7-minute slimming workout - sounds like something impossible? On the contrary! 7 minutes of training with properly selected interval exercises can do a lot. During training, we will not burn as many calories as during an hour's effort, but during the 7-minute HIIT training, we will crank up the metabolism enough to work for us up to three times more efficiently for the rest of the day!
Training in 7 minutesseems impossible to you? This training is different. Check out our 7-minute training plans for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners for yourself and see for yourself that they bring results.
Today, almost all of us have little time for pleasure, but a great desire to regularly enjoy life and do something good for ourselves. For this reason, more and more often we are looking for short workouts with maximized effects of their performance. Do such workouts work?
It turns out that it is! In this case, it is only 7 minutes, and during their duration, we perform 7 to 8 exercises, each of which is aimed at a different muscle group, stimulates specific joint groups to work, increases the flexibility and elasticity of tissues, and also copes well with burning calories and increasing metabolic changes even a day after training.
- 7-minute training - which training should you choose?
- 7-minute workout - does such a workout work?
- 7-Minute Workout for Beginners
- 7-minute intermediate training
- 7-minute advanced training
7-minute training should be done regularly so that it is an effective complement to daily activities and adherence to a he althy, balanced diet.
7-minute training - which training should you choose?
In order for the 7-minute training to be effective, many factors must occur during this time that make up an effective training, incl. exercises should be complex, breaks should be shortened as much as possible, and training intensity should be high.
If we want the 7-minute training to bring us he alth benefits, we need to be very self-disciplined and determinedly. This type of training must be done regularly, slowly progressing and practicingincreasingly difficult exercises.
The 7-minute slimming training we offer is prepared according to the principles of the HIIT system and intervals. This is not a typical training session that demonstrates these two systems, but is a combination of both. These types of training systems are characterized by high-intensity interval training. The strategy is to alternate short periods of high effort with periods of moderate effort.
It often happens that this type of effort is confused with tabata, which has strict rules - it must last 4 minutes, where the main activity lasts 20 seconds, and rest 10 seconds, and so on for 8 series. C
o important, tabata use only one selected multi-joint exercise, repeated cyclically!
During 7 minutes we can do much more exercises, and the training intensity can then be adjusted to the training advancement level. During such a short training, we will not burn an extraordinary amount of calories (from 100 calories), but it does not mean that this training will be ineffective in the fight against extra kilograms.
With this type of effort, the most important thing happens right after the training is finished and for several hours after it lasts. Our metabolism increases its work up to three times.
7-minute workout - does such a workout work?
The answer to the question whether the 7-minute training will work depends on what effects we expect. Such training performed regularly, several times a week, has a chance to help us lose unnecessary kilograms, burn fat, increase metabolism and increase overall physical fitness.
Thanks to the system based on interval training, these exercises will allow you to make the most of these 7 minutes to increase endurance, joint mobility and sculpt muscles.
If we keep an eye on what is on our plate, take frequent walks and do not spend all days sitting on the couch, a 7-minute workout will be a perfect complement to the goal.
It is worth doing it, because for just 7 minutes we have contact with the most efficient and he alth-promoting exercises, which when performed regularly, will allow us to significantly improve our fitness and ensure an attractive appearance of the figure.
Besides - 7 minutes all day spent on physical training is an extraordinary economy of time, so it would be a pity not to take advantage of it. Training sets can be performed both in the morning and in the evening after finishing work. Each set is adapted to the level of the exerciser, and its duration also includes a short onewarm-up, rest and short breaks between exercises.
7-Minute Workout for Beginners
Before starting HIIT training for beginners to accelerate fat burning, do a 30-second warm-up. Warm up to prepare your joints for exercise. Jump in place a few times, circulate your shoulders and elbows, make an extension and flexion in the knee joints, and a few bends and hip circles.
The main part of the training is 6 minutes. Active rest for 15 seconds between each exercise - walk in place with your knees raised high and move your arms vigorously.
Remember to rest at least 30 seconds after training. Lie down on the mat, freely place your legs and arms apart and focus on the slow diaphragmatic breathing.
Do this 7-minute starter burnout workout twice a week. After a month of practice, increase the amount to three training units.
