Flesh-colored passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is an unusual plant that was reportedly first noticed by the conquistadors who conquered North America. They are also credited with calling this extraordinary plant "martyr", because the shape of the flowers may remind Christians of a crown of thorns and the nails with which Jesus Christ was crucified. However, it is worth remembering that passion flower flesh also has healing properties.
Passion Flower( Passiflora incarnata ) is a climber from tropical regions of South America. The plant stem can grow up to 10 meters. It is armed with a sticking mustache so it can argue against other plants or rocks. Large, single flowers have five white petals, and above them a crown of long purple or pink threads and stamens with orange anthers. The fruit is a multi-seed, yellowish brown berry.
Martyr as a healing resource
The herb is harvested during the flowering period and then dried. Passion fruit is used in the form of infusions, tinctures, liquid extracts or in powdered form. Passion flower extract is a common ingredient in calming preparations.
The sedative effects of Passion Flower were discovered in 1867, though many scientists have questioned it due to its low active ingredient content. In addition to a small amount of m altol (a derivative of gamma-pyrone), passion flower contains 2.5% of flavonoids and about 0.05% of indole alkaloids derived from beta-carboline.
How does the passion flower work?
The diastolic effect of passion flower is probably related to the content of flavonoids and indole alkaloids, beta-carboline derivatives.
The sedative and anxiety-reducing effect can be explained by the presence (unfortunately in small amounts) of m altol and beta-carboline derivatives. The latter also stimulate the activities of the central nervous system.
When to reach for the martyr?
Passion flowers are used to combat insomnia, sleep disorders and difficulty falling asleep. The herb perfectly relieves states of anxiety and anxiety and supports the treatment of depression. It is also believed to have analgesic properties and to gently lower blood pressure. But its most valuable property is its actioncalming because it effectively reduces nervous tension and symptoms of extreme exhaustion of the body.
Passion flower can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of vegetative neuroses with palpitations. It will also be helpful for nervous digestive disorders.
Passion flower efficiently regulates the work of the human heart with symptoms typical of nervous disorders. It supports the reduction of the symptoms of encephalitis, sleep disorders and thrombosis. It soothes the body's reactions caused by high levels of stress and reduces the painful effects of menopause.
It soothes the symptoms of colic and muscle aches. It can be used to soothe a nervous cough that some people experience.
Passion fruit should not be used by pregnant women, because the plant may cause uterine contractions. You should also not take other sedatives or sleeping pills at the same time as preparations containing passion flower extract. You should not drive while taking the plant.
How to use Herba Passiflorae?
Passion fruit is prepared for consumption in the form of infusions, juices, syrups and alcohol tinctures. The basic medicinal raw material is passionflower known under the Latin nameHerba Passiflorae .
In case of insomnia and sleep disorders, prepare an infusion. Pour a teaspoon of dried plant with a cup of boiling water, leave it covered for 5-10 minutes, strain and drink before going to bed.
You can also use a ready-made tincture -25-75 drops per glass of water. If we have powder, eat 2 g in the evening before going to bed.
In vegetative neurosis with palpitations and general nervousness, drink the infusion (prepared as previously described) and drink a cup three times a day. You can also use the tincture - 25 drops per glass of water. The dried fruit is used three times a day after a meal.
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