Preparing the perfect beef steak requires not only skill but also knowledge. The best comes from Kobe beef, a meat breed that is bred in Argentina and the USA. How many minutes to fry a steak to make it rare, semi-bloody or well done? See also the nutritional value of beef.
How many minutes to fry and bake the beef
Beef is fried briefly, so cut it into thin slices across the grain. The frying time depends on the thickness of the piece and how bloody the meat is.
Sirloin steak 2.5 cm thick fried:
- 3-4 min - heavy bloody,
- 4-5 min - rare,
- 5-6 minutes medium rare, 6-7 minutes - deep-fried.
The meat is put on the hot fat and fried for a minute on each side, and then fried. At the end it is s alted and sprinkled with pepper. Beef steaks are served with herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, fruit or cheese and with sauces.
Steaks 1.8 cm thick are grilled from 13 minutes (semi-rare) to 16 minutes (rare), 2.5 cm thick - from 17 to 21 minutes
Important!The baked steak should "rest" for a while to avoid the leakage of juice when slicing.
Watch the video - how to make a beef tenderloin steak. The chef from Focaccia Ristorante advises
American steaks - how to fry a steak well?
To keep the natural flavorbeef , Americans do not marinate the steaks, but just before putting them on the grill, they dip them in olive oil with garlic and, possibly, herbs. They bake shortly and at high temperature.
Large pieces of beef are marinated (in olive oil with the addition of pepper, herbs, honey or sugar) and placed on the barbecue (the device can be replaced with a large grill with a lid and adjustable temperature). The meat is first roasted on a grill at high temperature, and then it is baked slowly (even several hours) at low temperature (this way it is baked and smoked at the same time with oak or cedar wood smoke. This is how Texas delicacy is prepared - beef brisket).
America is famous for 4 characteristic types of steaks:t-bone steak(a slice of roast beef and sirloin, between which there is a bone forming the letter T),porterhouse(t-bone steak from the part where the tenderloin is the thickest),newyork(boneless roast beef in the New York state shape) andrib eye(boneless roast beef).
Argentines have the art of grilling in their genes. The grills are huge there, mostly homemade. The baking quality is determined by the appropriate positioning of the grate over the heat. It is said that the ideal temperature is when your hand starts to burn after 5 seconds. The only seasoning used by the Argentine is s alt, which is added at the end of baking or on the plate.
Worth knowingKobe beef steak costs up to PLN 300
A kilogram of Kobe beef costs a fortune, for one sirloin steak in a restaurant in Poland you have to pay around PLN 300. The meat comes from a unique breed of Wagyu cows, kept near the Japanese city of Kobe. The cows are fed with organic fodder (grains, potatoes, rice, legumes), vitamins and supposedly watered with beer to whet their appetite. Animals are massaged daily with a sharp glove to distribute the inter-tissue fat evenly. The massage has a relaxing effect - the meat of relaxed cows gains flavor.
That is why some people put the cows to classical music. The slaughter takes place in the most humane conditions, only virgins are killed to keep the meat "clean".
Wagyu cows are also bred in the United States, Australia and Belgium. If the purity of the breed and all breeding standards are preserved, the meat can be called Kobe beef. While high in calories, it contains less cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, and more omega-3s and omega-6s than regular beef.
Nutritional properties of beef
Among red meats, beef contains the least saturated fatty acids (responsible for the increase in cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis) and is the least caloric. The lean meat has the greatest nutritional value - sirloin, roast beef.
Eating 100g of lean cooked beef covers half of an adult's daily protein requirements.
Beef is a valuable source of iron (responsible for immunity), vitamin B1 (improves brain function) and B6 (protects the heart).
Eating beef frequently causes cardiovascular disease
Statistics confirm that people who eat a lot of beef and pork are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, macular degeneration and cancer (mainly of the anus and colon), especially when they eat little vegetables and fruits .
Nutritionists recommend that you eat red meat only from time to time, provided you are not overweight. It is necessary to add vegetables because the meat leavens the conduitalimentary.
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