Indoor air quality has a huge impact on our he alth. Anyone who sleeps in a smoky room and uses chemical air fresheners should take into account the fact that all harmful substances will settle in their lungs. We advise you on how to take care of the air quality at home.
- Air quality: he althy air in the kitchen
- Air quality: bathroom air
- Air quality: humidifier required in winter
- Air quality: at home of smoker
- Air quality: air purifier
- Air quality: airing is essential
- Air quality: neither warm nor cold
- Air quality: mood and aromatherapy
- Air quality: more ions
Air qualityis of the utmost importance. An adult performs 22 thousand. breaths, absorbing from 15 to 20 thousand. liters of air. With each breath, we inhale from 40 to 75 thousand. dust particles. One gram of dust contains 700 million different particles that can be a huge he alth hazard. The tiny hairs growing in the nose trap the largest particles from polluted air. We will get rid of them by cleaning our nose carefully. If they go further, they will end up in the larynx, from where they can be removed along with the saliva.
Still from the bronchi can be ejected naturally. However, the tiniest particles end up in the lungs. The dust that settles in them causes many diseases and sometimes even death. Increasing the concentration of dust in the air by 10 micrograms per cubic meter increases the number of deaths by 0.5 to 1 percent, asthma attacks are more by 10 percent, and cases of bronchitis by 25 percent. Polluted air can also contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
A new disease was even identified, which is associated with a long stay in a room with poisoned air. It was called the syndrome of sick buildings. The symptoms are similar to the flu, and subsequent attacks systematically destroy the immune system.
Air quality: he althy air in the kitchen
Clean air will provide us with good exhaust. It pays off to install it to less often paint walls, replace cabinets and wash away greasy dust. A powerful extractor will also protect us from wandering kitchen smells around the apartment.
Due tohe alth in the kitchen do not use deodorant fresheners. Sprayed particles can stick to food, change its taste and even cause food poisoning. The gel air freshener can only be kept in the cupboard, where there is a bucket with rubbish.
You can get appetizing scents by hanging bundles of herbs. Mint, rosemary, marjoram and basil smell very nice in the warmth and humidity, which is abundant in the kitchen when cooking. Cooking herbs will also drive out unpleasant smells from the kitchen. Just throw a handful of mint leaves or a sprig of rosemary into the water, bring to a boil and leave it overnight.
ImportantThe World He alth Organization (WHO) has announced that we are threatened with an epidemic of poor air quality in offices, homes, cafes and conference rooms. It contains from 4 to 10, and sometimes even 100 times more toxic substances than the air outside. Toxic substances are released from building materials and furniture - formaldehyde, lead, aromatic hydrocarbons. In the air, they mix with particles of wool, cotton, dust, pollen, fungus spores. The body cannot remove them, so they accumulate in our lungs.
Air quality: bathroom air
This is where explosive odor mixtures are often formed. When using deodorants, gels or fragrance cubes, you have to be careful not to produce an even worse mixture. If there is no window in the bathroom, you can place a container with a scented gel or hang bags of dried flowers, herbs or spices, and leave the door open at night to let the room ventilate well.
In moisture we feel all the sharp smells more intensely. In emergency situations, you can use an aerosol deodorant, but then you run away from the bathroom to avoid inhaling the wet freon particles.
Air quality: humidifier required in winter
In winter, the effects of staying in dry air are felt more acutely. The skin burns and itches. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry up, and hence the easy path to respiratory infections. If you experience these symptoms, it is likely that your home is not getting enough moisture. When it drops below 40%, the cilia stop moving and more pollutants enter the lungs.
What to do then? Wet towels or containers with water can be hung on radiators. In order to obtain the correct air humidity in a room with an area of 30 square meters, 5 liters of water need to be evaporated daily. Therefore, it would be more convenient to buy an air humidifier that will guarantee 45-55 percent. humidity in the apartment. However, you cannot overdo it with moisturizing - humidity higher than 60 percent. favors developmentbacteria, fungi and mites.
