A good winter diet should be warm and not fat, and supplement vitamins and minerals. What to eat in winter to provide yourself with vitamins? A winter diet should be rich in short-cooked vegetables, vegetable soups, fruit and silage desserts and groats. Check what to eat in winter to stay he althy?

Winter dietshould be more caloric, but that doesn't mean it should make us fat. In addition, in winter we can also eat in order toprovideourselvesvitamins . Wise nature and culinary tradition know good ways to make dishes full of vitamins and minerals. Sowhat to eat in winterto provide yourself with vitamins?

Winter diet? Bet on silage

The fermentation that produces silage keeps vegetables saturated with vitamins and minerals, sometimes even more than fresh. In addition, all the ingredients in the silage are better absorbed. The most popular pickled dish - cabbage - contains vitamins C, B6, valuable B12 and K and minerals: potassium, calcium, zinc and iron. Pickled cucumbers are an excellent source of vitamin C, because the ascorbinase enzyme, which breaks down this vitamin in fresh cucumbers, is destroyed during pickling. In addition, pickled cucumbers contain magnesium, potassium and beta-carotene. However, you can pickle virtually anything: peppers, Chinese cabbage, beets, apples, onions and garlic. Silage is a low-calorie dish, it contains lactic acid that has an excellent influence on the functioning of the intestines. In addition, during ensilage, acetylcholine is formed, a compound that improves the conduction of nerve impulses, which avoids lethargy and depression, and improves intestinal peristalsis and digestion. Silage provides many important vitamins. Not only C, but also provitamins A, B vitamins and vitamin K.

What to eat in winter? Groats!

The groats are high in calories, but they do not fatten, such is a miracle of nature. Provided, of course, that we do not add greasy, thick sauces to them. Groats have a lot of fiber, which improves digestion, vitamins (A, E and a lot of B vitamins) and a whole set of minerals. You can choose, choose and prepare them in different ways with various additives. Millet will reduce winter cravings for sweets. It is excellent with stewed apples and dried fruits. It is a great alternative to sandwiches or muesli with cold milk or yoghurt for breakfast. Barley, buckwheat (white androasted), manna, corn or couscous (i.e. wheat porridge) offer countless possibilities of composing dishes. They can be eaten with meat, vegetables and dairy products. Dumplings with buckwheat and cheese or spinach are wonderful. Semolina is perfect for desserts. For example, you can make an excellent Indian halava with dried fruit and dried fruit and nuts.

Boiled vegetables and soups for the winter

We need warm food on frosty days, so it's better to leave it for the summer. The basis of the diet should be boiled vegetables. However, in order to lose as few valuable ingredients as possible, you need to cook them briefly, preferably by steaming. The diet should be rich in broccoli, onions, carrots, beets, cabbage and legumes. Let's not forget about potatoes, celery and the season. All vegetables are also suitable for nutritious and hot soups, creams. It is enough to prepare a stock (vegetable or broth) or reach for a stock cube. Add the shortly cooked vegetables to the stock, mix, season and it's ready.
