Kite is a mushroom that is highly appreciated in Poland. Due to its taste, it is often a meat substitute. If you are not an experienced mushroom picker, however, it is not always known how to identify kites and when to pick them. Find out what the kite mushrooms look like and how to distinguish a kite from a toadstool. Also try some recipes for delicious kite dishes.
Kitetomushroomfrom the mushroom family. The best known isczubajka kania(Macrolepiota procera).However, it is not valued because of thepropertiesandnutritional values . Like most mushrooms, it is made mostly of water and contains small amounts of nutrients. Kite is desirable for its taste.
Czubajka kite - where does it grow? What does it look like?
Czubajka kite grows on the edges of deciduous forests, clearings, pores and near roads. He likes grassy places.When to collect czubajka kenia ? Kania can be harvested from July to October.
The shank of the kite has a stem that is about 40 cm long and about 4 cm wide. It has a cylindrical shape. It is bulbous at the bottom, and hollow, fibrous and hard on the inside. It has a slightly brown color with intensely brown, serpentine patterns. White, cracked and felt at the base. It has a large (double) ring with a flock structure. It can be moved along the shaft. This one easily detaches from the hat. The black hat in the first stage of its growth is completely brown. Over time, it breaks, forming white scales on its surface. It has the shape of a cone. The cream-colored plaques beneath it are dense and rounded. The spore spore of the Chubaji spore is white.

Czubajka kite has flesh:
- soft / delicate
- not changing color after cut
- on the body tough / numb / fibrous
- spongy in a hat
- white
- smelling of peanuts
- slight flavor

Kite and toadstool and other mushrooms similar to it
The kite may be confused with the greenish toadstool / capricorn toadstool, which, however, does not have a distinct, moving ring. It also usually has a smooth hat, not scaly like the kite.
In addition, the kite can be confused with the poisonous sinoblash, which has a spore discharge that is greenish in color rather than white, like the crested kite.
Another fungus that can be mistaken for tuft kite is poisonous tuft, which can be recognized by the red color of the flesh immediately after it has been cut.
Kania can also be confused with edible mushrooms - rough chubajeczka. The latter, however, differs in size, because it is much smaller and - unlike the kani's crested - has a disgusting smell.
The reddening kite is an edible relative of the red kite. This one, however, has a more scaly cap, bare stem and red-colored flesh.
- Australian Okratek (devil's fingers) - is it an edible mushroom?
- Czernidłak - an unusual fungus that heals diabetes and hypertension
Check what the toadstool looks like, to be able to distinguish it from the sandstone rocket
Czubajka kite - how to prepare?
The black kite is an excellent mushroom. Mainly young specimens are collected, but those whose hats are already developed. Thermal processing is confusingly similar to the preparation of Viennese schnitzel. Before seasoning the kani, be sure to remove the skin from the hat with a sharp knife. Kani stems are not a tasty part of this mushroom, so cut them off before cooking.
This will be useful to youKite - recipe for kite in vinegar
- 2L water
- 1 / 2L vinegar
- 6 tablespoons of sugar
- 4 tablespoons of s alt
- onion, garlic
- dill, carrot
- bay leaf, mustard
- horseradish
Preparation method: Bake the kites in the oven at 180 degrees until they are soft. Add vegetables, vinegar and spices to the water and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes from boiling, the brine should be ready. The jars should be filled in 3/4 with the previously prepared mushrooms, and then add the liquid to them. Close everything tightly. After 2 weeks, you can open the cans and enjoy the delicious vinegar kites.
Czubajka kania and other czubajki
Reddening Czubajka(Macrolepiota rhacodes)is a fungus that grows in the edges of deciduous and coniferous forests, in parks and in mid-forest clearings. Red chubayka has a stem that can reach a length of approx. 15 cm and a width of approx. 1.5 cm. It is bulbous at the bottom and hollow inside. In young mushrooms it is white, then becomes uniformly brown. It has a large ring that can be slid along the shaft. This one easily detaches from the hat. In the first stage of the lichen, the black tapped kite has a spherical cap whichit becomes umbrella-like over time. Gray-brown in color with visibly protruding scales. The red crested spore discharge is white.
Reddening Czubajka has flesh:
- turns saffron-red immediately after injury
- mild-tasting
- odorless
- whitish
Reddening chubajka does not have such a distinct aroma as kite topper, so it is worth combining it in dishes with other intense flavors. Hats of this mushroom are an ideal alternative to classic mushrooms when you want to prepare your favorite stuffed mushrooms. You can make stuffing from any ingredients. It can be, for example, eggs or vegetables in tomato sauce - what do you like. Then stew the tufts to make them soft, fill them with stuffing and the quick and nutritious dish is ready.
Worth knowingReddening czubajka can be confused with:
- czubajką kiąią - this one, however, has a shaft covered with zigzag patterns, and the scales on her hat do not stick out as much as in the reddening crested hair
- with a starry crested tip, which is smaller and frayed in the center of the hat. Its shaft is covered with scales
- a girl's hat with a slimmer shape and covered with white scales

Nipple (beige)
This mushroom grows on the edge of deciduous and coniferous forests and near forest roads. Occurs from August to November. In Poland, this variety is quite rare.
Beige Czubajka has a stem that can reach a length of approx. 15 cm and a width of approx. 1.5 cm. It has a cylindrical shape. It is bulbous at the bottom, and hollow, fibrous and hard on the inside. It has a large ring that can be slid along the shaft. This one easily detaches from the hat. The hat of the beige czubajka is egg-shaped, starry-cracked and light brown in color. The spore discharge of the beige crested tip is white.
Beige czubajka has flesh:
- with a slightly nutty flavor
- whitish
The beige kite may be confused with:
- a kite, but this one has bigger fruiting bodies and a hat is covered with bigger scales
- with a distinctly whiter shaft

1. ,, Edible mushrooms and their poisonous doubles - A guide for mushroom pickers "Hans E. Laux, Warsaw 2. ,, Mushrooms" Aurel Dermek, Wyd. Sport and Tourism, Warsaw 19813. ,, Lexicon of Nature - Mushrooms "Helmut and Renate Grunert, translated by Jadwiga Kozłowska, GeoCenter Publishing, Warsaw