The liver has over 500 different functions. It works like a gigantic chemical laboratory, processing plant, warehouse and control room. How to help her when it starts to fail? Follow a liver diet, eat more often but smaller portions, and control the amount of nutrients in your meals.

Liverincl. it produces bile necessary for the digestion of fats and cholesterol necessary for the proper functioning of every cell. However, its most important function is to break down and neutralize all toxins that are delivered to the body through food or inhaled air. However, this function is impaired if the liver is ailing and ailing because we do not respect it.

What harms the liver?

The liver does not hurt because it is not innervated. But the battered one grows larger, stretches the protective pouch around her, and presses against the adjacent organs. Hence the unpleasant feeling of stabbing in the side or stretching under the ribs. Any strain on the liver tissues means a disturbance in its functions. It is not only harmed by viral hepatitis, but also drug abuse, gluttony, inhalation of harmful chemicals, such as paints or insecticides, not to mention tobacco smoke. The cause of the enlargement of such a large organ (1.5-2 kg in an adult) may be its steatosis. Where does it come from? The liver has the ability to break down fatty acids, make them fats and carry them all over the body. However, this ability is limited. When there is too much fat, the liver gets fat and does not function properly. Fatty liver occurs with poorly treateddiabetes , difficult to digestdietand the abuse of certain medications. The most harmful are antibiotics, some contraceptives, anti-tuberculosis and anti-inflammatory drugs. Ailments are also favored by alcohol abuse and the use of draconian slimming diets. If we get rid of adipose tissue in a short time, the excess fat released into the blood grows on the liver. If you are on a diet, make sure you don't lose more than 2 kg a month for the sake of your liver.


Women are more likely to suffer from gallstones than men. This is due to periodic fluctuations in hormone levels (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause). Urolithiasis rarely happens to people who eat a lot of vegetables and little red meat because of a high-fiber dietprotects against this disease. Choleric people and people who cannot cope with long-term stress are particularly prone to stone formation.

The liver can regenerate

Don't panic anyway. Under favorable conditions, the liver will regenerate its damaged tissues. However, in order for her to benefit from her miraculous abilities, your help is essential. Follow a liver-friendly diet. Eat often but smaller portions and monitor the amount of individual nutrients in your meals:

  • Give up animal fats, especially lard, butter. Replace fatty cream in soups and sauces with natural yoghurt.
  • Control your carbohydrate intake (including pasta, bread). Although they may constitute 45 percent. of products consumed daily, you should not eat more than about 40 grams of them. Watch out for sugar. Its excessive amount (over 7 grams) promotes fatty liver. Better sweeten the tea with rapeseed honey - it is rich in the most digestible sugar, i.e. fructose.
  • Protein is valuable in the reconstruction of the liver, so make sure that meat is on your menu. However, choose poultry, lean fish and veal - eat them steamed, stewed in their own sauce or baked in foil. Drink skimmed milk and milk drinks.
  • Don't forget your vegetables. Ideally, 80 percent. the daily portion of vegetables was boiled, and 20 percent. - raw. The most recommended are vegetables that contain antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C, e.g. lettuce, carrots, broccoli, beets.
  • It is better not to overdo it with fruit, although seasonal berries, apples or grapefruits will not hurt you. However, the liver will benefit more fully from the we alth of vitamins and minerals contained in the fruit, if you squeeze their juice or make a mousse.

With gallstone disease

If you suddenly feel severe pain under the right rib radiating towards the shoulder blade, you are vomiting, you probably have a gallstone attack. It happens when stones are formed in the bile produced by the liver and accumulated in the vesicle located under it. The causes can be, for example, chronic hepatitis, hormonal disorders, stress, and bad eating habits.

You can inherit a tendency to gallstone disease from your ancestors. However, if you take care of yourself and your liver in time, you have a chance to avoid disease.

  • Eat plenty of fiber. So: vegetables, thick groats and wholemeal bread.
  • Eat 5 meals a day regularly. Don't forget about breakfast. This way you will not lead to too long interruptions in the work of the gallbladder and you will not inhibit the production of essential bile dissolve cholesterol.
  • Before lunch, drink a tablespoon of olive oil or vegetable oil, which are cholagogic.
  • Limit the amount of sweets, especially fatty cakes: puff pastry, shortcrust and cake.

Artichokes promote liver regeneration

Their extract supports the dissolution of bile deposits. You can buy them in hypermarkets or delicatessen. Choose compact, heavy heads with large and tightly fitting petals that bend slightly under the pressure of your fingers. Be careful not to buy artichokes that are too hard and fibrous. The same family (asteraceae) as artichoke is milk thistle, the extract of which, or silymarin, is a component of many liver medications. That is why it is worth including ground milk thistle grains in spices, like s alt and pepper.


When you overdo it with a fatty meal:

- reach for some herbs. Relief may be brought by drinking a warm cholagogue infusion of St. John's wort, facilitating the digestion of sage and thyme fats, or chamomile and fennel soothing colic, - use these herbs also by adding to dishes you are about to eat, - eat blackcurrant fruit. Even a little sweet compote or an infusion of leaves will bring immediate relief.

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