Recipes for marinated mushrooms should be used by people who want to make the taste of their dishes more attractive. Marinated mushrooms add a unique taste, among others meats, cold cuts and salads. You cannot do without them while preparing tartare. They are also an irreplaceable addition to Christmas dishes. Find out how to make marinated mushrooms.
Recipesonmarinated mushroomsshould be used by people who are looking for additives that sharpen the taste of dishes.Marinated mushroomsare a great addition to cold meats, poultry, fish and sauces. They can also be a decorative element of various dishes, e.g. salads, cold fish, etc.
Virtually all kinds of mushrooms can be used for pickling - but only those young, small and fresh. However, the best marinades are obtained from red pine mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and honey mushrooms. It should be noted that this type ofmushroom preservesshould not be eaten frequently due to the content of vinegar that is harmful to he alth (young children should not eat them at all). Citric, lactic or tartaric acid can be used instead of acetic acid.
Marinated mushrooms and their he alth benefits
Marinated mushrooms are a source of nutritional value, such as vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene (chanterelles have the most, which is why they are orange), as well as significant amounts of vitamins B1 and B2. Other vitamins, including C, are found in trace amounts.
Marinated mushrooms are also a source of protein (intermediate between animal and vegetable proteins). Mushrooms are low in calories, good for slimming - especially marinated mushrooms.
Thanks to this treatment, mushrooms are tastier and more varied, which means that food cravings appear less often. It should be remembered that the ingredients of the pickle also have many valuable properties and for this reason it is worth including them in your diet.
Marinated mushrooms - recipe for marinated porcini mushrooms
- 1 kg of small and freshly harvested porcini mushrooms,
- 3 teaspoons of s alt,
- 20 grams of onions (tiny shallots),
- a few grains of allspice,
- a dozen peppercorns,
- 2 bay leaves,
- 2 tablespoons of sugar,
- 3/4 cups of fruit vinegar.
Marinated mushrooms are tasty, aromatic, they have ingredientsnutritional, but due to the acid content, frequent consumption is not recommended.
Preparation method:
1. Clean the porcini mushrooms and check that they are not wormy by cutting a strip of the stem from the bottom. Then wash them under running water and dry them. Then put it in a saucepan, sprinkle with s alt and sugar and lightly sprinkle with hot water at the end.
2. Simmer the mushrooms over low heat for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the shallots (you can replace them with rimmed onions). Halfway through stewing, add them to the mushrooms. At the end of stewing, add the bay leaves, lightly crushed pepper with allspice and vinegar.
3. After boiling with the hot marinade, fill the previously boiled, hot, small twist jars. Then close them with nuts lined with double disks of parchment.
4. Put the jars in a pot of hot water, bring to a boil and keep it at this temperature for 15 minutes. Then take them out of the water and cool. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a dark and cool place.
Don't miss:
- How to make MUSHROOMS? Mushroom dishes and preserves
- How to eat mushrooms so that they are not hard to digest?
- Mushrooms - dishes with fresh mushrooms
Marinated mushrooms - recipe for bay boletes in spicy marinade
- 1 kg of boletes,
- 3 teaspoons of s alt,
- 10 grams of onion,
- 1 tablespoon of sugar,
- 1 and 1/2 cup of vinegar (6%),
- bay leaf,
- a dozen peppercorns,
- 3 tablespoons olive oil or sunflower oil.
Marinated mushrooms are recommended to be eaten rather as an addition to dishes supporting the secretion of gastric juices and increasing appetite.
Preparation method:
1. Clean the boletus and check that they are not wormy by cutting a strip from the bottom of the stem. Then wash and dry them. Then boil a glass of water in a saucepan, s alt and put the mushrooms in boiling water. Peel and dice the onion.
2. Cook the mushrooms covered for about 30 minutes. A few minutes after starting cooking, add the chopped onion.
3. Boil the vinegar separately with a teaspoon of s alt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf.
4. Put the cooked, hot mushrooms in hot, boiled (can) jars, then pour hot vinegar with spices on the surface and pour olive or oil on the surface. Then close the jars with lids, sealing them with a rubber band and securing them in place with a spring. The mushrooms prepared in this way should be stored in a dark and cool place.
Marinated mushrooms - recipe for chanterelles in a sweet marinade
- 1 kg of fine cock,
- 1and 1/2 tbsp s alt,
- 10 grams of sugar,
- 8 carnations,
- a piece of cinnamon,
- 1/2 tbsp crushed peppercorns,
- 2-3 bay leaves,
- 3/4 cups of fruit vinegar.
Preparation method:
1. Clean the chanterelles, trim the lower part of the shaft and wash as quickly as possible (but not soak).
2. Put the drained mushrooms in a saucepan, add s alt and sauté in your own juice for about 30 minutes. At the end of stewing, sprinkle all the spices on the mushrooms, add the vinegar, bring to a boil and transfer immediately to hot, boiled small jars.
3. Close the jars with the caps lined with a double circle of parchment. Put them in a pot of heated water, bring to the boil and keep it there for 15 minutes. Then take it out of the water and let it cool down. Store the marinated mushrooms in a cool and dark place.
Marinated mushrooms - recipe for mushrooms marinated in honey
- 1 kg of small mushrooms,
- 20 grams of onion,
- teaspoon of peppercorns,
- 2-3 bay leaves,
- 2 teaspoons of s alt,
- glass of wine vinegar,
- 5 tablespoons of honey,
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Preparation method:
1. Pick up Riga, discard the damaged ones and trim the shafts a bit. Then wash them and drain them thoroughly. Then put it in a saucepan and s alt it.
2. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into slices, divide into rings and add to the safflower mushrooms. Simmer it all over low heat, stirring frequently. When half of the liquid evaporates, add pepper, vinegar and honey and cook for 1-2 minutes.
3. Fill the jars with hot marinade. Then close them with caps lined with a double circle of parchment. Put them in a pot of heated water, bring to the boil and keep it there for 15 minutes. Then take it out of the water and let it cool down. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a dark and cool place.