The effects of american swing - a popular kettlebell exercise, include improved trunk stability and increased aerobic capacity. The results of this exercise will also satisfy people who want to lose calories while strengthening their muscles. See what other effects you will get by doing american swing.
American swinggives very versatileeffects , because it is one of the few exercises that combines the advantages of aerobic and strength training. Tossing the kettlebell over the head allows you to simultaneously increase muscle strength, improve efficiency and burn a large amount of calories. To achieve such effects, however, american swing must be performed smoothly, at a fairly fast pace and with the correct technique.
Check what results you can count on by introducing the american swing exercise to your training.
1. American swing effects: increasing muscle strength
The basic effect that can be obtained by exercising with kettlebells is an increase in muscle strength and endurance. This is especially true of the shoulder and arm muscles, which work most intensively when swinging the kettlebell up and down. Indirectly, American swing also strengthens the legs, buttocks and abdomen.
2. American swing effects: improving the condition
Although American swing is an exercise with the use of a weight in the form of a ball with a grip, it is not only intended to increase muscle strength. Of great importance to its effectiveness is the speed with which the kettlebell travels overhead. A fairly high pace of exercise causes your breathing to accelerate and your heart rate to increase. As a result, the body's aerobic capacity increases, circulation and heart function improve.
3. American Swing Effects: Calorie Loss
Trainers agree that the best results in fat loss can be obtained by combining aerobic training with strength training. Weight-bearing exercises increase metabolic processes, but not at the expense of muscle tissue, which is often the case with aerobes alone. What's more, the involvement of muscles in exercise affects fat burning for several hours after exercise.
4. American swing effects: improved trunk stability
American swing is an excellent exercise for deep muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing the torso. Exerciseengages the abdomen, buttocks and paraspinal muscles to work - these three parts of the body determine the correct posture and help to avoid overload. Good body stabilization is especially important in strength sports - strong deep muscles reduce the risk of injury during weight-bearing exercises.
5. American swing effects: increasing joint mobility
The head movement of the kettle bell covers the full range of shoulder movement for greater mobility in the shoulder joints. In addition, the hips are strongly involved in the exercise, the dynamic movement of which allows you to "swing" the whole body and lift the weight up. When throwing the kettle out between the legs, however, remember not to bend the lumbar spine excessively forward, as such a movement may strain the lower part of the spine.
6. American swing effects: increasing muscle power
Thanks to american swing, you can also increase the strength of your muscles, i.e. their ability to quickly generate the greatest possible strength. During exercise, heavy loads are lifted to great heights in a short time, thanks to which the muscles work with maximum efficiency.