- Earthworm
Bend forward, place your palms on the ground, and begin walking them forward until your body is in a line. Get down to the plank position and this time - walk with your feet to your hands. Do this exercise alternately walking - once with your arms forward and your legs. Remember to keep your abdomen tight and your hips not rocked side to side as you control your pelvis.
- Raising hips while lying on the side
Lie on your side on the mat with your knees bent. Support on your elbow, pull your shoulder blade down, and lower your ribs, tightening your abdomen. Begin lifting your hips upward as you exhale and slowly lower your torso downward. Make sure the body is in the same line. Don't push your hips back or shoulder forward. Do the exercise on the other side as well.
- Squats with toe-climbing
Spacing your legs slightly wider than hip width. Do the squat by slowly going down and keeping your knees gently outward. Go down to the point where your joints do not feel uncomfortable.
Remember to control the pelvis-spine relationship. Try to maintain the correct posture also when going down. Do not slouch or hyperextend the thoracic spine - the spine should be neutral. As you climb back up, tiptoe tightly clench your buttocks and go back down.
- Jumps in place
Adopt the correct body posture - tense your abdomen by lowering your ribs, gently tuck your pelvis under you, pull your shoulder blades together and tighten your buttocks. Then start jumping from leg to leg springily, likeboxer in the ring. Remember to land softly on the ground and slow down the movement with the strength of your leg muscles.
- Board with leg lift
Take the plank position with your hands. Tighten your stomach and buttocks. Then, start lifting one leg and the other alternately, but at all times make sure that the movement is conscious and controlled. Only raise your leg until you manage to keep your body stable and your spine does not begin to arch.
- Stomping in place
Stand hip-width apart, bend slightly forward and tighten your stomach. Start stamping the ground vigorously and hard. At the same time, make sure that the movement is soft and that the weight of the feet rests primarily on the toes and the front of the foot.
- Alternating inclinations
Adopt the correct body posture. Place your legs wider than your hips and start making bends. Reach your right foot with your left hand, and reach for your left hand with your right hand. Remember that your stomach should be active and your spine should be straight. If you cannot reach your feet without bending your knees, then reach as much as you can, but keep your knees straight. Tighten your abdomen and control your body with the strength of its muscles.
- Reverse pump
Sit on the mat and support yourself on your hands. Remember to keep straight in the elbow joint! Lift your hips up on your heels or, if this exercise is too difficult for you, bend your knees and lean on your entire feet. Begin your flexes by working your way down as if you were going to do an inverted push-up. Make sure your shoulders don't stick out too far forward and your shoulder blades are pinched.
Exercise | Duration |
Earthworm | 30 seconds |
Side hip lift x2 | 30 seconds + 30 seconds (no rest between pages) |
Squats with toe-climbing | 30 seconds |
Jumps in place | 30 seconds |
Board with leg lift | 30 seconds |
Stomping in place | 30 seconds |
Alternating bends | 30 seconds |
Reverse pump | 30 seconds |
7-minute intermediate training
Intermediate burning training should be done 2 to 3 times a week. Begin warming up with dynamic stretching and a short warm-up of joints and muscles. Take about 30 seconds to do this. Breaks between exercisesshould last 10 seconds. Remember that it should be an active holiday - you can just walk in place. After finishing training, lie down on the mat and try to relax. Deep and calm breathing will help you with that!
- Dog with his head down and going down to the plank
Perform the dog's head down pose - push your hands off the mat, push your hips up and move your shoulders away from your ears. Hold this position for a while and slide back forward to the plank position, which also stay for a few seconds.
During this sequence, keep your abdomen slightly taut and your shoulder blades active. Also, keep your buttocks working and keep your knees from tilting inward when the dog is standing head-down.
- Hand to foot in plank position
Take the plank position with the palm rest. Remove one hand from the mat and the opposite leg. Now try to make the two limbs meet each other or at least come closer towards each other. Do the exercise on the other side of the body. Remember to use the correct technique for this exercise - keep your spine in a neutral position and tighten your abdominal muscles.
- The squat with the change of the feet spacing
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Get ready to squat by flexing your buttocks, lowering your ribs, and gently pointing your knees outward. Get down to the squat as low as your body allows you, using correct technique. Return to the starting position and spread your knees much wider than your hips.
Do the squat again, making sure your knees do not come in. Perform such squats alternately - going down quite slowly and standing up vigorously.
