Overweight, obesity or underweight is already 22 percent. students. It is to blame, among others improper nutrition. Also in schools. NIK warns that school programs promoting proper nutrition are not working properly. Shops sell students unhe althy products and canteens prepare meals too high in fat, carbohydrates and sodium.
Overweightandobesityare the two most common diseaseschildrenin Polish schools . There is also an increasing number of students who weigh too little. This is the result of the monitoring of school he althy eating programs, which was carried out by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) in the 2015/2016 school year, in 20 schools and 10 municipal offices from the following voivodeships: Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Podlaskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie. The percentage of students with abnormal body weight has increased by as much as 5% in the last four years. Now, every fifth (22 percent) child does not have the correct body weight. According to the report of the Supreme Audit Office, this is because school programs promoting proper nutrition do not work as they should. What mistakes do their producers make?
This will be useful to youProper nutritiontocorrect child development- says Dr. Eng.Agata Gaździńska , specialist for . nutrition, dietitian from the Psychodietetic Clinic "Afrotena"
Proper nutrition is simply eating enough nutrients with the right energy and nutritional value, thanks to which we maintain an appropriate body weight and ensure the proper functioning of the body. The amount of food should be adapted to the current needs of the body, which depend on age, sex, physical activity and physiological condition. Proper nutrition, especially at school age, is a prerequisite for ensuring a child's proper physical, intellectual and emotional development. Equally important, proper nutrition is part of the early prevention of many nutrition-related diseases, including overweight and obesity. Improper nutrition can cause, for example, lower academic performance. A poorly nourished student has, among others, trouble concentrating and acquiring new knowledge.
More and more children with advanced obesity
NIK analyzed the statistical data from the body mass index (BMI) study in 10 778 students from grades III and V and children induring the one-year compulsory pre-school preparation. This research has been carried out by school nurses over the past four years. It turned out that in 19 out of 20 controlled schools, there were more and more children with the wrong body weight every year. The number of students suffering from obesity of the 2nd and 3rd degree grew the fastest. And with such an advanced disease, you need to implement comprehensive treatment, and not focus on preventive measures.
School lunch at … 9.20
The audit of the Supreme Audit Office also showed that the number of students eating lunches at school depended on the way in which nutrition was organized. And so, in those schools that had their own kitchen or used kitchens in other schools, parents bought lunches for 53 percent. kids. Only about 25% of the diners delivered by the catering company were used. students, and where the kitchen was run by a franchise holder - only 7.8 percent. Such disproportions were related to the prices of meals. Dinners prepared by catering companies or agents were even more than twice as expensive than those cooked in school kitchens. The too short and too early lunch breaks used by schools also influenced the development or disturbance of the correct eating habits at the set times. In one of the schools, lunches were already issued at … 9.20 am, that is at the time of the 2nd breakfast.
Too much s alt on the plate, not enough water to drink
NIK also checked meals served in schools. She checked 15 menus selectively. She assessed, among others caloric content of dishes, their nutritional value and variety of meals. It turned out that none of the schools inspected had provided 100% lunches. met the nutritional standards for children and adolescents. There was too much protein, carbohydrates and fats and sodium in the meals. In eight cases, the permissible standard of this element was exceeded more than three times. In turn, in six out of 20 monitored schools, students did not have access to drinking water. In other institutions, they received free water or compote, or used the so-called drinkers - springs with freshly filtered water that can be used without a cup.
"Unhe althy" shops
Do you remember that from September 1, 2015. there is a ban on selling "unhe althy products" in Polish schools? It is regulated by the ordinance of the minister of he alth, which lists the groups of products that can be sold to children and adolescents. Meanwhile, nearly 30 percent. in the shops audited by the Supreme Audit Office, the assortment was not in line with ministerial guidelines. Some of them offered, for example, isotonic drinks, which even on the labels say that they may have a "detrimental effect onactivity and focus in children ".
Shared breakfast brings you closer and educates
NIK assessed positively the educational activities carried out by the controlled schools. Conducted, among others, by lessons on he althy eating, practical classes, lectures by nurses and nutritionists for students and parents, as well as many competitions in the field of knowledge about nutrition. In particular, those initiatives that involved engaging students in preparing meals and learning the principles of he althy eating through play were distinguished. The NIK ranked the highest for the idea of shared breakfasts between teachers and students.
Bibliography:Information on the audit results of the Supreme Audit Office - "Implementation of the Principles of He althy Nutrition in Public Schools 2015-2016"
This will be useful to youWhat can I do to make my child eat he althy?- give him a varied and colorful meal - also the 2nd breakfast that you pack for school - urge them to try new tastes often - let him choose new products himself - cook together with the child often - tell him about the nutrients in an interesting way - encourage them to go shopping together - do not go with him where there is unhe althy food - change your own, bad eating habits, because the child is watching and taking an example from you.
ImportantPoradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
About the author
OD-WAGA Foundation