Patients with diabetes, using a properly composed diet, can regulate the sugar level in as much as 90 percent. For them, a correct diet can be a medicine. A precisely planned diet is a very important element in the treatment of ailments for people with diabetes. A proper diet allows you to maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood, which is the first step to he alth.
Diet fordiabeticmust be composed so that the patient does not exceed the daily dose of consumedcarbohydratesandfats. These amounts are individual for each patient. Based on the parameters of the he alth condition, the advancement of the disease, laboratory results and medical history, the method of treatment (insulin therapy), these indicators are quantified by a doctor or dietitian. Remember that each patient requires an individual approach and you should not be tempted to follow the diet of your friend or family member.
Diet for diabetics - eat 5-6 meals a day at fixed times
A systematic supply of energy throughout the day will help maintain a constant blood sugar level. As a result, there will be no major and life-threatening fluctuations in glucose levels in the body. Try to diversify each meal with a portion of fresh vegetables that make you feel full quickly and don't contain too many calories. The regularity of eating meals allows you to develop eating habits at certain times. Thanks to this, the diabetic patient will avoid sharp drops and increases in blood glucose. Developing a habit of eating at specific times allows you to minimize the risk of hunger pangs in the evening hours.
Diet for diabetics - eat whole grains, legumes and fish
Whole food products and legumes are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber has the ability to bind heavy metals and cholesterol and remove them from the human body. As a result, the level of cholesterol in people consuming whole grain bread, groats, flour, pasta and beans, soybeans and lentils is reduced. These fiber fractions, which are insoluble in water, give a feeling of fullness, fill the intestines, accelerate passage and improve gut motility and peristalsis. Protein includedin fish, it not only satisfies the feeling of hunger, but also promotes the development of muscles and cellular structures. In addition, fish contain very he althy omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Diabetes - watch out for the amount of fats you eat
In a he althy person, fats should not exceed 30 percent. the caloric value of the diet. In people with diabetes, the daily supply of fats should not exceed 25%. the daily energy of the diet. Therefore, if a patient is recommended to follow a low-fat diet, be careful not to consume more than 40 g of fat during the day. How to count it? Well, a dietitian will help in this. Check your fat balance daily. Try to consume mostly vegetable fats. Use olive oil for short frying, for salads and casseroles, season the soups with yoghurt or milk. Give up animal fats: cream, butter, lard and bacon. Try to eat fats in equal portions throughout the day. This promotes better absorption and assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K.
Diet for diabetics - remember about vitamins and minerals
Vitamin C is the most important for a diabetic. Diabetics are much more likely to develop bacterial and viral infections, and vitamin C effectively increases the immunity of our body. The most vitamin C are: sauerkraut, citrus fruits, peppers, parsley, black currants, spinach, rosehips and strawberries. An important vitamin for diabetics is also B-carotene, i.e. the plant form of vitamin A. B-carotene is essential for the processes of proper vision, prevents night blindness, cares for the condition of the eye retina, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and fights free radicals. Sources of provitamin A include: carrots, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, squashes, broccoli, oranges.
Research shows that nearly 25 percent people with diabetes suffer from magnesium deficiency. Meanwhile, increasing the supply of this element in the diet protects diabetics from a very serious diabetic complication - damage to the retina. Good sources of magnesium are: cocoa, dark bread, groats, dark rice, linseed, pumpkin seeds, soybeans.
The second important element for a diabetic is chromium. It helps to regulate insulin levels in the blood and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. You will find a lot of chromium in sides, barley, red wine, rhubarb. Calcium from dairy products prevents hypertension, which threatens people with diabetes. Takes care of the good condition of bones, nails and teeth. It is needed in hematopoietic processes and supports conductionnervous stimuli. Good sources of calcium include: buttermilk, sweet and sour milk, yoghurts, kefirs, cottage cheese, yellow cheese, homogenized cheese.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
A diabetic diet doesn't have to mean sacrifices! Take advantage of JeszCoLubisz - an innovative dietary system of the He alth Guide. Enjoy an individually tailored plan and the constant care of a dietitian. Eat what you like, help the body in disease, look and feel better.
Find out moreAvoid cooking for a long time
Try not to overcook the food. For example, groats, pasta or vegetables served in the form of an overcooked pulp cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In contrast, the same foods cooked al dente do not have this effect. Give up sweets and fatty snacks: chips, sticks, pizza. Sweets provoke a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, and after some time there is a rapid decrease in it. The diabetic's body feels it quite acutely. High-calorie snacks are only a source of empty calories, and these come from fat, which is the main culprit of overweight and obesity.
Drink a minimum of 8-9 glasses of fluids during the day
Water not only cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products, but is also essential for the proper functioning of all body cells. Green and red tea should be added to the menu of a diabetic who is more exposed to a heart attack than other people. Green and red tea contain antioxidants and substances that stimulate a sluggish metabolism. As a result, digestion, absorption and excretion occur in a shorter time.
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