The yogurt diet is a two-week slimming diet that allows you to lose up to 6 kilograms in 14 days. The basis of this slimming diet are yoghurts with live bacteria cultures: natural and fruity, skimmed and with a normal fat content.
The yoghurt dietis a two-week slimming diet based on dairy products: yoghurt and kefir. Buttermilk is not recommended due to the higher fat and carbohydrate content than in yoghurts and kefirs. The yogurt diet allows you to eat kefirs and yoghurts not only as part of the main meals, but also as snacks.
Yogurt diet: rules
The yoghurt diet is based on yoghurt and kefir, fermented milk products that have many he alth benefits.
In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, yoghurts are rich in probiotic bacteria (probiotics), which have numerous he alth properties, including support immunity and the functioning of the digestive system. When buying yoghurts, you should pay attention to the amount of beneficial microflora, their freshness and use-by date (the closer to expiry, the less probiotic bacteria in the yogurt) and whether the lid is convex (if it is, it means the development of harmful microflora).1
Lactic acid is formed in the yogurt fermentation process, which also accelerates intestinal peristalsis by secreting saliva and stimulating the secretion of digestive juices.2It also prevents diarrhea, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal microflora, reduces symptoms of lactose intolerance, supports the immune system and prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis through increased absorption of calcium and phosphorus.1
When on a yoghurt diet, it is best to use natural yoghurts containing natural lactose as sugar and not enriched with any artificial substances. Fruit yoghurts available in stores are not recommended, as in most cases their taste, smell and color do not result from the fruit content, but from dyes (artificial or real) and aromas identical to natural ones. However, the sweetness of these yoghurts is mainly due to the addition of sugar or sweeteners.
The menu of the yogurt diet also includes kefir, which, although it has a lower nutritional value than yogurt, is also positiveaffects the peristalsis of the intestines and the secretion of bile and digestive juices.1
The yoghurt diet, apart from yoghurt and kefir, allows you to eat almost anything. Any fruit is allowed on your plate, even bananas or grapes. You can eat vegetables too. The menu of a yoghurt diet should also include muesli, oat and corn flakes, whole wheat bread and lean meat. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water a day.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreYoghurt diet: menu
Day 1
- Breakfast: a glass of yogurt, 2 slices of wholemeal bread with a hard-boiled egg and tomato
- 2nd breakfast: yogurt, apple
- Lunch: roasted turkey breast (200 g), rice with steamed vegetables (100 g), a glass of kefir
- Dinner: lean cottage cheese (50 g) with chives and a large tomato
The yogurt diet primarily excludes red meat and fatty fish.
Day 2
- Breakfast: 3 tablespoons of oatmeal plain yogurt, an orange
- 2nd breakfast: natural yoghurt, kiwi
- lunch: braised cod fillet, buckwheat, steamed broccoli, glass of natural yoghurt
- dinner: crispbread with lean meat, tomato, kefir

Yogurt Diet: Benefits
A two-week slimming diet, based on yogurt and kefir, is considered by many specialists as one of the he althiest and most effective. Due to the variety of permitted products, it is rich in nutrients (especially vitamins, phosphorus and calcium, and easily digestible protein). Only a small percentage of those who followed the yogurt diet report the yo-yo effect.
- Dr. Perricone, or the probiotic diet
- Protein diet or an effective slimming diet. What allows you to eat a protein diet?
- OXY DIET - what is the new protein diet? How much weight can you lose on the OXY diet?
Yogurt diet: disadvantages
The yogurt diet has one big disadvantage - it is not a cheap diet, and a slightly smaller disadvantage - it can be monotonous. As for the cost - you can take comfort,that it's only two weeks, and you can win with monotony, if you only spend a moment planning your daily menu - apart from yogurt, you have quite a lot of products to choose from.
The yogurt diet is not recommended for people who have problems with protein metabolism and complain of ailments resulting from improper kidney function. Even if you do not belong to any of these groups, consult your physician on the decision to start a yogurt diet, who will assess whether your body can handle this amount of protein well.
Yo-yo effect - how to avoid it
Did you lose weight? Way to go! However, this is not the end of the way to a slim figure. Maintaining the weight achieved is just as demanding as the diet. How to avoid the yo-yo effect. How to eat after a diet? Listen to the dietitian and he alth coach Elżbieta Lange.
1. Mojka K., Characteristics of fermented milk beverages, "Problems of Hygiene and Epidemiology" 2013, 94 (4): 722-729