cornflower prevents swelling
These small, showy flowers are a treasury of very valuable anthocyanin glycosides, mainly cyanine and pelargonine. Studies have shown that anthocyanins improve microcirculation within the choroid and iris of the eye, activate the reproduction of rhodopsin, which may improve eyesight. In addition, they seal and strengthen blood vessels, and have anti-swelling properties. Other substances present in cornflower flowers are anti-inflammatory flavonoids, bitter compounds, mucilages, tannins, vitamin C and mineral s alts, especially manganese and potassium. As a result, this herb also helps with inflammation of the conjunctiva and the edges of the eyelids, hypersensitivity to intense sunlight, and a TV screen or computer monitor.
Cornflower is a component of blends and herbal eye drops, eg Zuma firefly plus (with firefly, chamomile, witch hazel). You can also buy this herb individually and use it to make your own preparations.
- Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of cornflower flowers and let it brew undercovered for 15 minutes. Drain. Use the summer infusion to wash the eyes in case of conjunctivitis and eyelid margins, or for compresses in case of irritation caused by e.g. long work at the computer.
- Pour 1/4 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of cornflower flowers and let it brew for 15 minutes. Drain. Drip enough cool infusion into the eye cream so that the preparation does not become too liquid. Cool the cream in the refrigerator. Use as an eye mask to eliminate puffiness and bruising.
Bee pollen - medicine for tired eyes straight from the hive
The healing wonders of nature that improve eyesight include bee pollen. They are shaped balls carried on their hind legs by bees. The stocks of pollen stored in hives are collected by beekeepers and then dried or frozen. 250 chemical components have been identified in the chemical composition of pollen, including organic acids, vitamins, essential oils, fats, hormones and routine. Due to, inter alia, high content of riboflavin, bee pollen is an effective drug that improves the quality of vision. Additionally, it is a valuable source of micronutrients.
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