Stress negatively affects the heart. A he althy diet, a reasonable lifestyle, avoiding harmful addictions are only one, the more "physical" side of taking care of the heart. But in order not to get sick, good mental condition is equally important. Find out how to avoid stress.
The heart is not just a muscle that pumps blood. There was a reason in the past that he was believed to be a hotbed of feelings, because fear, anger and anger as well as joy and happiness influence his work. "My heart is broken" or "my heart aches when I look at it" is not only a metaphor but an expression of physical suffering. Therefore, by caring for mental well-being, we can contribute to our heart.
Minimize the effects of stress
Stress - an important function in life: it causes an increased secretion of adrenaline and adrenal cortex hormones, which mobilize the body to act in dangerous situations. They force the circulatory system to work very intensively, which results, among others, in accelerated heartbeat and increase in blood pressure.
Frequent activation of this mechanism is inevitable, because stress is caused not only by life-threatening situations, but also by standing in a traffic jam or arguing with the boss. Chronic stress is caused, for example, by fear of losing a job, for the he alth of relatives.
The constant bombardment of the body with stress hormones after many years raises blood pressure, the level of bad cholesterol and accelerates the resting heart rate. If stress cannot be avoided completely, then you must learn to relieve tension wisely.
The easiest way is through physical activity where stress hormones are broken down. At work, it is not always possible to afford a run or a series of squats, but even tensing and relaxing muscles or squeezing a rubber ball can help. It also works to count to ten and slow, deep breathing at the same time - this way we stop the racing of thoughts and we can look at ourselves from the outside, analyze what is happening, find a solution to the problem or come to the conclusion that nothing dangerous is happening. .
Another good way is to "talk yourself out" - instead of suppressing and accumulating anger or nervousness, it is worth telling a trusted person what happened to us - it brings relief and distances us from the problem that caused us nervousness.
It works effectively toomeditation - if taken regularly, it relaxes, normalizes the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. It is worth signing up for yoga classes tailored to people who want to fight everyday stress.
Take care of good relations
Stress does not have absolute power over us if we feel safe on a daily basis. And nothing builds a sense of security as much as a group of close and kind people. It does not have to be very numerous, it is important that you have a good understanding, common matters, meet regularly or talk on the phone.
It's good to have friendly relations with your neighbors, and at least correct - with your colleagues. This, of course, requires some effort - friendships need to be nurtured, and it is easiest to win the kindness of those around you if you are kind to others.
However, opening up to other people really pays off, because our positive emotions come back to us in the form of sympathy, and this helps to build an attitude of optimism in life and minimizes the harmful effects of stress.
Catch your distance, be optimistic
If we can change something, let's try to do it, and if not - let it go and don't let us sleep overnight. It is also not worth being nervous in advance. It is known that not everything succeeds in life, but why worry about a failure that has not yet come.
Or maybe everything will work out? Let's learn to plan, organize priorities - then it will be easier for us to gain control over our life and it will not throw us off balance.
Let's do this so that we can say to ourselves: I did everything in my power. If something doesn't work out - hard, I'll think about it tomorrow. Distance to the problems we encounter allows us to solve them more easily and live more peacefully, which serves the heart.
Fall in love and cherish the feeling
Love is one of the most positive feelings and it is associated with the heart for a reason. A successful relationship in every phase is good for good heart condition and he alth in general - not only because in a happy love relationship we secrete the happiness hormones - endorphins, but also because by loving, we take care of each other.
It is especially important at the stage when "frost on the head is already, it is not good for he alth". It has been proven that partners in successful relationships suffer less from hypertension and live longer than singles, while remaining in a toxic relationship is much more harmful to the he alth of partners than being single, because negative emotions associated with the feeling of rejection create stress that is harmful to the heart. It is worth adding that happy couples are more sensitive to each other every day and have sex until an old age. ANDSex is not only a great pleasure and expression of affection, but also an excellent training for the heart and circulatory system.
Find meaning
Meaning is the driving force that drives us to life. We find them in love, at work, in the awareness that we are needed, in the passion we devote ourselves to. Losing your sense of meaning can cause depression, and depression increases your risk of heart disease.
So if we feel that we are losing ground - it is worth thinking about who we are important to, who we may need, what we would like to do in our life. The decision to build a house, renewing contact with an old friend, and adopting a dog from a shelter can help to make sense. The satisfaction we will feel then will be the best source of heart-friendly emotions.
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