As it turns out, the size of the penis is not a constant value - under the influence of various factors, the size of the penis may decrease. This variable is influenced by: diet, stimulants - alcohol and cigarettes, age, marriage and offspring.
Penis sizefor men is of great importance.The longest peniserected was (supposedly) … 45 cm! It was measured in the seventies and is owned by Jamaican actor Long Dong Silver. However, men who are not satisfied with the size of their own happiness, are probably not about such dimensions after all. Because what woman would like to deal with such a giant? Meanwhile, sexologists more and more often point out to dreamers that, instead of complaining about their own state of possession and fantasizing about a bigger one, they should think about what to do so that what their nature has endowed them with does not diminish them. Because, dear gentlemen,penis sizeis not a constant size. He changes, depending on many factors. Some it does not affect, but others it does.
Penis gets smaller with age
Over time, a person shrinks, his muscles go slack, collagen and elastin decreasing. And although we can't do anything about the passage of time, there is room for improvement in this valuable organ as well. The principle that a used organ will remain functional for a longer period of time works perfectly well here. Men who have sex in old age have a much greater chance that their penis will not shrink so much in old age. In addition, sexual activity has a positive effect on the level of testosterone, which has a significant impact on the size of the penis. Too low testosterone concentration is not only a small potency, but also a smaller member. But it is precisely by having sex that the levels of this male hormone can be quite satisfactory. And it is not uncommon for many men in their 40s to have a level of this hormone of 200-300 nanograms per deciliter of blood (ng / dl), while a sexually active 70-year-old has a level of 800 ng / dl.
Small penis after marriage
It turns out that the size of the penis is also influenced by certain life situations. And so sexologists at the Washington Psychological Center argue that male penises shrink … after marriage and when a man becomes a father. Scientists examined several hundred freshly bakedspouses and young fathers, and they have no doubts: when a man marries or becomes a father, his member becomes smaller. And it all comes back to testosterone again. When a man's life changes, such as marriage or paternity, the level of testosterone in his body drops. The man becomes softer, more delicate, so more feminine, thanks to the piercing female estrogens. It is certainly not true for every man during this period, but for many. So how is sexual activity right after marriage (and it is known that it is, or at least should be large) and therefore theoretically larger penis, to the revelation of American scientists? They explain this clear contradiction with psychological factors: although sexual activity is high after marriage, the changes in the brain caused by the new situation are of greater importance. And what is happening in the brain of a newly-minted spouse is significantly influenced by the decreasing testosterone level at that time. In other words, on the one hand, the testosterone level increases, on the other hand, it decreases, and there is more of this decreasing. Ufff …
Penis may become smaller under the influence of diet
If a man's diet lacks fish, eggs, and it lasts for many years, the size of his birth is unlikely to be delightful. Some nutritionists also point to the need to eat red meat, at least twice a week. Gentlemen should eat more cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) as they prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, thus ensuring higher levels of male hormones.
Alcohol and cigarettes also reduce
The fact that they reduce potency has been known for a long time. It turns out, however, that they can lead to smaller dimensions. It may not be noticeable when you are resting, but when you get an erection (if you ever get one), it is. Fortunately, these changes are reversible and if you stop smoking and drinking (apart from the occasional glass of dry red wine, which acts as an aphrodisiac), your penis will grow in size. No, don't think about surgery, by any means. After all, there are so many other natural methods for penis enlargement. And supposedly effective, as opposed to risky surgery.