The recipe is simple - you just need to include certain products in your daily diet and your sense of happiness will improve. Is it possible? The answer is yes! Perhaps the continuation will raise more reserve, because first of all, you should say goodbye to bread at most meals, strong coffee and ready-made fast food and supermarket meals. But you can invite chocolate, Parmesan, Brazil nuts and other delicacies to this place.
Be happy from breakfast already. For a good start to the day, eat " happiness breakfast ". It can include: 100 grams of Parmesan cheese, a handful of almonds, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds browned in a pan, a slice of wholemeal bread with butter, a fried egg sprinkled with herbs (ground cumin, paprika, Provencal herbs), green tea or weak black coffee. And for those who have a more physically active job, a banana is also recommended.
Products to improve your mood can be found in our gallery:

What influences the improvement of the mood?
Food can make a big difference to how we feel. Eating fatty foods makes us feel heavy, we have less energy, and our body focuses on digesting.Food can also become addictive: The most addictive foods.How to compose a diet to feel great? Here are the products that are worth paying attention to!
Amino acids - natural antidepressants
Amino acids are the basic building blocks of all proteins. They take part in countless chemical reactions in the body, incl. they transport oxygen, they conduct nerve impulses. Among them, you will also find small protein molecules that release serotonin from the blood into the brain.
It is these neurotransmitters that play a fundamental role in your good mood. Keep in mind that the same type of protein is found in soybeans, milk powder, beef, sunflower seeds, and oatmeal. In contrast, the neurotransmitters dopamine, known as the happiness hormone, can be found in almonds, avocados, bananas, asparagus, spinach, carrots, and pumpkin seeds.
Brazil nuts for a drop in mood
What can tomatoes, barley and kidneys have in common? All of these foods are rich sources of selenium. And he, in turn, prevents you from easily falling intostress, and it is a micronutrient that prevents cancer. Be careful of selenium deficiency, because then the level of aggression may increase or you may become depressed. Therefore, it is worth remembering that it is present in many products - mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage, onions, seafood.
An effective way to get your daily selenium into your body is to eat five or six Brazil Nuts, as long as they have not been s alted or bleached. It is best to include this practice in your morning rituals - then you will feel well for the whole day.
The beneficial properties of magnesium, i.e. the good sides of chocolate
Must be bitter, at least 70 percent cocoa. And if it is chocolate with puffed rice, it will provide your body with additional vitamin B (especially B9 and B12), which is necessary for the balance of the nervous system. But if you are unable to eat it because of your diet, don't worry about not getting your body naturally supplied with magnesium. Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and the already mentioned Brazil nuts also contain a significant amount of it.
Magnesium is necessary for your memory to function well, it is necessary for building bones, but most of all it improves your mood and helps you cope with adversities. People who do not eat chocolate will find B vitamins in dried fruit and muesli with their addition. That's whyif chocolate - it's two or three cubes a day,and if grains - a handful of them is enough to keep a good mood.
A way to get rid of the blues - fish and vegetable fats
Oily fish - herring, tuna, salmon and vegetable fats - olive, sunflower, linseed and nut oils provide omega-3 fatty acids. These acids, which the body cannot produce itself, must be supplied from the outside in the form of meals.
They are very important to your well-being as they are involved in activating the secretion of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates sleep and other biological rhythms. Therefore, it is worth preparing a "sauce of happiness" for yourself, which will consist of 1/4 olive oil, 1/4 linseed oil, 1/4 sunflower oil and 1/4 grape seed oil. You can use it every day for salads, vegetables, soups, groats. A spoon is enough and your mood gets better!