Drinking alcohol while pregnant is strictly prohibited. Even the smallest amount can cause permanent and irreversible effects. However, it often happens that a woman drank alcohol without being aware that she was already pregnant. Did you know that alcohol may not have a significant effect on a fetus under certain circumstances?
It has not been established what dose of alcohol can causeFAS( Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ). It depends largely on the sensitivity and metabolism of the fetus. This can be compared to an adult's alcohol tolerance. One can drink a few glasses of vodka and drive the car without any problems. Another person, after such a dose, will not be able to put the keys into the ignition.
It is similar with the unborn child - we cannot determine how much alcohol may have a bad effect on them. In such a situation, in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, the expectant mother should give up alcohol completely.
Can I drink alcohol while pregnant?
There is no safe amount of alcohol in pregnancy!
In Poland, we still don't know much about the effects of drinking alcohol in pregnancy. The task of social campaigns is to inform women about the diseases of the fetus caused by alcohol before they become pregnant. One of the actions is the project "I don't drink alcohol when pregnant".
The scale of the problem of alcohol consumption by pregnant women prompts us to take action in this field to reduce this behavior. Consistent education is necessary here, which will convince women and their environment that when it comes to alcohol during pregnancy, there can be no question of any concessions, defined as a "safe amount". The introduction by breweries of the "I'm pregnant, I don't drink alcohol" label on beer labels is to promote the idea of total abstinence during pregnancy - says Danuta Gut, Director of the Management Board Office of the Polish Breweries Association.
One sip during pregnancy won't hurt? It's a myth!
Research shows that two-thirds of pregnant women were not advised by doctors about the effects of drinking alcohol, and the 1st in 10 did not know anything about the harmfulness of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It is a myth that affects many people's attitudes towards alcohol. The stereotype of the insignificant one is still present in the common consciousnessharmfulness and even beneficial effects that a small amount of alcohol has on the he alth of a pregnant woman and her developing child.
Meanwhile, gynecologists emphasize thatthere is no safe amount of alcohol that a pregnant woman can drinkwithout putting her baby at risk of birth defects called FAS. We have scientific arguments that argue that alcohol must not be recommended for pregnant women in any form or amount, they say.
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- Some of the myths about "one sip or a glass" come from the fact that alcohol was previously perceived as a tocolytic, that is, a substance that reduces uterine contractile readiness. Currently, however, we know the scale of the negative impact of alcohol on the developing fetus and we know that the effects of this "devastation" are incomparably greater than its positive effects, argues Professor Romuald Dębski, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Bielany Hospital in Warsaw.
I drank alcohol without knowing about my pregnancy
Referring to the current research, doctors calm down pregnant women who have drunk alcohol when they did not know they would become mothers. In the first weeks, the fetus is very sensitive to harmful factors. Defects occurring up to the 5th week are most often the cause of fetal death.
The good news is there is also a second possibility. At this stage of fetal development, damaged cells are replaced with new ones, thanks to which the cessation of the delivery of harmful factors will result in the child being born without the defects of the first weeks of pregnancy.
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