You are testing a miracle diet on yourself again. They say you should lose five kilos in three days, but the weight won't budge. Where is the error? Is the cause of ineffective weight loss in your case of poor metabolism, hormones, or maybe a lack of motivation? Why is losing weight such a difficult matter? We suggest that you make changes and you will surely see the results.
WhyI can't lose weight ? Because proper weight loss is not onlyslimming diet , it is a really difficult art. Willingness alone is not enough. You need willpower, persistence and persistence. Reliable knowledge of rational nutrition will also be useful. Here is a list of the 13 most common mistakes made when losing weight.
1. Losing weight is ineffective if you move too little
A person who does not move has a lower caloric requirement than an active one. Meanwhile, a quarter of an hour of walking a day costs 100 kcal. It's not much, but in a year it gives 36,000 kcal, which is over 5 kg of fat! Exercise is the best way to speed up yourmetabolism . Everyday activities, even the most exhausting (knocking carpets, painting walls), is not enough ( although an hour of washing windows costs 255 kcal, and ironing even 263 kcal). The body needs special, previously unknown experiences - try swimming, aerobics, cycling, rollerblading, Nordic walking, dancing, jogging.
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Although you eat breakfast and dinner, and both of these meals are not very caloric, there is no question of losing weight. A long break between them means that the body feels a sugar deficiency and wants to replenish its reserves in the evening. Effect: after a day of starvation in the evening you throw yourself into food, eat much more than needed, excusing yourself: "I haven't eaten anything today". When the daily caloric value is divided into 5 servings, the body uses calories on a regular basis. In this way you mobilize the digestive system to continuous work. Are you eating while preparing a meal, eating something, watching TV, reading? Give it a tryfor one day write down any uncontrolled and extra-prescribed snacks. You will see how many extra calories you provide yourself each day. Almost half of the fat you eat comes from pork, beef, and processed foods. Replace them with poultry (but without the skin), do not eat sausages and pates, soups on fatty meat. Give up butter and cheese, replace fatty milk with skim milk (preferably with a fat content of 0.5%). However, do not avoid fat at all, it is essential for the proper functioning of the body. But choose fish fat (preferably sea fish) and vegetable fat (rapeseed oil, olive oil, nuts). Do not blindly believe labels with the word "light", you have to read the ingredients of the product carefully. In order for a product to be called "light", it must have a reduced (compared to a traditional product) content of an ingredient by at least 1/3. Unfortunately, according to the law, the producer, by reducing e.g. the amount of sugar, may increase e.g. the amount of fat (e.g. yogurt is light, because without sugar, but full-fat). It is similar with sweets. Some of the light versions are more caloric than their sugar-sweetened counterparts, because they have more fat to improve the taste. In addition, many people believe that if something is light, you can eat more of it with impunity. Author: Time S.A An individually selected diet will allow you to easily lose weight, eat he althy and tasty, and at the same time avoid the pitfalls of "miraculous" slimming diets. Use JeszCoLisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide and take care of your he alth and well-being. Enjoy the perfectly selected menu and the constant support of a dietitian today! Perseverance, willingness to make certain sacrifices are not enough to succeed in the fight for a slim figure. Very important (and in fact you should start with it) is strong motivation. How to strengthen it? It's good to have an important event in perspective - a wedding, a class meeting after many years, a vacation. Also, make a balance sheet of he alth benefits: obesity is known to be the cause of many diseases - varicose veins, joint diseases, diabetes, hypertension. If you do not eat bread (but whole grain), wholemeal pasta, groats, cereals, you are making a mistake. The body uses the most energy by burning carbohydratesfolded. Thanks to them, you have the energy to work (both physical and intellectual). They also provide the strength to… exercise. If you eat a portion of bacon and groats with the same calorific value, the calories from the bacon will "go to storage", i.e. they will be deposited as fat, while those provided by the groats will be digested for a long time. Water is an ally of a slim figure. If you do not suffer from hypertension or edema, drink 2 liters of fluid every day, even more in summer. They cannot be sweetened drinks. Half of this amount should be mineral water (sparkling or not). You lack perseverance, you throw yourself into newer and newer diets, believing that this will bring the desired effect. After a moment of euphoria, disappointment comes, because even if you lose a few kilos, they come back, and with a vengeance. The constant change in diet causes the body to have problems regulating the metabolic rate. You don't give him enough time to switch to a completely different diet. When you start a diet, stay true to it for longer. Don't expect miracles after a week! Diets that promise you will lose 5 kg in a week, cross off at the start. The best weight loss rate is 0.5-1 kg per week. If you are putting on weight without changing your eating habits, hypothyroidism may be the cause. Your GP will refer you to a thyroid hormone level test and, if necessary, to an endocrinologist. If you are in menopause, the extra pounds are to blame for the slower metabolism. So you should reduce the calorific value of your meals, avoid sweets, and limit fats. READ ALSO>>Diseases that contribute to weight gain
Although it is not absorbed by the body, its role is huge, especially when you are on a diet. Fiber slows down the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is an excellent "filler", gives a feeling of saturation. In addition, it accelerates the intestinal peristalsis, preventing constipation. Reach for vegetables, whole grain products. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for people who want to lose a few kilos. If you eat breakfast, you will have adequate glucose levels, you will definitely not reach for itfattening snacks. A solid meal in the morning provides energy for the first half of the day. It should include cereal products, preferably whole grains (wholemeal bread, flakes), dairy products (provides protein and calcium) and a portion of fruit or vegetables. If you eat your last meal shortly before bedtime, you are making a big mistake. You go to bed before digestion is complete, and this process can disrupt sleep. The body needs 2.5-3 hours to digest a meal. During sleep, all life processes, including metabolism, are slowed down. Late dinner disrupts this rhythm. "Zdrowie" monthly2. You won't lose weight because you eat too rarely
3. If you eat constantly, do not expect the results of losing weight
4. You like to eat fatty foods, so don't expect weight loss to be effective
5. If weight loss is to be effective, stop believing in light foods
6. You lack the motivation to lose weight
How to lose weight he althily? Advises doctor Ania!
7. A mistake while losing weight is to avoid carbohydrates
8. Pijesh too little - this is a common mistake when losing weight
9. Losing weight is not effective because you are constantly changing your diets
10. Hormonal problems can cause ineffective weight loss
11. When losing weight, you should not give up foods rich in fiber
12. Avoiding breakfast is a common mistake of people who are slimming
13. Binge eating before bedtime makes losing weight ineffective