Body Balance is a fitness class that consists of elements of tai chi, yoga and pilates. Thanks to body balance, you will strengthen all muscle groups, improve your concentration and motor coordination. Exercise also restores inner balance and de-stress. Read what body balance training is all about and what other effects it brings.
Body balanceis a training system developed by the Les Mills school, specifically by its branch in New Zealand. So wherever in the world you decide to exercisebody balance , the classes will consist of the same set of activities. Each training consists of elements of three seemingly different disciplines: tai-chi, pilates and yoga. All this to achieve the desired effect: increase muscle strength and flexibility, and at the same time get rid of everyday stress. It is very often emphasized thatbody balanceare exercises for everyone: regardless of age and physical condition.
Body balance: what is training?
Body balance training lasts 55 minutes - first a 5-minute warm-up, then 40 minutes of proper exercise, and finally 10 minutes of relaxation and meditation. Body balance classes begin with practicing tai-chi - performing slow and smooth movements to bring the training participants to a state of concentration and calmness and to prevent possible injury. Then comes the main point of the classes, i.e. exercises with elements of yoga and pilates, strengthening the muscles and giving them flexibility. The last 10 minutes spent on meditation are to increase the effectiveness of the activities used and bring the training participants to a state of relaxation. As body balance is supposed to stabilize the figure in various planes, exercises are performed in various positions: lying, standing, kneeling.
Body balance training should be done at least twice a week.
Body balance training is performed barefoot, because direct contact with the floor allows you to maintain a proper posture. Initially, you do not need any accessories to perform the exercises - a mat is recommended, but it is not an obligatory element of training. Over time, to make your task more difficult, you can introduce exercises witha fitness ball or a bosom ball.
Body balance classes are held with the accompaniment of calm music, and their important element are breathing exercises and exercises that shape the sense of balance, e.g. standing on one leg. Every 3 months, the music and choreography are changed, so nobody will get bored with body balance training.
Read also: Pilates - who is the training for?
Full body balance workout
See what body balance training looks like and try it yourself at home!
Body balance: what are the classes like?
1. Warm-up
The first element of the exercises is a 5-minute warm-up using tai-chi elements. Trainers perform the most basic exercises related to this martial art: hand circulation in one place, one-hand circulation with steps, exercises to strengthen the oblique and rectus abdominals, exercises to strengthen the sides of the torso.
2. Exercises with elements of yoga and pilates
At this stage of the exercises, the most popular and not difficult to perform yoga poses are performed, e.g. top position, crocodile position, dog head down position, cobra position, warrior position, triangle. It also draws on pilates, using, among others. pilates core exercises, improving the stability of the spine, as well as various types of bends and turns.
3. Mute
Finally, time for meditation, relaxation and breathing exercises to strengthen the effects of the entire training.
Read also: Yoga for Beginners - Basic Asanas
Worth knowingHow to test your sense of balance?
Body balance exercises are not demanding and one of their main goals is to improve your balance skills. Before signing up for training, you can check yourself what is your level of advancement in this field. Stand on one leg and lift the other leg, bend your knee and rest the leg you are standing on against the knee. If you hold this position for 60 seconds on each leg, you have a very good balance, if your score is below 17 seconds - you definitely need to work on it. A score between these values means that your balance skills are at a moderate level.
Body balance: effects
What is the benefit of participating in body balance classes? The effects can be seen after the first training - of course, the body will not be very strengthened yet, but the mental relaxation - noticeable. This is thanks to the calm, flowing movements derived from tai-chi, which have a relaxing effect,reducing stress and anxiety.
Body balance brings you into a state of mental balance and teaches you to be more resistant to failure.
Body balance also has a positive effect on the figure. It primarily strengthens the abdominal muscles and the spine, and teaches how to maintain an upright body position. Workouts strengthen and slim the body, as well as improve motor coordination, increase flexibility and mobility of joints.
Body balance exercises are very safe and rarely cause injuries. Even pregnant women can attend them, but they must inform the instructor about their condition beforehand - some of the exercises will be modified for them.