When acne is advanced and there is a risk of permanent scarring, dermatologists recommend general treatment, i.e. the use of oral antibiotics, hormonal drugs or retinoids - drugs containing vitamin A acid derivative, isotretinoin.
General acne treatmentis required for approximately 40 percent of people who haveacne . If your doctor deems it necessary to use antibiotics, hormones or isotretinoin, don't rebel: if left untreated, acne leaves permanent scars.
Acne: general antibiotic treatment
Antibiotics are used in moderately severe maculopapular acne. In addition to antibacterial activity, they exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Their use, however, should not exceed 3 months. During treatment with antibiotics, it is necessary to take probiotics (preparations containing live colonies of bacteria of the lactobacillus genus, possibly in combination with bifidobacterium colonies), because gastrointestinal sterilization is a very unfavorable phenomenon, favoring the development of mycoses.
Acne: general treatment with hormonal drugs
Hormonal drugs are used only in women over 20 years of age with mild to moderate acne, especially when accompanied by intense seborrhea and hirsutism (excessive skin hair). Therapy should be combined with the use of topical preparations.
Acne: general treatment with isotretinoin
Isotretinoin therapy is prescribed, conducted and closely supervised by a dermatologist. It lasts from 4 to 8 months. The dose of the drug is adjusted individually and - if necessary - modified during the therapy. Oral isotretinoin belongs to the group of vitamin derivatives. A, that is, to retinoids. When taken orally, it is the only drug that affects all mechanisms responsible for the development of acne lesions, because:
- reduces sebum production
- hinders the colonization of sebaceous glands by Propionibacterium acnes
- helps to empty the sebaceous glands of the residual secretion
- anti-inflammatory
- reduces scarring.