If you treat greens as a decorative addition to your dishes, it is high time to change this approach. Even a small amount of cress, chives, dill or parsley enriches our menu with invaluable nutritional values.
Research has shown that the color of the food is as important asnutritional value . It has an impact on the body's energy management. Plant dyes are involved, among other things, in the transport of oxygen, nitrogen and vitamins. In spring, the color green is of particular importance. Plants owe this color to chlorophyll (Greek: chloros - green, phyllon - leaf). It is sometimes called "solar dye" because it absorbs solar energy. Although its importance for humans is not fully understood, it is believed that it affects red blood cells, increases the body's immunity and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Nutritional values of greens: watercress
Has a sharp, refreshing flavor. It is one of the few plants that contains large amounts of easily digestible iodine. For this reason, it is recommended for people with thyroid problems. Also, diabetics should reach forcressbecause it contains valuable chromium, which interacts with insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. It is also a valuable source of iron, sulfur, calcium and vitamins - C, A, B3, PP, and E. It is best eaten raw - on sandwiches and in salads. Cress, however, you can not eat too much - preferably a spoon a day. Overuse (over 3-5 tablespoons a day) can cause cystitis. Cress should be grown from seeds. First, cover the bottom of the plate with cotton wool or lignin, put it upside down on the other plate. Moisten the cotton wool abundantly and sow the moist cress seeds. They will appear after 4-5 days, you just need to keep the substrate moist.
ImportantAmerican nutritionists divided vegetables and fruits into 5 color groups: white (e.g. parsley, celery, garlic), red (tomatoes, cherries), yellow (pumpkin, lemon), blue (e.g. eggplant, blueberries) and green (kiwi, broccoli). For he alth reasons, you should eat vegetables three times a day and fruit twice a day from each of these color groups.
Nutritional values of greens: spinach
Contains almost all vitamins - C, A, E, K and group B, acidfolic acid, a lot of iodine and iron, some manganese. Spinach is effective in combating anemia, relieving the heart and preventing rickets. It also has an anti-cancer effect. Cooking causes a significant amount of valuable iron and folic acid to be lost. So it is better to eat young leaves raw, for example in salads. Its only drawback is oxalic acid, which inhibits the absorption of calcium and iron. It can combine with calcium to form the insoluble oxalates which contribute to the formation of kidney and bile stones. Therefore, it should not be eaten by people with a sick stomach, kidneys, prone to arthritis and rheumatism.
Eat spinach for good he alth
Nutritional values of greens: parsley
Its advantages were known already in antiquity, but then it was used only as a medicine.Parsleyimproves vision, prevents anemia and rickets. It also has detoxifying properties, "cleans the blood", has a diuretic effect, removes excess water, regenerates capillary blood vessels. A teaspoon of parsley a day meets almost all of our vitamin needs. It contains the most important minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium) and vitamins (A, C, PP, folic acid), and in large amounts. It has slightly less vitamins B, E, D and K. Parsley facilitates the absorption of iron (even 2-4 times) from other products, both plant and animal. It is worth using it for all kinds of soups, meat and vegetable second dishes, for salads, salads and sandwiches. People with kidney problems and pregnant women should limit the consumption of parsley to 2 teaspoons a day.
Nutritional values of greens: chives
The specific taste and smell are given by sulfur compounds that have healing properties. Chives stimulate the appetite, facilitate digestion and have a slight laxative effect. It contains carotene, folic acid, vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicic acid and chlorine. For consumption, you can use not only the leaves, but also the lilac flowers, gathered in heads, which bloom in mid-summer. They are added to salads, salads, egg dishes, spreads and cheeses.
Nutritional values of greens: garden fennel
Feathered sprigs of dill contain 0.5-1 percent. an essential oil that improves the secretion of gastric juices, improves digestion and assimilation of food by inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms in the intestines, and also has a carminative effect. Fennel is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. It goes best with soups, potatoes, cheese and fish.
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