The egg diet is a real torpedo. The effects can be seen after a few days. It was developed by American nutritionists from the Mayo clinic as part of a plan to combat obesity.

There are several versions of theegg diet , but the base is eggs, which are the main source ofprotein . They should be eaten hard-boiled, 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

According to nutritionists, chicken eggs are a treasury of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are low in calories (about 70 kcal) and contain wholesome proteins that are completely absorbed by our body. These proteins accelerate metabolism, and thus - fat burning. It is also worth remembering that one yolk contains large amounts of vitamins A, B1, B12, D, riboflavin and folic acid.

Egg diet: carbohydrates are essential

A diet based solely on protein and fat would cause metabolic problems, fatigue and a bad mood. That is why properly selected carbohydrates are so important. Therefore, we add vegetables and fruits to the diet, which have an additional effect on stimulating the metabolism. In addition, they are low in calories and are an ideal source of valuable fiber, which in addition to improving intestinal peristalsis, inhibits the feeling of hunger.

Egg diet: how many eggs a day?

In an egg diet, it is recommended to eat up to 6 eggs a day, hard-boiled for no more than 10 minutes. The entire weight loss cycle should last no less than two weeks and be strictly adhered to.

Additionally, we should drink up to 3 liters of mineral water or green tea a day, because it helps to flush out toxins and metabolic products from the body. We are allowed to cook fish or chicken breast once every few days.

The first effects can be seen after a few days - depending on the predisposition of the body, you can lose up to five kilograms. However, it is worth remembering that returning to normal eating after a few weeks of using the egg diet may cause a yo-yo effect.

Calculate your daily caloric requirement

Egg diet: disadvantages of the egg diet

In addition to the undoubted weight loss, the egg diet can have side effects. Some of the people on this diet have complained of headaches, fainting, or a feeling of crashproblems with metabolism. The reason is that the amount of calories that we provide to our body is too low, which means that it is forced to use energy reserves, i.e. increased fat burning.

Remember that the yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, which can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. So before we decide on an egg diet, let's consult it with our doctor or nutritionist, especially if we have problems with the circulatory system.

Learn about other methods of accelerating metabolism [TOWIDEO]

An example of an egg diet menu
  • Breakfast:2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 tangerines or a banana
  • Lunch:2 eggs, celery salad or carrots with peas
  • Dinner:2 eggs, fruit (orange, apple, mandarin, pear, etc.), fish fillet or chicken breast (weekly)