- Zakroki
Adopt the correct posture, put your arms forward and bring them closer together. Then start making laps - first visit the left leg backwards, then the right leg, and alternately. Make sure your knee is in line with your ankle and hip. Also, make sure that the pelvis does not swing sideways. To do this, tighten your buttocks and stomach tightly. During the bend, keep going down until your knee is just above the mat.
- Sprint in place
Sprint in place is simply a quick run in a place where you try to make the pace of the exercise as fast as possible. Try to raise your knees as high as possible and land softly on the mat. To help yourself, activate your abs and run as if your core is controlling your limbs.
- Forward jump and two backward jumps
Adopt the correct body posture and get ready to jump. Jump far forward and back on the same route but in two smaller jumps. For this exercise, remember to keep an eye on your landing techniques. The most important thing is to position your feet and knees and not let them slip inside. Try to jump springily and slow down the movement.
- Crunches with knees apart
Lie down on the mat with your legs arranged like a frog. The feet should be pressed together. Gently tilt the pelvis. Begin reaching with your arms towards your feet and tighten your abs. Do the exercise fairly vigorously, but not too quickly. Keep your head neutral - it should "look" at the ceiling.
Exercise | Duration |
Dog with his head down and going down to the board | 40 seconds |
Hand to foot in plank position | 40 seconds |
Squat with a change in the spacing of the feet | 40 seconds |
Zakroki | 40 seconds |
Sprint in place | 40 seconds |
Jump forward and backward two jumps | 40 seconds |
Crunches with knees apart | 40 seconds |
7-minute advanced training
Do 7-minute advanced training three times a week. Before training, take a moment to warm up. Rest actively between exercises for a maximum of 7 seconds. After finishing training, relax for a moment and focus on calm, deep relaxing breath.
- Forward and reverse crawling
Assume a propped kneeling position. Lift your knees off the mat so that they are just above it. Keep the spine in line and remember to pull down the shoulder blades - do not hang on them. Now start moving forward as if you are crawling. Watch your hips with strong abdominal muscles - the hips should not move for this exercise. After you have stepped forward a few times, come back to the starting position with your back. Make small, precise movements.
- Mountain bike
Take the plank position with the palm rest. Then take your leg off the mat, bend it at the knee and bring it closer to the opposite arm, tightening your abdominal muscles tightly. Repeat this exercise on the other side. Perform them reasonably vigorously, keeping a steady rhythm. Take care not to slouch too much in this exercise, but only as much as you need to to activate your abdominal muscles and pull your knee into your chest.
- Burpees
Burpees is a widely known aerobic exercise. It consists in performing several exercises (sequences) in one. Jump up by stretching your arms up, do a squat, put your hands on your hands, throw your legs back, descend to the push-up position and return to the starting position, doing the same sequences on your return.
This exercise is one of the most difficult aerobic exercises - remember, less is more. Above all, care about the correctness of the technique, not the fast pace.
- Squat with holding
Get down to the squat until about the right angle is obtained between your hips and feet. Pause the movement for about 3 seconds and dynamically return to the starting position. Remember that your knees are pointing outwards and that your stomach is always active!
- Rompers
The technique of making jumping jacks does not need to be explained to anyone, we know this exercise since we were a child. When doing it, just make sure your knees don't come in when you place your legs sideways, and don't do this type of aerobic exercise on inactive core muscles.
- Jumps - scissors
Stand in a bend position - tense your abdomen, slightly tuck your pelvis under you, pull your shoulder blades together. Now bounce up sharply and change the position of the legs while flying, making vertical scissors. Try to land exactly so as not to correct this position during the next change.
Firmly control your body with the muscles of your stomach and buttocks. You don't have to spread your legs far, the most important thing here is the dynamic element, in which you change the spacing of your legs during the jump.
- "Walk" in the plank position
Assume a forward support position, resting on your hands. Remember about active shoulder blades and abdominal muscles. Start walking with your arms left and right, making small and precise movements. Try not to swing your body and keep in good control of movement. Be careful not to overstretch your elbows and keep your elbows gently outward.
Exercise | Duration |
Crawl forward and backward | 45 seconds |
Mountain bike | 45 seconds |
Burpees | 45 seconds |
Squat with hold | 45 seconds |
Pajacyki | 45 seconds |
Skipping - scissors | 45 seconds |
"Walk" in the plank position | 45 seconds |

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