Sports medicine deals with the he alth prophylaxis of physically active people, as well as the treatment of injuries and contusions. A sports medicine doctor conducts medical examinations, decides whether to do sports or return to training. Sports medicine takes care of both hobbyists and players. When should I see a sports doctor?
Sports medicinedeals with human motor activity. It is an interdisciplinary field of medical knowledge that covers all processes occurring in the human body under the influence of physical activity or the lack of it. Sports medicine is a wide field, it covers medical care for physically active people or those who, for various reasons, had to stop such activity.
You can use the services of a sports doctor under the National He alth Fund or privately.
Sports medicine , apart from caring for physically active people, deals with the entire field of professional sports. Trained doctors prepare athletes, assess their physical fitness, as well as determine diets, exercise plans, diagnose injuries and conduct rehabilitation.
Sports medicine deals in particular with:
- qualification for sports - excluding any he alth contraindications,
- periodic tests of people practicing sports and monitoring what changes occur in the body under the influence of practicing specific sports,
- establishing diets and nutrition methods for athletes,
- detecting and fighting doping,
- cooperation with coaches in choosing the right exercises,
- monitoring the effects of the training methods used,
- diagnostics and treatment of micro-overloads,
- injury prevention,
- treatment of contusions and injuries arising during the dispute,
- rehabilitation of athletes and biological regeneration.
When to see a sports medicine doctor?
For information onsports medicine , we most often look for information when there is an injury or serious problems with the knees or spine. In fact, the services of a sports doctor should be used by people who are constantlyphysically active and even those who are going to start physical activity. Sports medicine should also be of interest to parents whose child actively participates in sports or plays a specific sport.
Sports doctordeals not only with the diagnosis of diseases and injuries resulting from practicing sports. He is able to assess whether an adult or a child can play a specific sport or whether their body is prepared for it. This is very important, especially for people starting their adventure with sport.
What tests do a sports medicine doctor order?
A sports doctor orders a number of tests to give an opinion on the possibility of practicing a given sport based on the results. Periodic examinations are also essential for maintaining a he althy lifestyle, athletic performance and avoiding serious injuries.
The type and frequency of necessary tests and the determination of the fitness of children and adolescents up to 21 years of age to practice a specific sport, and players between 21 and 23 years of age, are specified in the ordinance of the Minister of He alth of March 23, 2009.
The research includes:
Initial examinations (once every 2 years)
- general medical examination,
- anthropometric measurements,
- orthopedic examinations,
- stress test,
- dental check-up,
- EKG ,morphology ,OB ,urine test,blood sugar test ,
- ENT consultations,
- ophthalmological consultations.
Periodic examinations (every 6 months)
- general medical examination,
- anthropometric measurements,
- orthopedic examinations.
Periodic examinations (every 12 months)
- general medical examination,
- anthropometric measurements,
- orthopedic examinations,
- stress test ,
- dental check-up,
- EKG morphology, ESR, urine, sugar.
What does a visit to a sports medicine doctor look like?
A sports doctor always starts with consultations and orders for basic, necessary tests, as well as performance tests, measuring and weighing the patient. You should also take into account his opinion on the ability to practice a specific sports discipline - it may be negative. Subsequent meetings are primarily periodic examinations and consultations with specialists, as well as possible rehabilitation treatments ordered by a doctor.
Worth knowingSports doctoractively cooperates with doctors of other specializations, as well as withtrainers and professional nutritionists and nutrition physiologists. In the case of physically active people or professional athletes, the cooperation of a sports doctor with a physiologist, physiologist, psychologist, surgeon and even a pediatrician is essential. A sports medicine doctor never works alone, most of all he cooperates with an athlete who cannot afford long breaks in training.