Hodgkin's lymphoma - Hodgkin's disease - neoplastic disease of the lymphatic system gives symptoms similar to a cold. The difference is that symptoms persist with typical anti-inflammatory treatment. What are the causes of Hodgkin's disease? How is this lymphoma treated?
Hodgkin's disease ( recommended name isHodgkin's lymphoma) , otherwiseHodgkin's disease , then one of nearly 40 lymphomas, i.e. cancers that develop in the lymphatic (lymphatic) system. Annually, 800 to 1000 people suffer from it in Poland. Men suffer from Hodgkin's disease more often. The peak incidence is observed between the ages of 18 and 25, and between the ages of 50 and 55.
Hodgkin's lymphoma can be cured
There is actually no place in the body where lymphomas cannot develop, because the network of lymph vessels encircles not only large and small blood vessels, but also all organs. However, the prognosis for Hodgkin's disease is very good. It is one of the few neoplastic diseases in the treatment of which there has been no progress noted elsewhere. Even in the 1950s, doctors could save 5-10 percent. patients. Today, with early diagnosis of Hodgkin, more than 90 percent can be cured. sick.
Symptoms of lymphatic system diseases
We can protect ourselves against many types of cancer by following a proper diet, avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and practicing sports. It is difficult to defend against lymphomas, because it is still unknown what causes them. Therefore, we ourselves should be the guardians of our own he alth and carefully observe the body. When the uncontrolled division of cells of the lymphatic system starts, it supports the body's immune system in a worse and worse way. We feel weak, broken, and often fall ill with various types of infections. We run from doctor to doctor, take more antibiotics, and there is no improvement in he alth. Symptoms that should make you apply for a visa
- enlarged lymph nodes (often they do not hurt when touched) usually in the neck, armpits, above the collarbones and in the groin
- long-lasting cough
- breaking in bones
- general weakness
- elevated temperature up to 38 ° C, which persists after anti-inflammatory treatment
- strong sweating innight
- weight loss
- loss of appetite
- bone pain
- enlargement of the liver and spleen
- severe itchy skin
Hodgkin's disease - important quick diagnosis
Although it is an old truth that an early diagnosis of cancer gives a chance of a complete cure, we keep forgetting about it. This is especially important for Hodgkin's and other lymphomas. Unfortunately, many GPs do not follow a rule called oncological vigilance and are reluctant to refer patients for even basic tests. This is a big mistake that prevents early diagnosis and proper therapy. Instead, for example, an atypical cold is cured indefinitely by prescribing more and no improvement medications.
Hodgkin's lymphoma - visiting an oncologist
Slightly enlarged lymph nodes do not necessarily mean a disease of the lymphatic system. They can also be a memento of numerous inflammations. If they do not change their shape, they do not enlarge - we can be calm. But when something starts to happen, you should go to the oncologist quickly. Remember that we do not need a referral for this specialist.
If the lymph nodes do not shrink after anti-inflammatory treatment and their diameter exceeds 1 cm and the results of previous tests are disturbing, it is necessary to excise the lymph node and examine it under a microscope. The procedure is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. If the result is not favorable, we will be subjected to further tests. Usually, a chest and abdominal tomography is performed, and the bone marrow is examined.
You must do itIf your doctor refuses to issue a referral, check yourself with your own money. It's about your life.
- The blood count and ESR will tell you a lot about your he alth (the norm is 10-20 depending on your gender). When it is slightly elevated, it is a sign that your body is undergoing inflammation. In the case of neoplastic diseases, the OB reaches 70-80 or even 100. It is best to perform an extended blood test with the determination of the enzyme LDH (characteristic for lymphomas), liver enzymes, urea, creatinine and sugar levels.
- The front and side x-rays of the chest are very important in the diagnosis of lymphomas. The test shows if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the chest.
- It is worth having an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, because tumors transferred from the lymph nodes attacked by cancer may grow in the abdominal cavity.
Lymphomas - treatment
In the treatment of lymphomas, surgeries involving the excision of tumors are not performed. Anyway, such a procedure would not beeffective if the cancer cells are spread throughout the body. On the other hand, chemotherapy (often supplemented with radiation therapy) selected for the specific type of lymphoma is used. The most common treatment for malignant disintegration is polychemotherapy, i.e. a combination of four drugs. Depending on the stage of advancement and response to medications, the patient is given drips every two weeks for 8-9 months. Irradiation is used in places where there have been large changes, or where the so-called residual changes after chemotherapy. Unfortunately, there is also a form of Hodgkin, which is particularly resistant to treatment (it affects 10-15% of patients). Then the bone marrow transplant may be a rescue.
Lymphoma treatment - important positive thinking
The applied therapies are more effective in young people because their attitude towards the disease is positive. Usually they are so preoccupied with fulfilling their goals in life that they don't have time to feel sorry for themselves. This is very important. A positively minded person activates the body's immune forces faster and is open to the proposed treatment. Older people give up more easily, and this is not conducive to recovery. Of course, success depends on the type of lymphoma you have and how severe it is.
ImportantThe lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, marrow, tonsils, thymus, spleen and a network of lymph vessels branched throughout the body. They connect not only these organs, but also scattered or clustered lymphatic clumps. They are present where viruses and bacteria can penetrate the body, i.e. in the respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin. The cells that fill the lymphatic system are mainly lymphocytes. They arise from stem cells in the bone marrow. Those that "grow up" in the thymus (there they take on individual features) are called T lymphocytes. The rest are B lymphocytes. They mature in the bone marrow. It is they who in 90 percent. give rise to lymphomas.
Promising targeted therapy
In the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, doctors have at their disposal a unique weapon, targeted therapy, which uses the latest generation drugs, the so-called monoclonal antibodies. They are effective, but expensive - a month of therapy costs 20-30 thousand. zloty. The main advantage is that the drug precisely hits the cancer cell, sparing the surrounding he althy tissue. Hodgkin's lymphoma patients still have to wait for such drugs. For now, clinical trials are ongoing.
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