Egg was considered he althy and nutritious until war was declared against cholesterol, which is present in the yolk at high levels, in the 1970s. Today the egg is back in favor. It turns out that the egg also contains substances that lower cholesterol - lecithin and omega-3 acids.

No scientific studies have found a direct relationship between eating eggs and cholesterol levels. Its content in human blood depends on many factors - genes, age, sex, weight, figure and physical activity, as well as diseases, e.g. diabetes.

It should also be remembered that our body can produce cholesterol by itself. But most importantly, the lecithin and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the egg help to get rid of cholesterol and lower blood triglyceride levels.

WHO (World He alth Organization) allows up to 10 eggs per week, including those used in cutlets, cakes, and pasta.

According to Polish nutritionists and cardiologists, he althy people can eat 1 egg a day. But those who have elevated cholesterol levels - a maximum of 2-3 eggs per week (actually yolks, because you can eat proteins without restrictions).

The rule is: The more vegetables and fruits we eat, and the less food rich in animal fats, the more often we can afford an egg.

Egg - a source of valuable proteins

In terms of the composition of amino acids, i.e. protein compounds, eggs are the most perfect product of animal origin. So much so that they serve as a benchmark when testing the values ​​of other proteins.

Egg as the only food product contains all exogenous amino acids, ie those that the human body does not produce, but which are essential for it and therefore must receive them with food. Two eggs weighing 58 g cover 35 percent. an adult's daily requirement for these amino acids.

  • Protein is 90 percent water, 9 percent amino acids, approx. 1 percent carbohydrates and only 45 kcal / 100 g.
  • The yolk consists of 2/3 of lipids - fats. These are triglycerides (65%), phospholipids (about 30%, mainly lecithin) and cholesterol. They are accompanied by fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). The large amount of energy components means that the caloric value of the yolk is as much as 350 kcal / 100 g.

What You Should Know Abouteggs? Check it out!

Worth knowing

How many eggs can you eat per week?

Negative opinions about eggs were born in the 1970s, when it was recommended to limit their consumption to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. It was then that the belief that we should not eat more than 2 eggs a week has become popular. Meanwhile, you can eat up to 10 eggs a week.

Beneficial lecithin in the egg

It's an ingredient of the yolk. They call it the "fat killer" mainly because of its emulsifying properties. It breaks down the consumed fats and cholesterol into small particles, prevents them from sticking to the walls of the vessels, thus reducing the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque. About 50 percent. lecithins are polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic, which is the precursor of the so-called prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties. dissolves cholesterol in bile and protects against the formation of gallstones. It also participates in inhibiting undesirable oxidation processes and improves the functioning of the nervous system. It makes it easier for us to learn and manage stress.

Necessary dyes contained in the egg

Egg contains xanthophyll and lutein (pigments in the yolk) which are important for he alth. Xanthophyll prevents deposits on the walls of the arteries. In the human body, lutein accumulates mainly in the macula of the eye and the lens. It acts as a filter to protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays. It is also a powerful free radical scavenger, thus preventing damage to the delicate capillaries of the retina and photoreceptors. Eggs are an excellent source of minerals, B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. Therefore, they improve the appearance of the skin and strengthen bones.

Note: egg allergy

On the list of food allergens in children, chicken eggs are second only to cow's milk proteins. Therefore, children who are allergic or who come from allergic families should not eat eggs before the age of 12 months. But it is worth knowing that boiling eggs usually deprives them of any allergenic properties.

Egg storage

We can keep eggs in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 weeks, remembering that they can absorb foreign smells. Low temperature slows the aging process of eggs, but does not eliminate it. There is a gradual breakdown of protein and vitamins and the fat becomes rancid. This process is somewhat inhibited by the natural protective layer covering the shell. Therefore, do not wash the eggs before putting them in the refrigerator. But when we want to make them,first you need to wash them thoroughly and then scald them with boiling water.

Fried and boiled eggs

Raw egg yolk is digestible to the same extent as cooked egg yolk, but protein should not be eaten raw. Firstly, because of its allergenic properties, and secondly - the presence of avidin, which blocks the absorption of vitamin B7(biotin). Unlike other products, eggs can be fried in butter, because their protein is curdled at 60 degrees Celsius, that is, before the butter starts to burn and before toxic acrolein is produced. But the best digestible is soft-boiled eggs, i.e. up to 4 minutes. Cooking for too long (more than 10 minutes) causes loss of vitamins and a reduction in the nutritional value of protein by up to 40 percent. In addition, it causes sulfur to react with iron - then a greenish border is formed around the yolk.


Protein digestibility increases after whipping to foam. Protein molecules have a relatively high viscosity, which is why the foam persists. In turn, the fat "extinguishes" it. So in order to get a durable protein foam, you must first separate the yolk carefully, as it contains fat.

You must do it
  • All eggs should be washed in warm water before use, and if they are to be eaten raw - scalded. The egg should be sterile immediately after laying, but sometimes the laying hen is infected withSalmonellaorMycobacterium tubercposis avium(avian tuberculosis), which will also infect egg. Egg spoilage is most often caused by microorganisms of the genusPenicillum ,Escherichia coli ,Cladosporium , Pseudomonas fluorescens.If the egg is poorly stored (e.g. in moisture and warmth), bacteria on the shell can penetrate inside.
  • Whether we eat a lot of eggs or a little, remember that they are acid-forming. Therefore, in order to maintain the acid-base balance, they should be combined with alkaline products: vegetables, bread, groats.
  • Let's check the use-by date on the stamp! When broken, the yolk should be firm and convex, and the jelly-like protein should not spill.

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