A mycological test is the basic test that allows you to detect a fungal infection in the body. By doing them, you can learn not only about the specific type of fungus that attacked the body, but also choose the drug that will be most effective in fighting the intruder.
Mycological examinationorders a doctor when he suspects mycosis. The method of collecting the material for mycological examination always depends on the place where the mycosis occurs. The fungi can live in the mouth, on the skin, and in the digestive tract. They can also affect the nails, vagina and hairy scalp.
The most common mycoses are onychomycosis and vaginal mycosis. During the test, biological material is collected and then microorganisms are grown from it in the laboratory. When they mature, tests are carried out on them to find out what type of fungus has attacked the patient and how effectively it can be combated.
Mycological tests - nails
Mycological examination of nails consists in collecting a diseased nail plate. Special pliers are used for this purpose. It is also necessary to collect the horny mass that is under the nail.
The sampling process is different when the infection is in the periungual folds. Then the most common material for the test is the discharge that collects just below it. However, if there is no discharge, a sterile thread is placed just below the nail and soaked in Sabouraud's broth.
It is important to take it out only after a few or even several hours. It is the material for the test.
Mycological research - vagina
Vaginal mycosis is the most common intimate infection in women. Before performing a mycological examination of vaginal discharge, a visit to the gynecologist is necessary. The doctor examines the reproductive organs and assesses the mucus.
A characteristic symptom of a fungal infection of the reproductive organs is swelling and redness of the labia. Additionally, there is a cheese-like discharge.
The doctor then takes a swab from the cervix. The material is sent for a Pap smear.
A correctly taken swab is from the vaginal area. It gives information about the severity of the infection.
Mycological studies in the case of vaginal mycosisconsist in examining the preparations under a microscope.
Mycological research - skin
Mycosis on the skin's surface is quite common, but it is sometimes confused with the natural flaking of the epidermis. In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to collect pathologically changed skin scales. To do this, the doctor scrapes with a special surgical spoon.
If mycosis is accompanied by blisters, it is also necessary to collect fragments of these lesions. The skin fragments are also taken from the periphery of the visible lesion.
The collected material is placed on a special slide and treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide. Then the specimen is viewed under a microscope. When seen by a doctor, the image must be magnified 400 times, because only with this magnification it is possible to see hyphae.
It is sometimes necessary to establish a mushroom culture under special conditions. This action extends the process of making a correct diagnosis and starting treatment, and therefore is no longer used to assess dermatophytosis.
Sometimes a histological examination of the skin is also performed, which consists in staining the collected material. The stained sample is viewed under a microscope, and the dark contours of the mushroom allow you to describe it well.
Mycological examination - oral cavity
Oral mycosis is a fairly common and unpleasant condition. A warm and humid environment is favorable for the fungus to multiply. Oral mycosis can be caused by a lack of hygiene, but it can also be a symptom of many diseases, e.g. diabetes or anemia.
In order to recognize the fungus in the mouth, it is necessary to take a swab, preferably in the morning, before eating breakfast and brushing your teeth. Antibiotics should not be administered before the smear collection, as it may interfere with the test results, and you should not smoke.
Oral mycosis is a dangerous disease as it can spread throughout the body.
The swab should be taken after noticing the first irregularities on the oral mucosa.
Mycosis of the mouth quite often takes the form of candidiasis of the corners of the mouth. This is a very common symptom of anemia.
Mycological examination of the scalp
If mycosis of the scalp is suspected, it is important to conduct an interview before performing a mycological examination.
There are several types of scalp ringworm. One of them is clippings mycosis. It manifests itself in the form of oval foci in which the hair is broken. Their condition is significantly different from those outside the affected areas.
Untreatedmycosis can infect the hair follicles. As a result, inflammatory infiltrates and tumors occur.
Every dermatologist will recognize this disease even without specialist examination.
The second type of scalp mycosis is ringworm. In this form of the disease, yellow fungus colonies develop around the hair follicle. Hair grows out of them, they are dry and very brittle. If the entire colony is removed, a scar will remain and no new hair will emerge.
This type of mycosis of the scalp quite often accompanies head lice.
One of the less common infections is an infection with small spore fungi, the symptom of which is usually only peeling epidermis. The hair within the lesions looks evenly undercut.
To carry out a mycological examination, the doctor scrapes the raid and examines it under a microscope.
If the result does not answer what type of mushroom we are dealing with, cultivate the mushroom in the laboratory.
Untreated mycosis of the scalp can lead to alopecia. Mycological examination also allows you to select an antibiotic that will destroy the fungus.
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