He can't eat, he doesn't sleep, he cries often - this is how a baby with a runny nose can be described in a nutshell. Of course, every child gets sick differently, but it is very difficult to find an infant who does not pay attention to a blocked nose. And all because such babies cannot breathe in any other way yet.
A runny nose in an infantis much more burdensome for a child (and parents) than for older children. The channels in the infant's nose are very narrow and even a slight swelling of the mucosa makes it completely obstructed. This is why such a banal infection as a runny nose can take its toll on both the child and the parents. Nature itself has found a way that allows the baby to take a break from a runny nose. It is crying - tears flowing down the nose in large numbers dissolve dried secretions, which can then come out almost with the force of a waterfall. But in the long run, doing this is very exhausting for the child, and not acceptable for the parents.
Simple remedies for a runny nose in a baby
Years of experience and observation have allowed doctors and parents to find other methods of treatment:
- When your baby is awake, place him on his tummy. Then the force of gravity will act and the discharge from the nose will drain by itself. However, remember to always be around, especially if your baby cannot raise his head on his own yet!
- Put your baby to sleep in such a way that his head is slightly higher than the chest. Place a folded blanket or a pillow under the mattress, thus slightly lifting it up. You can also put one thick book under each of the cot's legs from the side of the baby's head. As a result, the excess secretion will run off and will not clog the nose. However, never put a pillow directly under the baby's head - it will force an unnatural position and may be dangerous for him.
- Humidify the air in the room during the heating season. Too low a level of humidity additionally dries out and irritates the mucous membranes, causing the runny nose, instead of receding, annoying the child more and more. The best humidifiers for this purpose are equipped with a moisture meter. However, they are quite expensive - if you don't have such equipment, put a damp towel on the radiator.
Proven methods for a runny nose in a child - see! [TOWIDEO]
Runny nose in an infant: remove rare secretions with an aspirator
The aspirator is a sleeve-shaped device that can be purchased at any pharmacy. The narrower end of the aspirator is inserted into the nose, and the wider end is covered with a tube through which air is then sucked in. A strong draft of air sucks any secretions out of the nose. Special sponge filters (in some models they are replaced by cotton wool) prevent secretions from entering the air suction tube. Remember to wash the tip thoroughly after each use, which you put in your child's nose - viruses and bacteria settle on it, which may take longer to fight a runny nose.
Runny nose in a baby: dissolve dried, thick secretions
You can do this with saline or sea water spray. You can buy both preparations at any pharmacy. The instructions for use are usually on the package: Pour 1-2 drops of saline into each nostril, wait for a while until it dissolves the secretion, and collect it with a roll made of a tissue. The procedure must be performed very gently so that the child allows the next. You also need to be very gentle when using spray water. The water is in a vacuum package and it escapes under pressure, so the treatment may not be pleasant for very sensitive children. Usually, it is enough to put one dose of the preparation into each hole, wait a moment and then remove it with a tissue. In both cases an aspirator can also be used.
A runny nose in an infant: inhalations will help
They reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and thus facilitate drainage of secretions. They can be made in a special inhaler, but a regular thermos or a flat pot with hot water is also enough. Pour the inhaler into it (sage, chamomile or essential oils recommended by a pediatrician), then put your child on your lap and put a vessel under its nose. Set them at a distance so that the rising steam does not burn the baby. Inhalation preparations can also be sprayed in a child's room using an air humidifier, provided that the manufacturer of the device allows it in the instructions.
Try marjoram ointment
Marjoram ointment is available at the pharmacy. The essential oils contained in it reduce the swelling of the mucosa. During one application, put a little ointment on your fingertip or a rolled handkerchief and gently rub it on the skin under your nose. Be careful not to let the ointment get into your nose as it will irritate the mucous membranes.
ImportantWatch out for the pear
Pediatricians advise against the rubber bulb. Although effectiveremoves secretions, it has such a strong suction power that it is easy to damage the mucosa with it. Its modern counterpart is a pear-like device made of a plastic-like material. It is more difficult to deform under pressure, so its suction power is not that high.
Use body ointments
A baby who is already half a year old, you can apply ointment containing volatile substances on his back and breasts, which reduce the congestion of the mucous membranes and shrink them. You can give your baby nasal drops for babies after consulting your pediatrician. However, this is a last resort, because - although they bring temporary relief - they irritate the mucosa and can cause a chronic runny nose. Therefore, use them only when necessary, e.g. before feeding or at bedtime, and never on your own.
Give your baby juices and teas to drink
Drinks should be enriched with vitamin C, supporting immunity. Thanks to this, his body can cope with the infection more easily.
Where to go for helpQatar in babies should not be taken lightly. Even if your child does not have a fever, see a pediatrician who will assess their condition and recommend what to do next. In very young children, a runny nose quickly turns into painful inflammation of the ear and paranasal sinuses. The nasal discharge can also irreversibly damage the mucosa and cilia, and sometimes it leads to mucosal hypertrophy and swelling. Chronic runny nose causes a breathing disorder known as a wheezing - a baby has a wide nose and an open mouth. It can also make sucking difficult.
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