Caucasian Moroznik is an ornamental plant, but it is more and more often used as a means of slimming. Meanwhile, doctors' opinions about the effects of its action are negative. The Caucasian Moroznik is not safe for he alth and causes numerous side effects, specialists warn. The Caucasian Moroznik is a poisonous plant and its use may even result in death.
Caucasian moroznik(Caucasian hellebore,Helleborus caucasicus ) is a valued ornamental plant. However, recently it is increasingly being used as aslimming agent . Manufacturers of tablets containing the Caucasian moroznik argue that it is "the most effective and the cheapest measure in the fight against overweight, and not only". Moroznik caucasian "normalizes metabolism, it is a great measure for slimming without the yo-yo effect." In addition, "it cleans the intestines, liver, urinary tract, prevents the formation of gallstones. It is used as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of tumors in female organs, prostate and thyroid gland".
How much truth is there? When you search PubMed - which is the largest database of scientific research results worldwide - you can only find four entries for the phrase "Helleborus caucasicus" ¹. All of them concern only the analysis of the composition of the Caucasian moroze. We learn from them that this plant contains compounds called glycosides. It is these substances - when used inappropriately - that harm your he alth and in some cases can even lead to death.
Caucasian moroznik for weight loss? You can lose a life, not unnecessary kilograms!
Cardiac glycosides are substances of plant origin that - as the name suggests - affect the work of the heart (but not only) - stimulate its operation, increase the strength of heart muscle contraction, and at the same time reduce the frequency of this contraction.
Moroznik Caucasian is a plant that can lead to death, while according to the manufacturer's description, the preparation (in a reduced dose) can be used in children from the age of 7.
Thanks to this, glycosides have found application in medicine. Currently, they are obtained from plants called woolly foxglove and purple foxglove. However, the action of glycosides is very strong, and they are also highly toxic. For this reason, the use of drugs thatcontain these substances, is limited to certain cardiac conditions and should only be performed by a specialist cardiologist with appropriate experience. Moroznik caucasian also contains cardiac glycosides, but they are not used in medicine. Why?
As we read on the website of the Drug Information Center (CIL) ² "the Caucasian moroznik contains active substances, among others, bufadienol glycosides, mainly helebrin, which acts on the heart muscle similarly to cardiac glycosides contained in such plants as purple foxglove The foxglove is used medicinally to this day, while the hellebore was once used as a cardiac drug, but has been withdrawn from treatment, because the hellebore, in addition to glycosides, contains ballast substances that easily induce nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. considered poisonous plants and has no use in medicine. " "There is also no description of any action on metabolism and weight loss in the literature we consulted," add experts from the Drug Information Center (CIL). Dieticians also do not recommend Moroznik Caucasian for weight loss.
According to an expertMałgorzata Krukowska, dieticianCaucasian moroznik and slimming
I am 164 cm and weigh 78 kg. My doctor said it wasn't that bad. Despite the different diets, I am losing a little and gaining weight again. I have enough of this! I feel bad about this weight, I would like to go down to 65 kg. I have hypothyroidism and I think the problem is here. I ordered a Caucasian moroznik, is it a good idea?
Małgorzata Krukowska, dietitian: If the Caucasian moroznik brought amazing results, it would be used in slimming therapy. As far as I know it is not so. Please remember that you absolutely can not drink alcohol while using moroznik. Besides, it cannot be used in various serious diseases. Hypothyroidism is a serious metabolic disorder, but the choice is yours. I do not recommend it. I believe your problem is more in your head. You know different diets, but have a problem with consistency. I suggest looking for someone who will motivate you and support you in losing weight.
Moroznik caucasian - is it safe? Side effects of using
As already mentioned, glycosides are highly toxic. There is little difference between the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose. Therefore, taking them (even under medical supervision) is associated with the risk of potentially fatal poisoning.
The most common symptoms of glycoside poisoning are:
- digestive system disorders - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, flatulence anddiarrhea
- neurological changes - in the form of sensory, orientation, sleep and visual disturbances
- a characteristic neurological symptom is a change in the perception of vision - seeing in yellow
However, the most disturbing symptoms of glycoside poisoning are cardiovascular symptoms. Glycosides can lead to:
- tachycardia
- atrial flutter
- ventricular tachycardias
- cell fibrillation
These are conditions that can lead to death.
Caucasian Moroznik is not a dietary supplement
The packaging of the Caucasian Moroznik does not have a leaflet in Polish, which is inconsistent with the regulations in force in Poland. All preparations admitted to marketing in our country should contain inscriptions in Polish. Additionally, in the register kept since 2007, available on the GIF.webp website, there is no preparation containing the phrase "moroznik" in its name. This explains why the Caucasian moroznik cannot be bought in pharmacies. It is mainly available in online stores. 10 grams of powdered moroznik rhizomes costs PLN 12. You can also buy Moroznik Caucasian in such forms as tablets, capsules.