Rydzowy oil was once extremely popular. It is used primarily in the kitchen, especially in the preparation of herring, with which it fits best. After years of oblivion, it returns to favor again. No wonder - linseed oil has exceptional healing and care properties. Find out what the action of blackberry oil is and how to use it.

Rice oilis oil pressed from the seeds of the linseed ( Camelina sativa ) - also known aslinen, flax, judra or rydz or rydzyk (the last two names refer to the brown color of the seeds of the plant). It is the oldest oilseed plant cultivated in Poland, closely related to rape.Linseed oilwas on most Polish tables in the post-war period. However, in the mid-twentieth century, rapeseed oil became popular (as rapeseed gave a more abundant harvest), and later sunflower oil and blackberry oil fell into oblivion, only to return to favor in the 90s.

Linseed oil - he alth properties

Rydzowy oil only in about 10 percent. it consists of saturated fatty acids. The rest, i.e. as much as 90%, are unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) that are beneficial to he alth.

This is what the saying "better rydz than nothing" applies to.

Most of them (54%) are polyunsaturated fatty acids (the most of which is alpha-linolenic acid: 40.6%), and approx. 36% are monounsaturated fatty acids. In terms of its content, rice oil is similar to rapeseed oil, which contains only 7%. saturated fatty acids. However, nut oil also contains 20% icosoic acid. the sum of all acids, which distinguishes it from other oils. In addition, linseed oil is in second place, right after linseed oil (52.2%), in terms of the highest share of the aforementioned alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) - 40.6%. However, it is in the first place in terms of the most favorable share of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (0.4: 1). In second place is linseed oil (0.5: 1). The correct ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the oil is very important, because only then does it have the properties ofhe alth.

EFAs are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system, as well as eyesight. Consumed in adequate amounts, they can help prevent memory and concentration problems, vision problems, depression, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, as well as inflammatory diseases and some cancers. EFAs are also famous for lowering the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis and related heart diseases, such as ischemic heart disease. According to research carried out by specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute, the level of "bad" cholesterol in patients who received oil for two weeks fell by 12 percent. It is worth knowing that a teaspoon of rice oil is enough to cover the daily requirement for essential fatty acids.

The anti-atherosclerotic properties are also present in the vitamin E contained in the rice oil. Moreover, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects red blood cells against premature breakdown and the formation of blood clots. Thanks to it, blackberry oil is also used in cosmetology, because the "vitamin of youth" is an antioxidant that delays the aging process. Various skin care products are produced on the basis of blackberry oil, and the oil itself can also be applied directly to the skin.

Linseed oil - use in the kitchen

Rydzowy oil can be golden, reddish-brown or golden-green in color. It all depends on whether spring or winter linen varieties were used for its production. Its taste is quite characteristic - it is described as onion or nutty with a hint of bitterness, as well as spicy.

Olej rydzowy in 2009 was entered into the EU register of "Traditional Speci alties Guaranteed" (TSG). He also won the "Pearl 2005" award in the "Our Culinary Heritage - Tastes of the Regions" competition.

In the past, blackberry oil was used to prepare mash for bread. It was enough to chop a small onion into small cubes, s alt it and wait for it to soften. Then you had to pour half a glass of oil of rice over it, and season it with pepper and a pinch of paprika. Currently, linseed oil is recommended for salads and salads. It is also a tasty addition to cottage cheese, pasta and groats. However, it works best with herring.

The oil should not be fried, because the high temperature destroys the he alth-promoting substances contained in it. Blackberry oil is only suitable for cold use.

Oil should be stored in a dry and dark place at a temperature not higher than 20 degrees C. Despite the high content of acidswhich usually oxidize quickly and become rancid, this oil can be stored for up to 6 months (of course, in a sealed package). All thanks to the content of antioxidants (mainly vitamin E).

This will be useful to you

Recipe for herring in blackberry oil

To prepare the herring in blackberry oil, you will need 10 herring fillets a'la Matias, 2 large onions, 1 clove of garlic, 2 lemons, a jar of coarse French mustard, half a cup of saffron oil, spices: allspice, pepper and leaves bay leaves and a large jar.

Put the rinsed herring into a dish, pour cold water over it and set aside for about an hour to make them less s alty (preferably slightly s alty, which can be checked by cutting a piece and trying). Meanwhile, crush a teaspoon of allspice in a mortar, teaspoon of pepper, crush 2-3 bay leaves and mix all spices. 10-15 minutes before making the herring, finely chop the onion and mash the garlic. Dry the track with a paper towel, then rub it on one side with French mustard and cut into equal pieces.

At the bottom of the jar, put a layer of chopped onion and put a layer of herring on it. Then sprinkle it with lemon juice, sprinkle with onion, sprinkle with spices and pour over the oil. Place the next layers in this way, pressing the herring against the bottom of the jar each time. Layers should be kept until the jar is full, making sure that the onion is on top. The whole must be poured with the rest of the blackberry oil.

The jar has a screw cap and put in the fridge for 2-3 days.


Walczak Z., Starzycki M.,Assessment of the profile of fatty acids in cold-pressed oils in the context of their recommendation in the nutrition of physically active people , "Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna" 2013, no.3
