Dr. Siegal's fiber diet consists of eating large amounts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, which are foods that contain large amounts of fiber. It is a diet that eliminates calories, but also does not make you feel hungry. Regulates metabolism. What are the principles of a high-fiber diet.
The fiber dietwas created in the early nineties of the last century by an American physician,Dr. Siegal .
Fiber diet - basic rules
Daily consumption of 50 grams of fiber, contained mainly in natural cereals and unprocessed cereal products (brown rice, groats), wholemeal and wholemeal bread (but only sourdough is recommended), dried and fresh fruits and vegetables . This is much more than the average diet intake as we usually eat 15 to 25 g. You can eat lean white meat or lean fish, and lean dairy products in amounts of 60 to 80 g. Oil and butter are acceptable. but in very small amounts as an additive. During the diet, it is forbidden to fry, alcohol, sugar, as well as all drinks with added sugar, any sweets. It is recommended to use fresh and dried herbs, spices and drink plenty of still water.
Why choose this diet?
The diet is easy to apply. You can eat to your heart's content, but the food has no calories, so you lose weight quickly. The fiber in the stomach in combination with the fluid increases its volume and causes a feeling of fullness, and because it stays in the stomach for a long time, this feeling also lasts a long time. Fiber cleans the intestines and speeds up the digestion of other foods.
Contraindications to the use of a fiber diet
Diseases of the intestines and digestive system, as the diet may then provoke flatulence caused by gas retention, and consequently an unpleasant smell from the mouth. With longer use of a fiber diet, deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and iron may occur.
What to eat to provide the body with at least 30 g of fiber a day?
- 15-20 g of cooked green vegetables,
- 15-20 g fresh raw vegetables
- one large or two small fruits
When following a fiber diet, first of all, increase the amount of cereal products eaten during the day. Thisthey can be cereal for breakfast or brown rice for dinner. The so-called dry vegetables, i.e. bean seeds, peas, lentils (in order to avoid flatulence, cook them well and add caraway seeds for cooking). The fruit should not be peeled (except for the necessary ones, of course). They are a rich source of fiber. Better to eat them whole than drink fruit juices.