The most important effect of tabata training is the rapid loss of body fat. It is estimated that a 4-minute workout will burn 3 times more fat than traditional aerobic exercise. See what other effects you can count on by exercising with the Tabata method.

Tabata , due to its amazing effects in fat burning, is currently one of the most popular fitness training. Its additional advantage is the short exercise time (only 4 minutes) and a simple training regimen.

However, tabata is not only for people who are slimming - also people who do not have problems with overweight can train with this method, because it perfectly shapes the figure, increases endurance, improves condition and oxygenates.

Tabata - when are the first effects visible?

The speed of the appearance of the effects largely depends on the regularity of training and the type of exercise used. The more training sessions and the longer they are, the better the results. According to scientific research, two weeks of Tabata exercises are enough to increase the rate of fatty acid breakdown by 30%.

It must also be remembered that tabata is an extreme effort for the body - feeling nauseous and sweating a lot after this training is not unusual. Therefore, starting people should increase the frequency and intensity of exercise very gradually, starting with 1-2 workouts per week. To avoid overtraining, you can reduce the number of sets to 5-6 and extend the recovery time to 20-30 seconds.

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Tabata Effects: Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss is the most important effect of tabata training, which made this training method so popular. Scientific research has proven that it is much more effective in reducing body fat than aerobic exercise performed at a steady, moderate pace.

This is due to the EPOC phenomenon, i.e. increased oxygen consumption after training. This process requires extra energy, which the body takes from fat. It can last up to 24 hours after exercise - then, even when we lie down or sleep, our fat tissue is still burned.

A similar process also takes place after aerobic exercise, but it is incomparably shorter, and therefore does not givespectacular effects like Tabata.

Tabata effects: reduction of belly fat

People who are slimming know how difficult it is to lose belly fat. It is, next to the hips and thighs, one of the most problematic parts of the body and even after losing a few kilograms, we rarely see a large loss of fat in its area.

Tabata's protocol can be a way to fight the troublesome tire and "sides". Research has shown that intense 4-minute training increases the secretion of fat-burning hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine. The receptors of these hormones are located mainly in the abdominal area, which is why tabata is so effective in reducing body fat around the waist.

Tabata effects: fitness improvement

Tabata training is very strenuous for the body, but at the same time it toughens it and gets it used to strenuous work. Intensive exercise primarily affects the heart, which from training to training becomes stronger and increases its ability to pump blood. This means that by performing everyday activities we are less tired and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

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  • Cardio Training: What is Endurance Training? Benefits of cardio training
  • What is better for slimming: intervals or cardio training?

Tabata effects: increase endurance and strength

Regular tabata training increases strength and endurance in addition to improving the condition. The condition is, however, that the training plan should include exercises that stimulate the muscles to develop. If you want to strengthen your legs, choose squats. Push-ups will increase the strength of your hands. Crunches, preferably in different variants, will help build a six-pack. If we want to engage the whole body to work, it is worth choosing four in one, i.e. burpees - a combination of plank, push-up, squat and jump.
