The Gillian McKeith boot camp diet is a ready-made dietary advice developed for the first 14 days of weight loss. This is a diet for everyone who likes precise goals and clear requirements. A strictly adhered to boot camp diet will allow you not only to get rid of excess kilograms, but also to implement he althy eating habits and look in the mirror with a positive attitude.
Isboot camp dieta good way to lose weight? While the boot camp diet plan contains many principles of he althy eating, Gillian McKeith makes a reasonable effort to guide readers how to introduce them and learn how to think positively about themselves, but like any diet, it has supporters and opponents.
Boot camp diet - what is it related to boot camp training?
The idea for a new diet was born with the growing popularity of boot camp training. People exercising under the supervision of a trainer have to put up a lot of effort and rigor of classes, they are faced with considerable requirements, but thanks to the recommendations of the instructor, they achieve the promised results. The same path was followed by Gillian McKeith, who in her book "Diet Boot Camp. Lose weight order! " created a nutritional plan that - when used in accordance with the detailed advice of the author - brings results and changes the attitude of the person losing weight.
Read more: Boot camp training rules
Boot camp diet and mental power
Can you influence the appearance of your body through positive thinking? It turns out that self-control and self-acceptance affect how and what we eat. The author argues that achieving the goal of a diet may also depend on the attitude towards one's own body. If we think positively and believe that the plans: "I will reach size 38", "I will lose 10 kilograms" can become true, we are on the right track.
McKeith emphasizes that through positive wish messages we can influence the subconscious, and this, in turn, will help achieve better dietary results. In his book, he includes tests and surveys, thanks to which you can more easily diagnose difficulties that prevent you from completing the plan and overcome them more effectively.
Boot camp diet is not another miracle diet
The new nutritional plan is not a strict fasting, which is difficult to follow because it has too many prohibitions. Miracle dietassumes rapid weight loss, but ignores the issue of an equally quick return to the weight before its application. The boot camp diet consists of the principles of rational nutrition combined with a change in attitude towards one's own body. Thanks to this, not only our external appearance is transformed, but also the interior and our assessment of ourselves.
Products indicated and prohibited in the boot camp diet
Product groups |
Products indicated in the boot camp diet: |
Products prohibited in the boot camp diet: |
Grain |
groats, flours (spelled, amaranth, soy, etc.), wholemeal bread |
wheat products, white rice, white bread, rolls |
Fat |
vegetable fats (vegetable oils, olive oil, linseed oil, etc.) |
animal fats, butter |
Dairy / Meat |
lean, white meat e.g. chicken, turkey |
cheese, cream, red meat with high fat content, e.g. pork, beef |
Fish and seafood |
all fish, also fatty ones: salmon, mackerel (due to the abundance of he althy fatty acids) |
There are no prohibited products |
Vegetables |
No contraindications, e.g. eggplants, Brussels sprouts, beetroots, onions, beans, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, legumes and others |
There are no prohibited products |
Fruits |
No contraindications, e.g. gooseberries, pineapple, watermelon, peaches, lemons, blueberries, cherries, apples, blackberries, apricots, currants, strawberries, cherries and others |
There are no prohibited products |
Drinks |
herbal teas, water, freshly squeezed smoothies, fruit and vegetable juices |
carbonated drinks, sweetened juices, energy drinks, black tea, coffee, alcohol |
Other |
nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, brazilian and others), seeds seeds: (sunflower, pumpkin, etc.), fresh spices (basil, oregano, thyme, etc.), seaweed, sprouts |
foods high in sugar and s alt, foods with many preservatives, highly processed fast food, ready meals |
10 principles of the boot camp diet:
1. Start with 14 days.The nutritional plan lasts twoweeks, but this is only the beginning of the adventure with he althy eating. The habits you learn you apply every day.
2. Keep a diary of activities- you set a goal, describe your progress, write about your emotions. After completing the diet, you go through your diary and see changes in your approach. In addition to your emotions and progress, keep a diary of everything you eat to help eliminate bad eating habits.
3. Eat at least 5, preferably 6 meals a day- 3 large meals and 3 small snacks. Breakfast and lunch are to be the most abundant, while dinner should be modest.
4. Plan your training.Take care of your daily physical activity. You don't have to work out in the gym day after day, replace a few stops on a crowded bus with an afternoon walk.
5. Get rid of what you are eliminating.You have to remove prohibited products from the refrigerator and cupboards. You cook from the beginning of your diet using he althy products recommended by the author of the guide. Implementing this change will make it easier for you to compile your shopping list before going to the store.
6. Set smallgoals that bring you closer to your main goal. A small goal could be, for example, to "reduce smoking". For each completed plan, reward yourself with something pleasant, e.g. a new blouse or a trip to the cinema.
7. Be positive about yourself.Avoid negative thoughts about appearance and character. Love yourself and change your eating habits so that your body gets the best and he althiest dishes from you.
8. Use he althy ingredients.Products you use to compose your meals should be he althy, preferably from organic farming.
9. Experiment in the kitchen.Cook meals wisely. Plan ahead what you will eat the next day. Try to diversify the dishes, allow yourself new, surprising combinations of ingredients.
10. Take care of yourself.Go to bed before 23. Remember to rest and relax. Additionally, try not to waste time on activities called "time thieves". Take a close look at what you spend your time on and how long these activities take. Try to give up unnecessary actions.
ImportantAdvantages of the boot camp diet:
- cleanses the body of toxins,
- lowers bad LDL cholesterol,
- teaches you to think about yourself positively,
- is varied,
- teaches self-control over eating habits,
- broadens culinary horizons, encourages experiments in the kitchen,
- shows that the diet doeshe althy lifestyle, not hunger strikes and murderous workouts.
Disadvantages of boot camp diet:
- difficult to introduce for busy people, preparation of meals requires prior planning,
- using expensive ingredients means that not everyone can afford it,
- may lead to calcium and heme iron deficiencies (excludes meat and dairy products),
- difficult to introduce for people who cannot give up a large amount of meat and dairy in their diet,
- may prove unhe althy for those suffering from anemia or osteoporosis.