Ida Karpińska decided to defeat cervical cancer. This is a cancer that takes five women every day. She won.
Modern apartment in Jabłonna near Warsaw. There are flowers and red accents everywhere. Three portraits of women on the wall. Neither has a face. - These images were created during the disease - says Ida without emotion. - They don't have faces because I didn't know who I was then. And if you don't know it, man has no face. And these colors? Back then, everything was either black or red to me. To this day, I cannot explain why it was so.
Unexpected diagnosis
It was 2003. Ida had a gynecological examination as usual. She had been doing them regularly since she first went to the doctor with her mother as a teenager. The doctor also suggested another cytology. Ida quickly forgot about the examination. There was so much to do. The deadline was short of the deadline. After a few days, the phone rang. The clinician from the clinic urgently invited her to visit.
- I didn't even think for a moment that something bad could happen - she recalls. When I entered the office, the face of the doctor who had known me for years was changed. She looked at me and said, "We have a problem. Third group of Pap smears. That could mean cervical cancer." I started to laugh, "It's impossible. Do I look like someone who has cancer? I have a regular check-up, I take care of myself." But the doctor stuck with her and scheduled a biopsy. I did the examination, but I did not allow any bad thoughts. Even when the results of the biopsy confirmed the doctor's assumptions, the disease did not exist in my mind. I still thought it was a mistake. I decided to seek my truth from another doctor.
Ida went to the Oncology Center in Warsaw. There the diagnosis was confirmed, but the girl demanded another biopsy. Two samples were taken. One, with the help of her family, she sent for analysis in Norway. When both results came in, I couldn't tell myself that someone had made a mistake. Then I sat on the bed and cried … That cry, or rather some animal roar was beyond control. I felt a terrible regret for wasting so much time.
I was 30 years old and I did not have time to have a baby. Everything was meaningless and worthless. Regret and anger prevented us from seeing the situation reasonably. I didn't realize what awaited me. I wanted to get pregnant immediately and have a baby. The doctor took me a long timehe argued that it was impossible - my body would not stand it and even if the pregnancy developed, we would both not survive.
For three weeks Ida went to the examinations to prepare her for surgery. Computed tomography, blood tests, urine tests, etc. - My preparations for the surgery might have been surprising. I was buying only red things. Bathrobe, towels, slippers. I chose this color subconsciously. I don't know if he was going to give me hope, but it certainly guaranteed my well-being in the hospital reality.
The operation lasted six hours. During it, it turned out that it must be more extensive than planned. But Ida only remembers the huge elephants that marched on the lush green grass. When she was awakened from anesthesia, the elephants again stood before her eyes. And the nurses swam by. All he remembers is their smiles and the wetness on their lips. After a few weeks, she returned home.
- My mother quit her job, home and came to take care of me - says Ida. She wanted to be tough, but I knew her heart was breaking to pieces. She used to play tricks to lift me out of bed and encourage me to walk, which would protect me from painful adhesions. Ida grew stronger day by day. The wounds healed well. She hoped he would get back in shape soon.
ImportantCervical cancerranks third in terms of cancer incidence among Polish women. Every day 10 women find out about the disease. Almost 2,000 dies every year. The incidence of this disease in Poland is similar to the statistics of other countries. The mortality, however, is much greater. The reason - too late diagnosis. Women do not have regular Pap smears, and most people find that cancer is at an advanced stage when it is no longer cured. Meanwhile, a cytology can be done free of charge, it is enough to visit a gynecologist. The test must be performed at least once a year.
Chemotherapy and radiation
- At the next visit, it turned out that chemistry and radiation were needed. It was more difficult than surgery. Doctors do not have time, and maybe they do not always want to explain to the patient what the therapy is about, what will happen after it, what to do. They throw out successive messages, names of doctors, numbers of offices … The patient is left alone with his fear and uncertainty. He undergoes further treatments, not knowing what will come after them.
Ida regrets that patients with cancer have not been accompanied by a psychologist since their diagnosis. There are so many unknowns, so much fear. Some are killed by this fear. "I was able to defeat these demons," says Ida. - Maybe because I didn't allow myself to think that I couldlose. While on chemotherapy, Ida saw the real face of cancer. Children, young and old people were waiting for chemistry. He has bad memories of that time. "The sick person is just a name that is stuffed with more bottles of fluid," he says. - There is no soul, no psyche. If you handle it yourself, you are on top. If not, you are left with a black hole filled with fear, uncertainty, pain. It shouldn't be like this.
