The first medications in patches appeared in pharmacies over 20 years ago and contained a substance used to combat the effects of motion sickness. Since then, the offer of this type of drugs has significantly expanded.
Medicines in patches, administered transdermally, i.e. through the skin, are absorbed into the bloodstream faster and without burdening other organs.
Medicines applied in patches can be used in many diseases, both less and more annoying.
The course of such treatment is also not influenced by our diet or metabolism. Medicines administered in the form of patches are as effective and safe as tablets, because they must pass all tests confirming their action and safety.
Advantages of medications in patches
The great advantage of medications in patches is that in this form of therapy, lower doses of the active substance can be used than in the case of tablets. This is because the drug from the patch is applied all the time, and the concentration of the active substance in the body remains constant. This gives an appropriate therapeutic effect, with less frequent side effects of the preparations used. In addition, an oral drug must pass through the gastrointestinal tract, which in many cases is a heavy burden on the stomach, pancreas and liver.
Disadvantages of medications in patches
Transdermal medications, however, also have their drawbacks - they include skin irritation at the application site and difficult control of the drug's active substance concentration in the body. This form of therapy cannot be used in people suffering from atopic dermatitis who have local allergic reactions. The medicine will not work if the patch sticks badly or if the person who wants to use it is seriously overweight.
Patches for Alzheimer's disease
The use of patches to alleviate the moderately advanced form of Alzheimer's dementia facilitates the care of patients who do not want to or have difficulty swallowing tablets. The patches contain rivastigmine, which is commonly used to treat dementia associated with Alzheimer's disease. The dose of the drug is always determined by the doctor. The use of the patches, like the tablets, must be carefully monitored, as the active ingredient may cause symptomsside effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, which results in a significant loss of weight, and thus weakening or even exhaustion of the body.
Patches to aid breathing
They are used in the case of colds, sinusitis or in the case of breathing disorders caused by the curvature of the nasal septum. It is worth recommending them to snorers, sportsmen and people who are very physically active. They can be used as fillings for the night, in children and adults. The substances contained in the patches widen the nasal passages, which increases the flow of air through the nose by more than 60%. The body is better oxygenated, which relieves headaches and the feeling of fatigue.
Anti-migraine patches
They relieve severe headaches that last several hours or even several days. They can also be used in the event of severe pain caused by stress or fatigue. A patch soaked in an extract of pain-relieving plants is stuck to the temple or neck at the first sign of a migraine. Works 8-12 hours. The patches should not be used in case of rash.
Patches for children with ADHD
The hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often requires not only psychotherapy, but also the use of drugs that balance the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. Adhesive plaster does not eliminate the causes of the ailments, but it reduces the child's hyperactivity, which makes it easier for him to function in a group. The patches contain methylphenidate - a psychostimulant, commonly used to relieve the symptoms of ADHD. They can be used in children from 6 to 12 years of age. The patches contain different doses of the active substance, which allows you to adjust their use to the severity of symptoms. They are glued once a day. Unfortunately, they are hard to find in Poland.
Patches for women
- Contraceptives contain the same hormones as the combined pills, i.e. estrogen and progestin. The patch stuck to the skin systematically releases hormones and penetrates into the blood, which prevents ovulation, which means that the egg is not released from the ovary and therefore cannot be fertilized. Another advantage of this form of contraception is that the hormones largely bypass the liver. So they are a bit gentler on the body. Even if a patch falls off or is not replaced with a new one, it provides 24-hour contraceptive protection.
- In the period of menopause - properly used, they prevent the occurrence of breakout symptoms, i.e. those related to declining levels of sex hormones, such as hot flushes, drenching sweats, headaches, palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, and mood changes. Besides, they protect the womanagainst osteoporosis and cardiological diseases. There are also no changes in the vaginal mucosa (excessive dryness), which make intercourse difficult and sometimes impossible.
The patches, as in the case of hormonal pills, cannot be used by women with uterine, breast or ovarian cancer, endometriosis, suffering from liver diseases, thrombosis, phlebitis, diabetes with vascular changes.
Patches for skin problems
- For scars - they are used not only to treat existing scars, but also to prevent their abnormal growth. They are used after abdominal surgeries, caesarean section, removal of the thyroid gland, but also after injuries or burns. The patch should be applied to the skin when the wound is already covered with new epithelium. The treatment should be continued for at least a month. The gel dressing should be worn at least 12 hours a day. You can wear it around the clock, but take it off twice, rinse the affected area, dry it thoroughly, and reapply the patch. The skin under the patch breathes.
- Blisters - hydrogel patches are used, which create a moist environment around the wound, thanks to which it heals faster. Blisters caused by rubbing the skin should not be punctured so as not to contaminate the wound. It is best to stick a plaster on the diseased area, which heals, relieves pain and absorbs the plasma appearing in the bladder.
- Corns - soften calloused skin, making it easier to remove. They can be saturated with salicylic acid or not acid-free. They reduce pain and soften the skin. They are usually worn until they come off by themselves. Then the easiest way to remove the so-called the root of the imprint.
- For herpes- after sticking it on the lips, it creates favorable conditions for the painful pimple to heal. At the same time, they absorb the fluid released from it and reduce the possibility of the virus being transferred to another place. The plaster is invisible on the lips and you can even paint them with lipstick. The dressing lasts for 8 hours. We put it on day and night to speed up healing and prevent the skin from drying out. The plaster must not be applied if the skin on the lips is cracked.
Anti-smoking patches
They help to break the addiction, because the nicotine contained in the patch gradually penetrates the blood and the smoker does not feel hungry, and the so-called the withdrawal symptoms are much milder. The patches contain different doses of nicotine, which can be adjusted to the degree of addiction. Smokers of more than 10 cigarettes a day should start with the patches with the highest dose of nicotine. Therapyit is recommended to use for about 3 months. During this time, you should refrain from smoking. Contraindications to the use of the patches are skin diseases, unstable angina, recent heart attack or stroke, arrhythmia and age under 18 years.
Pain relief patches
They can heat up or cool down. The warming patches contain plant extracts of peppercorns and hot peppers, which cause local vascular congestion and thus reduce pain. They are recommended for muscle pain, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuralgia, and lumbago. You can wear them for up to 2 days if, apart from the heat, you do not feel itchy or burning. The perforated surface of the patch allows the skin to breathe. The cooling patches contain menthol and herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory properties. They relieve pain and swelling after injury and contusion. They are stuck for 2-8 hours. The healing gel coating protects the skin against drying and chafing. These patches are not used in case of hypersensitivity to ingredients, open wounds. You can use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consulting your doctor. Patches containing morphine are used for people suffering from cancer pain. They are available on prescription.
Patches for motion sickness
They alleviate dizziness and vomiting. They are classified as acupressure patches. Just stick them on both wrists 15 minutes before the trip. The appropriate places for sticking the patch are shown in the leaflet. The cone, made of a special material, attached to the patches, compresses the neiguan point - according to Chinese medicine, its stimulation helps to prevent ailments characteristic of motion sickness. The patches can only be used once. We take them off right after the end of the trip. They should not be used in the event of a rash and skin damage to the wrists.
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