Theoretically, you shouldn't eat two hours before going to bed. What if monstrous hunger occurs just before bedtime, or worse - wakes you up at night? There are certain foods that you can eat without gaining weight. Meet them.
TheAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published studies that clearly prove that your well-being depends on what you eat the day before! Beautiful rhyme and how real! That is why fasting is the worst form of weight loss that will make us lack the strength and will to live.
However, you need to use common sense in your diet. All diets make it clear not to eat at night. The last meal should be eaten 2 hours before going to bed. However, if you are very hungry, you can make an exception. What to eat for the night?
- a small bowl of whole grain flakes with milk (also oat or nut milk);
- wholemeal bread - e.g. with avocado and onion or with a hard-boiled egg. You can also have a chicken sausage sandwich;
- sweet - banana with peanut butter! It's a great alternative to ice cream or sweets;
- Greek or Icelandic yogurt (skyr) with dried fruit;
- curd;
- vegetables - preferably those with a negative glycemic index, e.g. radishes, celery, beets, lettuce and rhubarb;
- fruit - but only citrus.
See alsoWHAT YOU MUST NOT eat at night!
Carbohydrates for the night
It depends - if you go to the gym or run in the evening, it is not advisable to skip a meal after training. Starving yourself will not make you lose weight at all. Better eat something - like a banana!
Research published in Obesity and Nutrition, Metabilism & Cardiovascular Diseases has shown that you don't need to consume carbohydrates on the "less, but more often" principle. Scientists conducted tests on a group of volunteers. They clearly showed that we can concentrate the daily amount of carbohydrates in one larger meal. And it can be a dinner, because such late (but not overdone) eating does not increase body weight. Study participants consuming carbohydrates in the evening did not experience severe cravings during the next day.
Night at night, but check if you know everything about waste segregation! See if, taken from your dream, you will answer these questions: