Exotic spices from even the most ordinary dishes will make a masterpiece. Turmeric, panch phoron, hops suneli, curry, alpinia galant, 5 flavors, garam masala, shichimi togarashi are spices that appear in recipes of Chinese, Thai, Japanese and Indian cuisine. Do you know what is the composition of these spices? And how are they used?
Exotic spicessuch asturmeric, panch phoron, hop suneli, curry, alpinia galant, 5 flavors, garam masala, shichimi togarashiyou can buy now even in a supermarket. Thanks to them you can try out recipes of the world's cuisine. But do you know how to use exotic spices and what are their ingredients?
Long turmeric
Turmeric - made from turmeric - has been valued in Asian cuisine for centuries. The spice does not have great taste qualities, but it colors the dishes yellow or orange and is part of curry. Due to its healing properties, it is used in jaundice, colds, for better circulation and as a prophylactic anti-cancer. How to use turmeric?
First of all, turmeric is used to color rice and noodles, although in Thai and Indian cuisine it is a popular ingredient in sauces, salads and seafood dishes. Turmeric is a cheaper substitute for saffron. A pinch of it should be added to the rice or pasta while cooking. The color of the pasta and rice will vary depending on the amount of spice used. Remember to wash the vessel thoroughly after cooking, as it may stain the water the next time it is used.
Panch phoron
Panch phoron is a spice blend originating in Bangladesh, consisting only of seeds. Contains fenugreek, cumin, black mustard, fennel and black cumin. How to apply? Traditionally, panch phoron is used to flavor beef, chicken, fish, lentils and other vegetables. It is often this spice that gives a specific flavor to Indian dishes.
Chmieli suneli
Chmieli suneli is an exotic blend appreciated among the Transcaucasia nations. It is often used in Georgian cuisine (e.g. in charcho soup or adjika paste). A traditional Georgian spice consists of a dozen or soingredients, but Polish stores sell mixtures containing only the most important spices: basil, marjoram, hot pepper, basil, dill, coriander, saffron. added a little. Suneli hops should be used for seasoning stew, meat dishes, salads and salads, and for black pudding. Provides dishes with a strong, herbal flavor and intense aroma, so you shouldn't overdo it with additional seasoning.
Curry is probably the world's most famous blend of spices. It has been valued in India for millennia, and is now popular not only for its exquisite taste, but also for its anti-cancer and anti-acne properties. The most common ingredients are: ginger, black or red pepper, turmeric, coriander, black mustard, cumin and chilli. How to use Curry is widely used - it can be used to season meat and fish dishes, vegetables and sauces. Sometimes it is used to color noodles and rice.
Alpinia galant - instead of ginger
Alpinia galant is a spice vegetable also called wild cardamom, grown for its valuable rhizome. The cultivation of mountaineers is also possible in Poland - in heated greenhouses. The plant has been known in China for millennia and is considered an aphrodisiac. It also has a beneficial effect on the body in case of stomach ailments. How to use? Alpinia galant can be used instead of ginger (often in Thai cuisine) to season many dishes, such as soups, sauces, meat dishes and dishes with beans. Interestingly - wild cardamom is used to flavor the famous Russian tincture Nastojka. The rhizomes should be peeled before use. Alpinia can be used shredded, in pieces or ground - both fresh and dried. However, it should not be used in large amounts because it has a burning, bitter taste.
Chinese 5 flavors spice
It consists of the available and well-known spices: fennel, black pepper, ground cloves, cinnamon and cumin. Mixed in equal proportions, they enrich dishes with five basic tastes: sweet, bitter, s alty, sour and spicy. The blend was most popular (apart from China) in Vietnam. How to use It is added to meats, sauces, marinades and aromatic soups. Spices should be added at the end of cooking.
Garam masala
Garam masala, an Indian spice blend usually contains cardamom, cumin, coriander, black pepper, ground cloves, and cinnamon. You can prepare the mixture yourself or buy it ready-made. How to use Usually for seasoning meats andother spicy dishes, but can also be used to flavor drinks: coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa. The mixture should be added to food at the end of cooking, and to beverages a few minutes after pouring boiling water over it. Spices lose some of their flavor and healing properties under the influence of temperature.
Shichimi togarashi
Shichimi togarashi is the Japanese answer to the Chinese 5-flavor spice. The "7 flavors" blend includes red pepper, ginger, ground mandarin rind, black sesame, algae, white sesame and Sichuan pepper. Depending on the proportion, it has a more or less intense, spicy flavor. How to use Shichimi togarashi is a very good seasoning for grilled dishes. In addition, it is worth seasoning sauces, soups, flour dishes and salads. When cooking or frying, it should be used last. It should not be used in large amounts so that it does not dominate the taste of the dish.
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