Osteopenia in children is not at all uncommon. The reason is usually the same: poor diet and malnutrition. If you want to protect your child from osteopenia, and then from osteoporosis, make sure that he receives the right dose of calcium and vitamin D, and that he is in the sun a lot.
Osteopenia in childrenis, as in adults, a progressivereduction of bone density.A he althy bone resembles an artificial sponge. When attacked by osteoporosis, it looks like a natural sponge: with large holes, very openwork. Unfortunately, the more openwork it is, the less durable our skeleton is. It is easy to break then, even with the slightest injury. And it is so easy for children who are physically active. All it takes is a foul on the pitch and misfortune is ready.
Strong bones in childhood
In order for bones to be strong and, for example, to quickly heal after fracture, there must be a balance between the cells responsible for their formation (osteoblasts) and the cells responsible for their destruction (osteoclasts).
The most common cause of osteopenia in children is a lack of calcium in the diet.
This balance depends on the correct concentration of hormones in the body, straining the skeleton (e.g. whether we play a sport intensively), the right amount of protein, calcium and vitamins (especially vitamin D3). Unfortunately, some children receive too little calcium in their diet in relation to the age norm, which is a known cause of lower bone mineral density and further osteopenia and osteoporosis.
We have the strongest bones in the third decade of life. After the age of 30, they are slowly "decreasing" - they are becoming more and more openwork, brittle and prone to fractures. For the body to lose something, it is important to have a good start, i.e. good bone quality during adolescence. If they are strong in a child, then in an adult, osteoporosis may not occur at all or its symptoms will not be so bothersome.
ImportantChildren should eat1500 mg of calcium daily . A lot of calcium is contained in: - milk and its products (kefir, yogurt, cheese), - orange juice with the addition of calcium, canned fish with bones (the bones are then soft), - cooked: kohlrabi, turnips, kale, broccoli, soybeans, chickpeas, white beans, dried figs, - soy cheese tofu. Scientists have proved thatvitamin Daccelerates the absorption of calciumby the body. Rich in this vitamin are: - fish (eel, sprats, sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel, tuna), - milk. Vitamin D is also produced in the skin when exposed to the sun, so it is good for children to spend a lot of time outdoors.
Osteopenia in children - symptoms
Osteopenia in children may not be associated with any symptoms. Pain in the limbs and skeletal fractures can cause anxiety.
Osteopenia in children - prevention
According to specialists, poor nutrition of children is a straightforward way to osteopenia (the risk of osteoporosis), because - when children are malnourished - too little of the so-called building substances. Therefore, there is no other advice - be sure to take care of a proper diet and a dose of exercise (especially in the sun) in your child.
Osteopenia in children - an important sport
Movement has a very positive effect on the entire skeletal system. So encourage your child to practice some sport.
Children with osteopenia are at risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.
- Tenis-5-year-olds can play mini-tennis; 8-9-year-old children can exercise on a normal court
- basketball - minibasket can be played by 6-year-olds; "normal" basketball 12-13-year-olds
- judo, aikido, karate - as early as 6-year-olds can learn eastern martial arts. However, it is better for 10-12-year-old children to start training
- swimming - 3-month-old babies can start. But it's better for children aged 10-11 to start professional training
- bike - even a 3-year-old can ride a bicycle on three wheels, and a 5-year-old can switch to two wheels. 14-year-olds usually start intensive training
- artistic and sports gymnastics - can be practiced by 4-5-year-olds. Exercises should, however, be ordered by a sports doctor