Poles are eager to buy dietary supplements. They want to strengthen their immunity, give the body energy, improve their appearance - motivations are different, as are the types of people who take supplements. So get to know the Preventive, Sickly, Beauty, Conformist, Future Parents and Pro-he alth - the 6 most common types of consumers of this type of preparations, distinguished in the report prepared by the Pollster Research Institute.

According to a report prepared by the Pollster Research Institute for the portalads portaladznikzdrowie.pl and the magazine "Zdrowie", half of Poles take dietary supplements. The most frequently chosen are preparations that strengthen the immune system, improve memory, skin, hair and nails condition. The least willingly, as we declare, we choose agents that delay the aging process and those supporting libido. Based on the responses received and the choices made by people buying dietary supplements, the report of the Pollster Research Institute distinguishes 6 types of consumers of these products. It turns out that Poles are as much Preventive as Sickness - in each of these groups there are 21 percent of all people taking supplements. Beautifully next - 17 percent, then Conformists - 15 percent, and finally Preventive and Future Parents - 13 percent each.

You can read the report of the Pollster Research Institute at this link!


The first group is a thrifty person. They take dietary supplements before they develop he alth problems:want to strengthen their body and avoid infection.This group is distinguished by the fact that the majority of them are men - 55 percent. There are also relatively many people with primary education - 18 percent, although those with secondary education dominate - 38 percent. People over 35 are especially preventive, and they constitute 62 percent of this type of consumers of dietary supplements. Preventive persons, slightly more often than the general public, declare that they do not take supplements on a daily basis, but only from time to time. Less often than others, they consume more than one type of dietary supplement, but they almost always consult their doctor about the choice of the preparation - this is the case with as many as 80 percent of the Preventive.

What supplements people from this group reach formost often? Those boosting immunity (56 percent), improving concentration and vitality (33 percent), are less likely to take beauty products (19 percent), digestive support (15 percent), athletes (4 percent), and sleep enhancers (1 percent). When considering the specific ingredients in dietary supplements, Preventive people value vitamin C (89 percent), magnesium (83 percent), and calcium (70 percent) the most. They almost always buy preparations in a stationary pharmacy and are guided primarily by their own experience, and not the advice of others. However, if they need help in choosing the right product, they look for information about the supplement from the pharmacist or on the packaging slightly more often than the general public, and less often - on the Internet and in advertising.


The sick buy dietary supplements because of malaise and lack of energy.More women (53 percent) than men (47 percent) are among the sick. The representation of people with vocational education is also relatively large - 22 percent, although most of them have secondary education. Consumers aged 35-44, from smaller towns, predominate. 55 percent of the sick take supplements irregularly and the least frequently of all groups consult a doctor - 86 percent of them do not.

Among this group, supplements improving vitality and concentration (35 percent) are the most popular, while a significant percentage - compared to other groups - are stress-reducing preparations (26 percent). Much less interest than the general population is expressed by the morbid people with slimming preparations - 5 percent and beauty preparations - 21 percent. Considering the specific ingredients contained in dietary supplements, magnesium definitely wins - 90 percent, vitamin C comes second - 71 percent, and vitamin D3 - 58 percent third. The sick most often from all groups buy preparations in stationary pharmacies and less often than the total of respondents go to the gas station or use the Internet for them. Wednesday convinces the Patients with a low price, brand or recommendation by a friend, and to a lesser extent - a doctor's recommendation or an order on the Internet or in a magazine.


The most important thing for beauty ladies is to improve their appearance and lose weight.There are definitely more women in this group (79 percent) than in others, and there are also more young people than among the total number of respondents - 34 percent are consumers aged 25-34. Beautiful people with secondary education - 44 percent of the group - and people living in the countryside dominate. People from this segment rarely reach forsupplements - they reached for them only a few times, but more often than others use several preparations - on average even three at one time. Even more rarely than the fierce and sickly, beauties consult their doctor about their choice of the drug - as many as 91 percent of them do not.

Beauty supplements are used by 54 percent of this group, and those supporting the weight loss process - by 40 percent. In the next place are measures to improve the functioning of the digestive system - 18 percent. The most frequently chosen ingredients are: magnesium (79 percent), vitamin C (64 percent) and vitamin D3 (55 percent). As in each of the groups, people who buy dietary supplements in stationary pharmacies dominate here, but there are more people who choose a grocery store. When it comes to searching for information about a specific dietary supplement - Beautiful girls more often than other groups surf the Internet, consult leaflets and he alth magazines. They are less likely to seek such information from pharmacists and doctors.


