Aloe for weight loss? Sure! When you drink aloe vera juice - for strengthening or digestive problems - you can lose weight by the way. Aloe accelerates burning and helps detoxify the body.

Aloesupports weight loss thanks to its unique and versatile properties. Remember, however, that bothaloe vera juiceandaloe vera tinctureare strong natural remedies, so you should not take them constantly.

Slimming: aloe accelerates metabolism

Aloe accelerates the metabolism. And at every level. Starting with the increase in digestion and absorption in the intestines, ending with cellular energy changes. More intensive metabolism also increases the burning of calories - we need more of them.

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Losing weight: aloe vera cleanses and cleanses

Juice or tincture also have a laxative effect and are often used in constipation. It is the action of aloe that allows us to cleanse ourselves better. Both the intestines and cells that work more intensively contain less toxins and unnecessary deposits. We also become lighter from this. Moreover, if the food does not stay in the intestines for too long, we absorb less ingredients. But be careful! You cannot cleanse yourself too intensively with aloe, because if it is abused, it leads to disturbances in the intestinal function and, as a consequence, can cause chronic constipation and flatulence. And it can also cause malabsorption. Aloe vera is a strong healing agent, so we only use it as a treatment.

Aloe: slimming in two weeks

A two-week, maximum one-month treatment is enough. It is good to carry it out in the spring, which promotes the processes of cleansing and renewal. We drink aloe juice or aloe tincture. It is best to take the juice three times a day, a teaspoon before large meals (breakfast, lunch,dinner). It is best to drink the aloe vera tincture before the most abundant meal of the day. We take no more than a 25-gram glass of the drug.

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