Amaranth is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. It has been known for at least 5,000 years. It contains a lot of iron, calcium and magnesium, fiber to aid digestion and fatty acids to protect the heart and nervous system. Amaranth can be eaten by people suffering from celiac disease.
Like corn, beans or potatoesamaranth , known in Poland asamaranth , was the staple food of the Inca, Maya and Aztecs for a long time before Columbus discovered America. It was considered a sacred plant by the Indians. It was cultivated on a large scale. Mash, tortillas and drinks were made from the ground seeds. Young leaves and shoots were used as vegetables and seasoning. The Aztecs used amaranth dishes in many of their rites. Completely forgotten for centuries, amaranth experienced its revival in the 1970s, when its excellent cultivation and nutritional properties were finally appreciated. It contains valuable minerals: magnesium, iron and calcium. There is no gluten, however. Currently, the fields of this very useful plant can be found almost in all corners of the world. It is grown on a larger scale in the Americas, Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, Ceylon, and also in Africa, especially in Nigeria, Mozambique and Uganda.
Amaranth or amaranth
Most of the 60 species of amaranth are weeds with inedible seeds and leaves. According to the botanists' classification, it is not a grain. The most frequently used part of it is slightly larger than the poppy, light brown seeds. In scientific jargon, amaranth is called pseudocereal. It is a boon of the natural environment because it absorbs twice as much carbon dioxide as other plants. Mass cultivation may therefore prove beneficial in counteracting the effects of the greenhouse effect. Due to its beautiful amaranth plumes, it is also an ornamental plant.
Why is it worth eating amaranth
- Its seeds contain twice as much fiber as oat bran.
- Consumption of 100 g of amaranth seeds is enough to cover almost 30 percent. the daily requirement for calcium and more than half of the recommended daily dose of iron, therefore it is especially recommended in the treatment of anemia as well as pregnant women and children.
- Amaranth seeds contain large amounts of squalene - a compound that inhibits cell aging, so they can be successfully usedpeople with atherosclerosis, diabetes, hyperlipidemia.
- Amaranth does not contain gluten, so it can be eaten by people suffering from celiac disease.
- It is easily digestible, thanks to starch, which is 5 times easier to digest than corn starch, which is considered to be easily digestible.
- Contains more magnesium than chocolate, therefore it is especially recommended for people living under high stress.
- It is very rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids - thus reducing the risk of heart and nervous system diseases.
- It has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines due to the high content of beneficial fiber that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
- It inhibits the development of stomach ulcers.
- Due to the high content of calcium, iron and magnesium, it is recommended for people with skeletal disorders.
- Doctors and nutritionists recommend amaranth to children, convalescents, athletes, and nursing mothers as a means of maintaining good he alth and well-being.
Amaranth speci alties
In Poland you can buy seeds, flour and popping, i.e. amaranth grains roasted like popcorn. In many he alth food stores as well as in some supermarkets you can also find several types of crunchy biscuits made of whole, expanded grains mixed with light food molasses, which further increases their nutritional value. Breakfast cereals and amaranth muesli are also available. The addition of flour from this grain improves the quality of baking, eliminates most of the chemical additives, extends the shelf life and gives an excellent nutty flavor. Amaranth flour can be used for pasta, bread, cakes, salads, soups. Popping tastes great with yogurt, kefir and milk. The seeds can be used as an ingredient in various types of cooked and stewed dishes, as well as casseroles. In India, the seeds are fried in sugar and also cooked with rice. In the Himalayas, ground seeds are used to prepare chapattis (they look like our pancakes).
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