Changes in the appearance of nails can signal improper care, poor nutrition, or illness. Check what the yellow discoloration of the nail plate means and what is evidenced by the disappearing nail.
When the shape, color or structure of the nail change, it may be due to some systemic disease, but usually it lasts quite a long time. Only some changes appear as symptoms of dermatological diseases (e.g.mycosis ). If you are concerned about the appearance of your nails, go to adermatologist . Perhaps the causes of trouble are trivial and all you need is skilled care. Treatment will be required for more serious problems.
Lesions indicated by the shape of the nails
Spoon nails - the plate resembles a spoon - becomes concave in the center and its edges are turned upwards. The cause of this deformation is usually iron deficiency or anemia, as well ashormonal disorders . Watch nails - the nail plates are round and convex, resembling watch glasses. They accompany the so-called drummer's stick fingers, which are characterized by hypertrophy and expansion of the fingertips. The most common causes of such nail changes are congenital heart defects, chronic lung diseases, some digestive system disorders, cirrhosis of the liver. Pigmentation - the nail plate is significantly thickened, elongated and bent like a claw, and at the same time turns yellowish or gray. Distortions may arise as a result of injuries, chronic pressure on the nail (e.g. due to poorly chosen shoes), as well as in the case of peripheral circulation disorders Tubular nails - the plates are thickened and their free edges are curled (resembling a roll), horny masses accumulate under the nail . Such changes are the result of an inherited disease, usually accompanied by hyperkeratosis of the skin on the hands and feet.
Lesions indicated by the color of the nails
Blade - if the entire nail plate (except for the distal edge which is unchanged) is pale, these areTerry's nails . They can occur in the course of thyroid disease, heart failure and diabetes. Such changes were observed in hemodialysis patients and in kidney transplant recipients.
White - the white color may cover the entire plate or appear as finepoints (the so-called blooming of the nail). The first case is true nail albinism, that is, the glow of the nail plate. It may be related, inter alia, to with psoriasis, heart failure, cancer, calcium and protein deficiencies. On the other hand, whitish spots (point vitiligo) usually result from an injury to the nail plate.
The white, parallel stripes on the nail plate arelines (nails) of Muehrcke . They form equally spaced semicircles and do not change their position despite the nail growth. These could be signs of hypoalbuminaemia (too little albumin in the plasma). They also appear in people undergoing chemotherapy and suffering from: nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, liver disease, malnourishment.
If half of the nail is white and half pink or reddish brown, it is Lindsay'snails . They appear in people with kidney diseases with an increased amount of nitrogen in the blood: in hemodialysis patients, kidney transplant recipients.
Yellow - such a color of the nails is often the result of painting them with red varnish (without the use of a base varnish), because the dyes contained in the varnish are transferred to the nail plate. It can also appear as a result of taking certain medications (e.g. beta-carotene, tetracyclines), in the course of jaundice type A or B, psoriasis, mycosis, as a result of smoking (usually it concerns the index and middle fingers). Brown - this color is caused by some drugs used externally (including cygnoline, potassium permanganate), as well as henna. It also occurs in diseases of the thyroid gland, malnutrition, nicotine abuse. Green - discoloration may occur as a result of bacterial infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which usually occurs as a result of frequent soaking of hands in water with detergents, cuts during manicure or mycosis. Gray-blue - this is usually the result of poisoning (e.g. with silver - silvery), as well as the use of certain medications (e.g. anti-malarials). It also occurs in diseases related to peripheral circulation disorders (e.g. Raynaud's disease) and in disorders of copper metabolism (Wilson's disease). Black - partial darkening of the plate is usually the result of trauma (subungual hematoma is formed). The dark color of nails is sometimes the result of the use of certain medications or chemicals. And the black lesions under the nail on one finger, which, unlike the hematoma, do not move with the plate's growth, may be a form of malignant melanoma.
Are the white spots on the nails really avitaminosis? Explains the dermatologist AnitaTarajkowska-Olejnik
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Nails - changed structure
Thickening of the plate - usually the nail plates thicken with age, but it also happens with mycosis, psoriasis, contact eczema, lichen planus. Plaque atrophy - manifested by a gradual thinning and shrinking of the nail plate until it disappears completely. Usually one or more nails are affected. Nail decay may be genetically determined. It also occurs after nail injuries or in the course of certain diseases, e.g. pustular psoriasis. Split nails - this is the separation of the outer part of the nail from the placenta. It may be the result of an injury, unskilful use of the file, drying of the plate by harsh detergents, varnishes or acetone. Nail layering - small depressions are visible on the plate (like in a thimble). Such changes are characteristic of psoriasis. They can also appear in alopecia areata, eczema or as a result of an injury. The roughness of the plate - it is dull and rough. It may be genetically determined, but it is often the result of contact with detergents (the surface of the nail is damaged). Plaque beading - transverse or longitudinal protrusions. The transverse grooving of the nail plates is calledBeau lines . This symptom may accompany kidney and liver diseases, cancer, and also be a consequence of malnutrition or prolonged labor. Oblong patterns often reveal themselves with age. They also appear in cardiovascular diseases or hormonal disorders.
Ringworm attacks most often
This disease accounts for half of all nail changes. It usually appears on the nails of the feet, less often on the hands. It is often the result of the spread of athlete's foot. Nail fungus, like athlete's foot, is easy to get infected in swimming pools, hotels, using other people's manicure and pedicure tools, towels, and borrowing shoes. The infection is also favored by wearing tight shoes made of plastic. The nail plate becomes thickened, uneven and dull, and turns yellow, greenish or brown in color. At the same time, it is clearly weaker, prone to splitting and hurts when touched. Home treatments will not cope with this type of mycosis, so you need to see a dermatologist to prescribe the right medications.
What other diseases can be read on the nails? Explains the dermatologist Anita Tarajkowska-Olejnik
Source:ń Dobry TVN
You must do itProtect and strengthen nails every day
- Don't bite your nails - it weakens youtiles.
- Protect your nails from detergents.
- Do not cut the skins - it is easy to damage the plate.
- Use primers for colored varnish.
- Strengthen nails with conditioners.
- Eat foods rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, silicon, zinc and copper - they keep nails in perfect condition.
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