Air quality: at home of smoker
Even he doesn't like smoky and unventilated rooms. There are many means of neutralizing the smell of smoke. The most effective ones are those available in the form of a spray and a gel that gradually absorbs smoke. The substance used to remove tobacco smoke is not harmful. It reacts chemically with the smoke and eliminates it. A pleasant smell remains in the room.
You can also get rid of the unpleasant odor if you burn pine or spruce needles in the bowl. You can add a piece of orange peel or a few cloves to them.
Air quality: air purifier
The air in the apartment will also be effectively cleaned by the air purifier - a special device that sucks in the air and then passes it through the filter system and releases it free of pollutants (including smog particles), dust and inhalation allergens. Such devices work regardless of the season and place of residence.
Air quality: airing is essential
The easiest way to get clean and therefore he althy air is to air your home - at least 15 minutes several times a day. Rain or frost cannot be an excuse (especially since the low temperature kills the ubiquitous mites). Only allergy sufferers during flowering or pollinating plants to which they are allergic can be exempted from this obligation. However, you should not ventilate the apartment when there is strong smog outside and the air quality is very bad.
Air quality: neither warm nor cold
The ideal temperature during the day should not exceed 21-22 degrees C. Then we feel best - we are not lethargic or irritable. At 20 degrees, the metabolism is calm, the sweat glands work slower, the body does not have to exert itself too much, our skin does not perceive any unpleasant stimuli. On the other hand, the best temperature for sleeping is 18 degrees Celsius.
Air quality: mood and aromatherapy
Scented candles (also with tobacco smoke neutralizing agents) can be selected according to your taste. They are not cheap, but have the advantage that they burn slowly. This, moreover, allows you to thoroughly clean the air. Choose candles made of natural waxes (e.g. soy wax) and flavored with natural oils. It is very pleasant to be in a room with beeswax candles. Unfortunately, it is not a proposition for people allergic to honey. Allergy sufferers have difficulty breathing in these situations.
It is worth using essential oils. They are made from the flowers, leaves, bark, seeds or fruit of a plant. A few drops of essential oil are poured infor a recess in the fireplace - a special vessel for aromatherapy. Before that, boiled water is poured into it, and a flat candle is lit underneath.
Volatile substances are released from the warm oil, which affect the brain and penetrate the skin and mucous membranes into the bloodstream. They affect the mood and well-being, soothe ailments. They can disinfect, stimulate or calm down, make it easier to concentrate or fall asleep. Remember to choose only natural oils. Synthetics that smell similar don't work.
To refresh the air and improve your mood, you can light aromatic oil lamps. A properly selected, pleasant fragrance will allow you to relax and regenerate your strength. Use only olive oil with plant extract for the lamps. Then we will avoid unhe althy smoking of the wick.
Air quality: more ions
Our he alth and well-being depends on the electric charges in the air. Working electrical devices promote the formation of positive ions, which worsen our physical and mental condition. Positive ions are produced by TV and radio sets, radar systems, computers, exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke.
On the other hand, negative ions promote he alth. In nature, they are produced by the sun's rays, waves, waterfalls, and storms. Well ionized air is clean, contains fewer bacteria and allows the body to regenerate faster.
The simplest home ionizer is a lump of rock s alt. You can also buy lamps that emit negative ions. Unlit, they are mini-ionizers, but when the lump of s alt is heated by the heat flowing from the bulb, it emits up to 300 percent. more negative ions.
Don't do that- Incense sticks are the enemy of our lungs. The smoke they emit during incandescence is more dangerous than tobacco smoke: it is denser, it settles more easily, and sticks to the inside of the alveoli. Inhaling it may not only irritate the throat and larynx, cause severe headaches, but also cause the onset of obstructive pulmonary disease, which is as dangerous as cancer.
- You need to be careful when freshening the air at home with deodorants. After spraying the agent, it is best to leave the room, wait a dozen or so minutes and then ventilate it well. Although the manufacturers ensure that the substances contained in the air fresheners are not harmful, it is better not to inhale them. Each deodorant also contains CFC, which is not good for your he alth.
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