Avocados are an excellent heart strengthening agent, figs are recommended for anemia, ginger disinfects and refreshes, and garlic has been successfully used in natural medicine for years. Discover the advantages of plants, known and cultivated for centuries.
Avocado, pomegranate, ginger are plants known and cultivated already in ancient times. Modern medicine, as well as dietetics and cosmetics, also use the healing properties of these plants.
Indians have been cultivating them for centuries, they considered them an aphrodisiac. Leaves and barkavocadohas been used to treat fever and female ailments. They were brought to Europe by the Spaniards in 1653.
Advantages. Avocados are rich in easily digestible fat, which is why they are often called buttery fruits. In addition, it contains protein, fiber and beta-carotene, vitamins C, E and B group, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It is an excellent heart tonic. It lowers triglycerides and "bad cholesterol" while increasing "good" cholesterol. It ensures a proper heart rhythm, regulates blood pressure, and reduces the level of insulin in the blood. Almost no sugar at all.
It comes from Asia Minor, India and the Mediterranean basin. In Palestine, it was cultivated 5 thousand. BC
Advantages.Pomegranatecontains citric acid and tannin, therefore it has astringent properties and is used in some stomach diseases. The juice drunk systematically shows a beneficial effect in asthma, scurvy, digestive problems, supports the treatment of angina. Fresh fruit is recommended for colds, especially fever.
Her homeland is Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. In the Old Testament there is a record of the cure of the terminally ill King Hezekiah thanks to the cake from the fig.
Advantages. It detoxifies and deacidifies the body. Zinc contained in it supports the functioning of the endocrine system, fiber heals constipation. Fig has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect, supports the treatment of stomach ulcers. It is recommended for anemia.
Comes from India. The custom of drinking a tea drink, however, was born in China over 5,000. years ago.
Advantages. It has a stimulating effect, removes fatigue, improves mood, memory and concentration. It has anti-inflammatory properties andantioxidant.Teacan prevent atherosclerosis and some cancers. Green lowers cholesterol. It soothes irritations of the gastrointestinal mucosa, therefore it is used as an anti-diarrheal agent. Thanks to its anticoagulant properties, it may reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
It comes from Central Asia. It was called the antibiotic of antiquity. It is said that the builders of the Egyptian pyramids already ate it to protect themselves from disease. Hippocrates recommended eating garlic in diseases of the lungs and to stimulate the functioning of the digestive system. Garlic is also mentioned in the Bible, Hindu holy books and in ancient Roman literature.
Advantages. Garlic contains sugars, pectins, phytosterols, flavonoids, beta-carotene, vitamins B and C, mineral s alts, including a lot of silicon. It also contains a substance that can fight bacteria, some fungi and viruses. Before the discovery of antibiotics, garlic protected against infectious diseases. In natural medicine, it is used to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the heart, is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Notes about its healing properties can be found in the Chinese medical book from 2700 BC. It has been widely used in Indian, Tibetan and Chinese medicine. It was considered an aphrodisiac and an antiemetic.
Advantages. Supports the treatment of rheumatism, relieves headache and menstrual pain. It prevents digestive disorders, disinfects and refreshes. It contains essential oil that prevents vomiting, has a diuretic effect and reduces swelling.
Olive tree, olives
Cultivated for at least 5.5 thousand. years in Egypt and widespread in the Mediterranean by the Phoenicians. Olive played a significant role in mythology. It was a ritual tree, olive branches symbolized peace, and the leaves were blessed and burned in houses to ward off evil spirits.
Advantages. The he alth properties of olives are determined by the high content of fats (mainly monounsaturated), vitamin E, B and C vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, potassium and iron). It also has a lot of beta-carotene and plant sterols. Thanks to this, it lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, has a strong choleretic effect, protects the heart and blood vessels against atherosclerotic changes.