The eyelash curler makes the eyes appear larger, and the eyelashes - longer, thicker and more curled than they really are. However, before that happens, you still need to choose the right eyelash curler and learn how to use it. Read how to do it and find out if the eyelash curler damages eyelashes.
Eyelash curleris one of those gadgets that return to favor after a period of oblivion. Thanks to it, with little time and commitment, you can get a truly spectacular effect of curling, thickening and lengthening eyelashes. But there is also the other side of the coin: an incorrectly selected eyelash curler will not only fail to give the eyelashes the desired look, but also weaken them and even damage them, causing them to break and fall out. So it's worth knowing how to choose the right eyelash curler and how to use it afterwards so that the effect is satisfactory.
How to choose an eyelash curler?
There are different types of eyelash curlers in stores. The first decision you have to make before buying is: electric or mechanical? Electric ones are more expensive and more effective. Mechanical, in turn, wins with the price. But this is just the beginning, because among each of the categories there are also different types of eyelash curlers.
Electric eyelash curlers
This category includes both mini eyelash curlers and classic eyelash curlers, but battery operated. The principle of their operation is very similar: both types of eyelash curlers heat up slightly after turning them on, giving a more lasting effect of curling eyelashes.
Mechanical eyelash curlers
In this category, the choice is really large, and the individual models differ from each other both in size and material from which they were made. So there are eyelash curlers narrower and wider. Those made of plastic and those made of metal. When choosing an eyelash curler from this category, it is worth looking first among metal ones with replaceable silicone or rubber pads. They are safer for the eyelashes and more durable. The weakest, both in terms of durability and effects, are eyelash curlers made of plastic. Although the cheapest, they can not only curl lashes poorly, but also have a bad effect on them: break and curve them.
In the second place what matters is size. Eyelashes that cover the entire eyelashes in one go are much more convenient to use and give a better effect than those that need to be graduallymove. The shape of the eyelash curler is also important. The ones with rounded tongs give a better curl result than the square ones - after using them the effect can be quite artificial.
How to use an eyelash curler? The most important rules
Once you have chosen the correct eyelash curler, you still have to learn how to use it. Incorrect use may not only not beautify the eyelashes, but even make them unattractive and even break. The thermal eyelash curlers have the exact method of use in the instructions for use. Typical eyelash curlers are used in a similar way to mascara - the difference is that the device does not cover the eyelashes, but curls them. Using both mechanical and battery-powered eyelashes that have a classic shape is a bit more complicated. Therefore, to get the desired effect, it is worth following a few important rules.
1. Always use the eyelash curler before applying the mascara.The wax contained in the mascara may stick to the eyelash curler and make the eyelashes remain on it.
2. If the eyelashes are stiff and thick, the eyelash curler can first be slightly heated with a stream of warm air from the dryer.However, it must not be heated, but slightly warm, so as not to burn the eyelids.
3. The hand that you guide the eyelash curler must not tremble, because then the movements will be imprecise, and the eyelash curler may bend them too much instead of beautifying the eyelashes.It is best to rest your hand on the cheek in such a way that the hand is steady and still.
4. You should never curl your eyelashes while driving- for example at traffic lights - you can damage them or even tear them out.
5. It's best to grab the eyelash curler with your thumb and middle finger , because it gives you quite good control over it. But if it's more convenient for you to maneuver the eyelash curler while holding it with your index finger, there are no obstacles to doing so.
6. Curl up the lashes in stages, clamping the eyelash curler on them for a few seconds(clamped for more than 10 seconds will give a very unnatural appearance to curved lashes). How to do it? Place the eyelash curler right next to the base of the eyelashes, then squeeze them tightly and wait a few seconds. Then loosen the pressure and move the eyelash curler slightly above the root. Squeeze again for a few seconds, then move further away from the root.
7. Model only the upper eyelashes with an eyelash curler- the lower eyelashes curl naturally and there is no reason to curl them.
Worth knowingDoes the eyelash curler damage my eyelashes?
A well-chosen eyelash curler does not damage the eyelashes, but in the case of lower-quality products, problems may arise. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to whether the mechanical eyelash curler has a rubber pad in the place where the eyelashes enter and leave them there.the way "cushions". It is definitely not worth buying a plastic mechanical eyelash curler, as it will be impermanent and of lower quality. When using electric eyelash curlers, be careful that it is not too hot, because it may burn eyelashes and eyelids.
As mentioned above, you should never use an eyelash curler on eyelashes that have previously been mascaraed - they will break or even fall out more easily. Always use the eyelash curler before applying mascara.