The parrot is a bird with colorful plumage that lives in exotic countries. Parrots can also be bred. In Poland, the most popular is the nymph parrot, as well as the macaw and the wavy parrot. Parrots are very intelligent, outgoing, but noisy animals at the same time. Some of them can imitate sounds and human speech (talking parrot). Check how to care for a parrot, what it can eat and how long a parrot lives.
- Parrot - nymph, macaw, wavy
- Parrot - diseases of parrots
- Parrot - what can you get infected from a parrot?
- Parrot - how long do parrots live?
- Parrot - how to care for a parrot?
- Parrot - what can he eat?
- Parrot - price
Parrotis a beautiful, colorful, sociable and extremely intelligent bird that lives wild in tropical countries. In Poland, a parrot is a breeding bird that is treated as a domestic pet, just like a dog or a cat. However, unlike these quadrupeds, parrots can mimic human speech. Supposedly, the besttalking parrotis an African Gray Parrot and Gray Parrots. However, in our country the most popular ismacaw parrot ,macaw parrotandwavy parrot .
Parrot - nymph, macaw, wavy
- parrot nymph- belongs to the cockatoo family (Cacatuidae), which lives in Australia, New Guinea and the surrounding islands
- macaw parrot , the African Gray Parrot belongs to the parrot family (Psittacidae), which grows in the tropics (most numerous in South America and Australia)
- wavy parrot , lovebirds (lovebirds) belong to the Eastern parakeet (Psittaculidae) family, which lives in Africa, Asia and Australia
- the nestor kaka parrot, the kakapo parrot belong to the Kakapaceae family (Strigopidae), which is found in New Zealand
Parrot - diseases of parrots
Parrots, like humans, can get sick. Sometimes you can recognize them as:
- Pacheco's disease
- papillomatosis
- bird pox
- neuropathic gastric dilation (PDD)
- adenovirus and papillomavirus infections
Parrots also suffer from fungal diseases, e.g. macrorabdosis or aspergillosis.
Parrotsthey are also vectors for parasites such as scabies, mites and biting lice. Other parasitic diseases that parrots may contend with are trichomonosis, coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and cryptosporidiosis. Parrots can also get arachnid sternostomatosis.
Sometimes parrots suffer from gout, brown wax overgrowth (in budgies), egg constipation, fatty degeneration of the liver and valgus legs.
Parrot - what can you get infected from a parrot?
Both parrots and other birds (e.g. canaries) are carriers of the Chlamydia Psittaci bacteria. It is a bacterium that is found in bird droppings and other secretions or their tissues and feathers and is the cause of ornithosis (also known as parrot / bird disease).
Infection usually occurs through contact with an animal and the inhalation of bacteria with dust. At first, flu-like symptoms appear, and as the disease progresses, chest pain, hemoptysis, painful cough and high fever may appear.
- Brucellosis - an animal-borne disease
- Cat scratch disease after scratching or biting a cat
- Leptospirosis - zoonotic disease caused by water pollution
- Typhus (typhus, rash typhus) - a disease transmitted by lice and fleas
Parrot - how long do parrots live?
Parrots are long-lived animals. They can live up to a dozen or even several dozen (even 80) years, depending on the species. For this reason, the decision to buy a parrot should be carefully considered, as this bird can accompany us throughout our lives and should be properly cared for.
Parrot - how to care for a parrot?
Parrots are extremely social, therefore you should take into account the fact that they need to spend a lot of free time on learning, playing and contact with the animal. However, if our lifestyle does not allow us to do so, the parrot should be accompanied by another bird of the same or a different species.
This way, the animal will not get tired and will not become depressed. However, you have to reckon with the fact that parrots staying in pairs or larger groups will not be as attached to their owner as parrots raised alone. In this case, learning to speak may also be more difficult.
First of all, select the appropriate frame. It should be large as parrots need enough space to move around freely. In a cage that is too small, they will tire and become depressed. Besides, you never know whether we will buy another bird in the futurecompanionship.
The cage is equipped with a feeder. If we have several parrots, it is better to install more feeders than birds in the cage. This way, each of them will be able to eat freely, which will reduce the risk of fighting for food.
The water dispenser is also an important element. It should be mounted so that drinking is easy.
In order to arrange the cage space well, poles should be placed in it, preferably wooden. They have good adhesion. In the case of plastic poles, the bird may have difficulty staying on them.
You can also install a small pool in the cage so that the birds can bathe in it. This will provide them with additional entertainment. The toys must not be forgotten either. Parrots like all kinds of strings and swings. They also like to play with bells or plastic mirrors.
In addition to the spacious and well-equipped cage, parrots should be allowed to move outside the cage from time to time. The first independent flights should take place in a previously prepared room. Before releasing the bird from the cage, remember to close the windows and doors to prevent the parrot from escaping.

Parrot - what can he eat?
A parrot's diet is largely grain-based. You can buy ready-made mixtures or compose them yourself. Much debate revolves around the presence of sunflower in the diet of parrots. Although these birds like sunflower seeds very much, in large quantities it can be harmful to them due to the high fat content. Therefore, you should control the amount of sunflower seeds fed so as not to harm your pet.
There are also special granules on the market that contain vitamins and minerals necessary for parrots. They come in all shapes, forms, smells and flavors.
Calcium plays a very important role in the diet of parrots, which is used to build bones, feathers and eggshells. It can be delivered in the form of lime cubes, egg shells and cuttlefish shells.
Parrots can also eat vegetables (both raw and dried), fruit and seeds, e.g. pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, tomato, watermelon, grapes, pomegranate, pepper and kiwi.
Edible fruits by parrots are: pineapples, bananas, blueberries, peaches, lemons, mangoes, passion fruit, nectarines, cherries, dates, rosehip, figs, papayas, plums, raisins, apples, grapes, lychees, strawberries and many more.
When it comes to vegetables, parrots eagerly eat: sweet potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, beets, chickpeas, parsley, cucumbers, chicory, tomatoes, beans, arugula, watercress, lamb's lettuce, radish, celery, cabbage,cauliflower, spinach and carrots.

Parrot - price
Parrots are considered exotic animals. For this reason, their price may be slightly higher than that of other pets. The cost of purchasing a parrot also depends on the species. For example, small-sized lovebirds cost an average of PLN 70-200 (depending on the source), while a large macaw can cost up to PLN 6,000 or more. The most important thing is to buy birds from proven sources and registered breedings to be sure, among others, as to their he alth.
About the authorWeronika RumińskaA graduate of Polish philology with an editorial and publishing specialization at the University of Warsaw. She developed her interests related to the editor's work already during her master's studies, actively cooperating with on the editorial path and social media. Privately, a lover of good crime fiction and horse riding.Read more articles from this author