We lack vitamins and minerals especially in winter. At this time of year, there is no such choice of vegetables and fruits as in summer, and the ones you can buy are less nutritious. What to eat in winter to replenish the lack of nutrients?
What to eat in winter,so that the body can work at full capacity? You need to provide him withvitamins and minerals . Their treasury is vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C (citrus, broccoli, parsley) is the most important, because it stimulates the production of interferon, a protein that helps to kill germs, protects against colds and flu, and supports the treatment of infections, and is also involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and is a strong antioxidant .
Just like vitamin E (oils, wholemeal bread) and beta-carotene - provitamin A (carrots, apricots, oranges, grapefruits) neutralizes free radicals. Vitamin A (liver, eggs, butter) keeps the skin and mucosa in good condition and increases the number of immune cells. B vitamins (bananas, avocados, meat, fish, dairy products, whole grains) support the nervous system, have an anti-depressant effect and are involved in the production of substances necessary to strengthen defense.
You also need iron (liver, meat, broccoli, beans, spinach), selenium and zinc (pumpkin seeds, wholemeal bread, buckwheat), calcium (milk and its products). What else is worth eating?
What to eat in winter: citrus fruits
Winter is the best time for us for grapefruits, oranges, mandarins, lemons - now they are fresh and the most valuable. That is why they should be on our table every day. They contain a lot of vitamin C, flu B vitamins, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and many other ingredients.
Eating one grapefruit a day systematically (red varieties have the most vitamin C) prevents cancer and heart disease. Lemon, apart from vitamin C, contains a lot of routine, which prevents the loss of this valuable vitamin and seals the blood vessels.
Do you feel your throat scratching and sore? Drink water with lemon juice in small sips (eating lemon will irritate the sick mucosa). The essential oils released when peeling mandarin or orange relax and improve your mood. One orange or two mandarins cover the demandvitamin C, pulp from one grapefruit - 1/3 dose of beta-carotene.
In winter, provide vitamins and minerals with frozen food
It is worth using frozen food in winter. When prepared properly, they have almost the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables and fruits. They provide vitamin C and other antioxidants: beta-carotene, vitamin E, as well as selenium and zinc that strengthen immunity.
Due to freezing, only 10-15 percent are lost. vitamin C, while during slow defrosting, losses can reach up to 50%! Therefore, frozen food intended for cooking should not be defrosted beforehand. It is best to put them in a small amount of boiling water and cook briefly, and once defrosted, do not freeze. When buying frozen food, make sure it is not sticky and that there is no ice in the bag.
Pickled vegetables improve immunity
Silage is also very valuable - it retains a lot of vitamins and minerals that pass from the product into the juice, which is why it is as valuable as the vegetables themselves. The most popular here are sauerkraut and cucumbers, but you can pickle all vegetables.
Traditionally prepared silage is a very good source of vitamin C, sauerkraut also provides a lot of B vitamins. The lactic acid produced during fermentation stimulates immunity and improves digestion. Despite the beneficial effects of silage, you need to eat it in moderation, because there is a lot of s alt in it.
This should be remembered especially by people with hypertension, who need to limit s alt.
In winter, do not forget about yoghurts and kefirs as they protect against infections
Fermented milk products containing probiotics are especially valuable - living organisms that activate the defense system and, by tightly covering the intestinal villi, prevent the settling of pathogenic germs there, thus protecting against infections.
They work effectively if you eat them regularly. Plain yoghurts and kefirs are good for your he alth too. They are an excellent source of calcium, vitamins and microelements and have a positive effect on the natural bacterial flora, because, like silage, they contain lactic acid sticks.
Eat corn flakes, wholemeal bread, thick groats, bananas - they improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals and contain prebiotics - a valuable medium for probiotics.
People who often get sick or take an antibiotic, a probiotic drink alone is not enough - they should take good bacteria in the form of a preparation from the pharmacy. The antibiotic destroys the bacteria responsible for the disease, but also the flora of the digestive tract that supports the immune system in the fight against pathogenic germs. Therefore, the preparationprobiotic should be taken during antibiotic therapy and a few more days after discontinuing the drug.
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