Still gaining weight, although you are on a fashionable diet, cut down on calories and only use light products? Maybe you make nutritional mistakes and listen to false opinions? How to change your lifestyle and eating habits so that weight loss is effective and its effects remain for longer?

And nothing will help the newest and most fashionabledietmiracle. You will never lose weight effectively if you follow the advice of laymen. There is a lot of talk aboutslimming , everyone has their own proven way or has heard about some sensational. Female friends recommend diets that are supposed to work wonders. Some people take fat burning pills or starve themselves for several weeks. So how do you separate fact from fiction? Just listen to common sense. Eat only freshly prepared meals, not blanks from a bag or jar. Better to eat wisely than start another weird miracle diet. Losing weight should just become a he althy way of life, not a chore. And remember, the more you eat processed foods, the more you risk your losing weight plan to fail.

The most common dietary mistakes made when losing weight

  • I will eat one little cookie, but tomorrow I will cut down on calories, I will not gain weight. You will lose weight if you actually cutcalorieson the second day. However, it is extremely difficult to stop at one cake (especially if you are a gourmand). When you smell sugar, you want more of it, and if you don't have strong will, you will reach for another "little cookie". Such one little sin breaks the entire weight loss program.
  • Drinking coffee speeds up my metabolism, so it will help me lose weight. The caffeine in coffee actually increases my metabolism, but very little. And unfortunately it doesn't really affect how much fat you burn. It is more important to eat he althy and sensibly and exercise regularly.
  • I plan to go out with my friends tonight, so I won't eat dinner to have a few drinks and still lose weight. Drinks, cocktails and alcohol in general are real caloric bombs. For example, 100 ml of vodka has as much as 280 kcal, and 0.5 l of beer has over 350 kcal! It is unlikely that giving up lunchyou will devote a large enough number of calories to be able to drink, for example, 2 beers with a clear conscience. Especially that alcohol (in small amounts) whets your appetite and it will be difficult for you to restrain yourself from a snack.
  • He althy food is expensive, so I give up the diet. Write down everything you eat on a piece of paper and add up the prices. You will be surprised how much you spend on a variety of clogs and ready-made foods. Buying fresh fruit and vegetables and preparing your own meals is much cheaper. You just need to make time for it. It's best if you prepare, for example, a soup or a main course for a few days in advance.
  • Food reduced in fat (light type) will help me lose weight, it all depends on the amount. You often use them without reflection because you explain that they have few calories. It's a mistake, they are usually reduced in fat, but at the same time they don't need to be so low in calories. Also remember that they are very often high in s alt and have little nutritional value. You can use them once in a while, but forget about decorating each sandwich or salad with a splash of light mayonnaise.
  • The best way to lose weight is to cut your carbs drastically. A carbohydrate-free diet does work, but in the short term. It is difficult to maintain the weight gained afterwards. Giving up a group of products is the easiest way to the yo-yo effect. You will gain weight when you return to your normal diet. And unfortunately it is impossible to give up carbohydrates permanently.

5 mistakes slowing down weight loss

  • If I want to lose weight I shouldn't eat after 7pm. In fact, there is no evidence that eating in the evening and at night is actually so fattening. The most important thing is the number of calories consumed during the day, week and month. You just mustn't overdo it with the amount of food you eat. What time you go to bed is also important. Try not to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. Watch out for evening snacks and snacking in front of the TV.
  • Sweet "0 calorie" drinks do not fatten, so I can drink them without restrictions. trace amounts) of calories. In addition, the latest research has shown that some amateurs of sweet light drinks even gained weight. It is still unknown why this is so. So it's better to drink them sporadically.
  • When I eat something in a restaurant, I choose salads to avoid gaining weight. It all depends on the type of salad you choose. For example, salads with mayonnaise sauces and e.g. chicken can haveeven 800 calories and 30 grams of fat! The safest are salads without sauces and dressing.
  • The less I eat, the more kilos I will lose. That's true, but… If you drastically cut your caloric count, your metabolism will go crazy and start working at a slower pace. Even if you lose a lot of kilos, it will be difficult for you to maintain the effect. It is safe and he althy to cut calories slowly and lose weight gradually.
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