Synephrine is a substance obtained from bitter orange fruit, with properties dangerously similar to ephedrine and amphetamine. It belongs to the so-called thermogenics, accelerating fat burning. The use of synephrine supplements may have side effects that may pose a he alth risk.

Synephrineis an alkaloid that makes up about 6% of the bitter orange fruit extract. The variety of use of bitter orange fruit can surprise you. Despite the fact that freshly picked from the tree are not suitable for eating (because of the bitter taste), their preserves will make a sensation in the food industry. From marmalades and preserves to alcohols - the bitter orange fruit is used to make the famous blue Curaçao liqueur. In addition, the sugar-fried fruit covers are used to decorate cakes, and the orange oil obtained from it is used as an essence for cakes and sweet dishes. Dried bitter orange peel is used in traditional Chinese medicine to stimulate the appetite and to treat indigestion. In this context, it seems almost paradoxical that it is also used in dietary supplements supporting weight loss.

Synephrine increases thermogenesis

The nuisance of almost every person who decides to lose weight is excess body fat. It is usually located on the abdomen, hips and buttocks in the form of "rollers", which are the aesthetic nightmare of every woman. The fight with unwanted fat tissue is not easy and requires a lot of physical effort and liters of poured sweat. It is intensive training that accelerates metabolism, increases body temperature and burns fats, which are the body's source of energy in such situations. What if we don't like to sweat or we just don't have time to go to the gym?

In such situations, you can reach for the so-calledthermogenics . This name describes natural substances that cause the release of heat from the body by increasing metabolism, increasing energy expenditure and accelerating fat burning. They constitute a separate segment of dietary supplements supporting weight loss. They are very popular, especially among people who are into bodybuilding, because by minimizing the thickness of adipose tissue, they help bettermake the muscles visible.

Unfortunately, very often the role of thermogenics is also prohibited or dangerous substances, which are also considered the most effective. We are talking here about dinitrophenol (DNP), the use of which has already led to the death of several people in Poland. Ephedrine (a precursor of amphetamine) is also a strong thermogenic, which several years ago was a frequent addition to slimming dietary supplements. Unfortunately, while taking this type of preparation for a long time, a number of side effects and even deaths appeared. For this reason, the Food and Drug Administration in the USA issued a ban on the use of ephedrine in slimming preparations on April 12, 2004. In Poland, ephedrine is prescribed by a doctor and is mainly used in nasal decongestants.

Synephrine - a safer substitute for ephedrine?

For years, people have searched for a substance that could replace ephedrine in slimming preparations. One that would come close to its effectiveness, and at the same time be safer for the he alth and life of users. In this way, synephrine was found, the chemical structure of which is very similar to ephedrine. It is also similar to its operation. Synephrine stimulates the nervous system in a similar way to adrenaline, tyramine or ephedrine. It affects the beta-3 receptor, which causes lipolysis (breakdown of fats) with the simultaneous activation of thermogenesis. Synephrine also raises blood pressure, accelerates blood circulation and increases the cardiac output. At the same time, it dilates the bronchi, stops an asthma attack and opens up the sinuses, much like ephedrine.

Synephrine - side effects

With the appearance of synephrine preparations on the market, reports began to appear indicating that, like ephedrine, they may pose a he alth risk. Also in the literature you can find a number of reports on the negative effects of consuming ephedrine-free slimming preparations, but containing synephrine. In one study, scientists showed that consuming 900 mg of synephrine standardized extract for 6% in the form of a dietary supplement may cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate just a few hours after consuming a single dose [1]. We also know the case of a 55-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction and who in the year preceding the event took a slimming preparation containing 300 mg of bitter orange [2].

Is synephrine safe then? According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), a given substance can be considered safe if it ishas been traditionally used by a large population over many years, and no harmful symptoms are observed and consumption rates remain the same. In the case of the bitter orange fruit, which is the source of synephrine, these conditions are not fully met, as its consumption has significantly increased in recent years. The purpose of products containing synephrine has also changed.

Supplements with synephrine - from the Internet or the pharmacy?

So far, the use of synephrine and bitter orange fruit extract in dietary supplements is allowed and widely used. Also in Polish pharmacies you can find several preparations supporting weight loss with synephrine. However, many more dietary supplements containing synephrine are available in various online stores and sports nutrition stores. However, it is worth being cautious in their case. The recently published report of the Supreme Audit Office indicated that dietary supplements supporting slimming, which are available only on the Internet, most often of all such products show non-compliance with the manufacturer's declaration. They are also most often falsified by adding illegal and dangerous substances to them. In this context, preparations available in pharmacies (especially from producers using higher manufacturing standards) seem to be a safer solution.

What is a safe synephrine dosage?

According to the Berlin Institute for Risk Assessment, the average dietary intake of synephrine does not exceed 6.7 milligrams. Only people who consume unusually large amounts of citrus, orange juice, and citrus jams can increase them by up to 25.7 milligrams a day. It is considered dangerous to exceed 27 milligrams of synephrine per day [3]. Most of the preparations available in pharmacies contain bitter orange fruit extract standardized for 6% synephrine content - this information is important because manufacturers of dietary supplements containing this extract do not provide the content of synephrine.


Synephrine is especially dangerous when combined with caffeine, such as in coffee or cola, and energy drinks. An example of this is the case of a 27-year-old German woman who consumed 100 milligrams of this substance daily along with 400 milligrams of caffeine. Two weeks later, while exercising fitness, she was in cardiac arrest [3]. Preparations with synephrine or bitter orange fruit extract should not be taken by people using any medications - especially antidepressants. Sources describea case of a 52-year-old woman taking thyroxine who developed tachycardia after consuming the dry extract of unripe bitter orange fruit (500 mg of an extract containing 30 mg of synephrine) [4]. In the opinion of the authors of these reports, it should be emphasized that such preparations may interact with antidepressants, thyroxine or drugs for cardiovascular diseases.

Examples of preparations containing synephrine, available in Polish pharmacies

Name of the preparationBitter orange extract content in 1 capsuleManufacturer
Figura Extraslim400 mgHerbapol
Therm Line Ultra Fast300 mgOlimp Laboratories
Therm Line PRO150 mgOlimp Laboratories
CelluOFF122 mgAvet Pharma
Linea 40 +100 mgAflofarm
2Be Slim100 mgColfarm
Be Slim 3100 mgColfarm
Therm Line Forte83.25 mgOlimp Laboratories
Therm Line Men79 mgOlimp Laboratories
Fundamic50 mgAflofarm
Be Slim35 mgColfarm
Young Barley Forte Slim25 mgAvet Pharma