The harsh treatment took its toll on the body. It was the first time that Ida stopped following the doctors' recommendations. She did not want to eat jelly, linseed jelly. Wars were fought with every meal. Ida was thinning and losing strength. The doctor decided to stop the chemotherapy.
Important family support
- That's when I panicked, 'he admits. - I asked the doctor to explain the situation: "What are my chances? How many percent? Tell me the truth!" She looked at me and said, "One hundred percent, one hundred percent." I ran out of the office. I felt my wings grow, I was gaining strength and faith. Every time I left the Oncology Center, I kept repeating to myself: "I will not give up, this is my life and it will be the way I want it. I will win!". The last stage of the therapy was brachytherapy, for which she traveled to Kielce. Now he does checkups every three months, ultrasound, cytology every six months and computed tomography once a year.
- Everything is fine, so my world got some color. All colors appear in my paintings, people have faces, and houses have open windows … Maria Wieczorkowska, Ida's mother, raised her daughters very consciously. There were no taboos at home. Sex was also discussed openly. When the girls began to mature, she took them to see a gynecologist for the first time. When they became women, she still kept her finger on the pulse, reminding us to visit a dentist, a gynecologist. So why did she have to hear such a tragic message?
- There is no worse pain for a mother than a child's disease - says Maria. It's a pain you can't control. Even though I know Ida is he althy, I get scared whenever she is sad. Memories of the disease come back. It will always be like that. The worst moments were when the chemotherapy started. Ida did not eat. I tried to persuade her to do so in various ways. I ate something myself, tempted with the smell or appearance of the dishes. It didn't help. She only said angrily: "Eat, eat, you'll be fat." But I did not give up, because there is no such force that would stop a mother fighting for a child.
For Ania, Ida's sister, the word "cancer" did not exist. - I had better and worse days, but I went to the hospital smiling, without fear and fear - she says. - That was what I needed too. I always tried to cheer up Ida. Although she could not quitelaugh, I used this therapy systematically. But when Ida wanted to give up, didn't eat, I became ruthless. Sometimes I was afraid of myself. There is a difference of 14 years between us - I was always a child and Ida a young woman. The disease brought us very close. We are best friends. Probably because I took an accelerated maturation course. I have touched on the most important matters. It changes.
Cancer changes your whole life
The experiences prompted me to look at the problem more broadly. She has experienced first-hand what a woman needs when she learns she has cervical cancer. She decided to set up a foundation. "The statistics are terrifying," says Ida. - I will be happy if we can save at least one of the five women who die of cervical cancer in Poland every day. I also want to make it easier to get through the disease. Even though these are difficult times, sometimes you only need to be or give simple information and the reality becomes less overwhelming. The foundation does not have a name yet, but the logo will be red.
The interest in the foundation is high. Many women come to Ida. Some have faced cancer and want to share their experiences today. Ida is a successful makeup artist. Her time is filled with meetings with people, work on film sets and in photo studios. He has little time to rest, but he does not spend it in front of the TV. He prefers to ride a bike, visit a nearby stable or go deep into the forest.
- I live differently now - he admits. - I found out the value of time. I am no longer afraid to choose, evaluate and set conditions. Other things make me happy and delight. As childish as it may sound, I am happy to see flowers in bloom, I can drive the same road twice to get a better look at the golden leaves on the tree. This is my new life. I used to have a lot of time, today I still miss it. Once, the first obstacle discouraged me from further action, so I started many things and did not finish. Now I'm bringing everything to an end. I try to make sense that what I'm doing is needed by someone or something. I don't want to waste a minute. Every serious illness or threat changes the psyche.
Once upon a time, Ida couldn't listen. She talked to people, but actually cared little about their business. - Today I listen carefully, in this simple way I let the interlocutor know that he is important, it helps a lot - says Ida. - Today everything is different. Friends and acquaintances have also changed. Many have lost contact during illness. Others later. Maybe they were afraid, maybe they couldn't find the right words. I don't blame anybody. It's all water over the dam. Other people you can count on in eachsituation. After the day's work, when everything is done, Ida sits down in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea, listens to the music and is glad that the day ends calmly. Tomorrow the sun will rise again, the birds and the people with new ideas will wake up.
"Zdrowie" monthly
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