The fruit of the kaki or persimmon or sharon is a newcomer from China. Kaki looks like a tomato and tastes like a plum. It is in Polish stores and it is worth trying. Kaki fruit is a source of vitamin A, antioxidants and anti-cancer phytochemicals.

Kaki fruitis a we alth of vitamins A, C and fiber. In addition, it contains compounds with antioxidant activity - proanthocyanidin, epicatechin and acids - gallic and p-coumarin.The properties of the kaki fruitare very interesting.kaki leavesare used in Chinese medicine to treat various ailments: hot compresses are applied to the site of snake bites and irritated skin, a drink made of boiled leaves is used to lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting and cancer treatment.

Kaki fruit - healing properties

Eating kaki fruit is recommended when I am prone to high cholesterol. There are studies that showed that people who included kaki in their diet not only decreased overall cholesterol levels, but also had lower triglycerides than before and lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol. Other studies have shown that kaki fruit extract has the ability to inhibit the development of altered cells in leukemia. It turned out to induce apoptosis - that is, programmed cell death.

Kaki fruit for dessert

Kaki fruit is sweet and therefore high in calories. But they are a delicious dessert because, apart from sweetness, they also bring nutritional value. First of all, carotenes, vitamins A and C, as well as calcium. Kaki is a very good tasty source of calcium, so women can go ahead and include it in their diet. it also contains potassium and iron. Kaki is a much better dessert than a cookie. The fruit that has probably the most names in the world (persimmon, sharon, hummus, ebony - these are just a few of them) is the best raw. However, you can make jellies and jams from it, it goes well with fruit salads and as an addition to ice cream. Kaki can also be eaten dried and candied.