Conformists, unlike other groups, trust others more than themselves when choosing a dietary supplement. In this segment, we can see the strongest influence on recommendations in articles, advertisements, TV programs, the Internet, as well as the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. There are far more men among the Conformists than in any of the other groups - 63 percent. The percentage of people with higher education is also higher - 39 percent - and those under 34 - 32 percent. Most of the Conformists live in large cities (over 100,000 inhabitants) - 49 percent. People in this group by far most often admit that they only take supplements from time to time. They also more often than generally declare that they take three preparations at the same time, less often one or two. 24 percent of Conformists consult a doctor about their choices.

People from this segment most often reach for supplements for athletes, those affecting the locomotor system, as well as preparations supporting immunity (38 percent), digestive system (24 percent), vision (15 percent), reducing stress (22 percent) ). More often than others, they declare taking dietary supplements with various vitamins and elements. The dominant ones among them are: magnesium (84 percent), vitamin C (81 percent) and calcium (67 percent). Conformists like to buy dietary supplements on the Internet - as many as 10 percent of them do. It is similar with searching for information about a product - more often than other groups, they do online research and check data on packaging and product leaflets.

Future parents

They cameParents, and consumers of dietary supplements, are mostly women - 86 percent - and people with secondary (45 percent) and higher (34 percent) education. As many as half of future parents are people aged 25-34, living in 40% of cases in the countryside. More than the general public, they take their supplements regularly, taking only one remedy and consulting their choice with a doctor 25 percent of the time. In order to do supplemental shopping, the Prospective Parents most often go to a stationary pharmacy.

Consumers in this group most often take supplements supporting the functioning of the immune system (32 percent), improving beauty (22 percent) as well as concentration and vitality (19 percent). When it comes to specific elements and vitamins, magnesium (75 percent) wins, followed by vitamin C (71 percent) and vitamin D3 (61 percent). Future mothers use folic acid more often than the general public - this is the case in 50 percent of cases. They do not pay attention to the price and brand of products, less often than other groups they use their experience when shopping.

Pro-he alth

There are almost the same number of men and women among Pro-he alth, but with a slight indication - 52 percent - on the latter. This is the only group of dietary supplement consumers dominated by people over 45 - they account for 46 percent of this segment. Pro-he alth people often have higher education - 39 percent and live in smaller cities (up to 100,000) - 42 percent. This group is more likely than the general public to take two supplements at the same time and much more often consults their choice with a doctor, this is the case in 56 percent of cases.

People in this segment use supplements that affect the locomotor system (25 percent), cardiovascular system (25 percent), reduce the risk of osteoporosis (19 percent), inhibit the aging process (11 percent), and aid sleep ( 11 percent) and libido / potency (10 percent). As in other groups, magnesium (84 percent) is the most frequently chosen ingredient by Pro-He alth, followed by vitamin C (83 percent) and vitamin D3 (61 percent). Less often than other en segments, they use means for slimming, but more often they declare buying them in a supermarket. Pro-he alth people are eager to look for information about supplements from their doctor, and use the Internet with the least enthusiasm.

Type of dietary supplement consumerWho is?What is buying?Why am I buying?


  • man
  • zprimary education
  • over 35
  • from cities over 100,000
  • supplements to support the immune system
  • supplements to improve vitality and concentration
  • to avoid infection
  • to strengthen the body

The sickly

  • man
  • with vocational education
  • aged 35-44
  • from cities below 100,000
  • preparations for concentration and vitality
  • stress-reducing supplements
  • he lacks energy
  • feeling bad


  • woman
  • with secondary education
  • aged 25-34
  • from the village
  • beauty supplements
  • slimming supplements
  • supplements to support the digestive system
  • to improve the appearance
  • is losing weight


  • man
  • with higher education
  • until age 34
  • from cities over 100,000
  • supplements for athletes
  • supplements supporting the locomotor system
  • He was encouraged by advertising in the press / Internet / TV
  • recommendation from family / friends

Future Parents

  • woman
  • with secondary and higher education
  • aged 25-34
  • from the village
  • supplements to support the immune system
  • preparations for memory and concentration
  • folic acid
  • is pregnant
  • getting ready for pregnancy

Pro-he alth

  • man
  • with higher education
  • over 45
  • from cities below 100,000
  • supplements that affect the locomotor system and circulatory system
  • preparations reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • anti-aging agents
  • libido / potency preparations
  • the doctor encouraged him
  • studies show a shortage of specific substances
