Preventive examinations, i.e. those aimed at preventing the development of diseases, are necessary at any age, but other examinations are recommended for young people in their twenties, and other tests for 40-year-olds, and of course other preventive examinations should be performed by a woman, another by a man. A 40-year-old should take care of himself and perform regular tests such as blood count, ESR, blood sugar, urine and prostate antigen (PSA).

If you are over forty, be sure to do regularresearch . At this age, the risk of serious diseases such as:atherosclerosis , glaucoma or prostate problems increases. That is why it is worthwhile to perform ablood andurine testonce a year, check the level of the hormone testosterone, x-ray the lungs and measure the blood pressure.

Necessary examination of a 40-year-old

  • Morphology (annually) to determine if there is anemia or anemia. An increase in the number of white blood cells (WBC) is evidence of inflammation or infection, leukemia or severe stress. Low is usually a collagen-deficient bone marrow, liver, spleen or coronary disease. The WBC standard is 4500-10,000 in milliliters of blood, and the red (RBC) is 4.7-6.1 million in µl. An increase in their number may indicate pulmonary fibrosis, hypoxia or dehydration. A decline suggests anemia, kidney disease, or malnutrition.
  • Elevated hemoglobin levels to the upper limit of normal (12.5-18.0 g / dl) are usually poor blood oxygenation and therefore the onset of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Hematocrit is the ratio of the number of red blood cells to other blood components. The standard is 40-49 percent. Its high level indicates high blood density, which hinders circulation and is often the cause of blood clots.
  • ESR (annually) when high indicates an inflammatory process. The norm for men is 8-15 / h (red blood cells fall after one hour).
  • The level of glucose (once a year), i.e. blood sugar, determines the risk of diabetes. High blood levels (called hyperglycaemia) almost always indicate diabetes. A deficiency (called hypoglycaemia) may or may not be related to diabetes. It also occurs in people who have not eaten for a long time or are very tired. It can also command diseaseliver poisoning, overactive adrenal cortex or hypothyroidism. The norm is 70-100 mg / dl (3.9-6.1mmol / l).
  • Lipid profiley(annually) is measured to determine cholesterol levels. In 80 percent in men it is elevated, and this carries a risk of death from cardiovascular disease. By marking the so-called bad LDL cholesterol (the norm is 2.2-4.0 mmol / l, the limit limit is 135 mg / dl), the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and heart attack can be detected. Good HDL cholesterol (the more the better) is needed for the production of vitamin D, bile acid, and sex hormones.
  • Uric acid levels (annually) are closely related to your diet. Its excess is deposited in the blood serum (due to inborn predispositions), but it is also favored by eating large amounts of meat. This is called hyperuricemia. If the treatment is neglected and the diet is not changed, a so-called gout. The disease is often confused with rheumatism because all joints and bones hurt. Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood plasma (normal: 3.5-7 mg / l) may indicate the onset of cancer, kidney failure, psoriasis and some liver diseases.
  • The level of magnesium (once a year) is tested because its deficiency is common, and it manifests itself with symptoms resembling cardiological pains, general breakdown, acute headache and constant fatigue. The norm of magnesium is 1.95-2.95 mg /% .
  • Prostate antigen (PSA) (once a year) - even if you do not feel any discomfort. It is also necessary to visit a urologist to examine the prostate gland per rectum (through the anus). In this way, colon cancer can also be detected. PSA norms change with age, but in general the result should not exceed 4 ng / ml.
  • The level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (depending on the needs) allows you to assess the functioning of the thyroid gland. Increased concentration means hypothyroidism, and decreased concentration means hyperthyroidism.
  • A urine test (once a year) evaluates the functioning of the urinary system. The substances in the urine tell us what is wrong with our body. Even the smell of urine may indicate an illness. Sweet, fruity indicates diabetes. If your urine smells like this, you are most likely infected with E. coli. The reaction should be acidic; alkaline indicates a tendency to the formation of kidney stones. Protein in the urine is evidence of inflammation. With the so-called in the culture, the presence of bacteria, yeasts and parasites is read, which indicate a urinary tract infection.
  • Lung X-ray - should be performed every two years, unless otherwise advised by a doctor due to poor he alth.
  • Measurementblood pressure - (once a year) high blood pressure does not hurt, but that does not mean that it does not develop. It is worth measuring them every few months to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the circulatory system. The best for men is 120 (so called systolic) out of 80 (diastolic). When the values ​​reach 140/90, see a doctor as soon as possible and start the treatment. Often times, an effective drug is diet and lifestyle changes.

Additional research

  • exercise ECG and stool blood test - every two years,
  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - at least every three years,
  • endoscopic examination of the colon - every five years (to protect against cancer),
  • visit every six months dental office and an ophthalmologist ,where you need to ask for an examination fundus of the eye.

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