The first symptoms of colorectal cancer are not specific and can be easily confused with symptoms of other gastrointestinal diseases. It also happens that the symptoms of colon cancer do not appear until the cancer is advanced. How do you recognize the first symptoms of colorectal cancer? When should symptoms such as diarrhea, gas and rectal bleeding bother you? What other ailments do you need to pay close attention to?
The first symptoms of colorectal cancerare often confused with symptoms of other ailments - food poisoning, hemorrhoids, food allergies. Some people who suffer from it are also responsible for living under constant stress. Symptoms of colorectal cancer are not characteristic, for many years they are also not particularly bothersome, because this cancer develops very slowly.
That is why many people ignore the first symptoms of colon cancer. Meanwhile, according to statistics, colorectal cancers are the third most common cancers in the world in men and second in women, and at the same time it is the second most frequent cause of cancer deaths.
The risk of developing colorectal cancer in people not burdened with risk factors is 5%. In people whose close relatives have had colon cancer, it is 10 percent. The chances of a cure are greatest when the disease is detected as early as possible. So what are the first symptoms of colorectal cancer, and what should be worrying?
Colorectal Cancer First Symptoms - Abdominal Pain and Flatulence
One of the early symptoms of colorectal cancer can be abdominal discomfort, especially abdominal pain and gas. They are often underestimated and associated with dietary error, indigestion or food intolerance, as well as associated with ailments resulting from problems with the gallbladder or gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Colorectal cancer first symptoms - changing bowel habits
Colorectal cancer can also be signaled by a change in bowel habits: someone who has previously passed stools every morning may now feel the need to have a bowel movement in the middle of the day, in the evening, and even at night. The first symptom of colon cancer may also berecurring diarrhea or constipation, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, which may be a sign of rectal cancer.
These symptoms may worsen and may be related to the progressive infiltration of neoplastic cells, which results in a gradual narrowing of the intestine's lumen and its obstruction.
Colon cancer first symptoms - blood in stool
According to statistics, blood in the stool, both fresh and occult, occurs in as much as 40% of people. people with colorectal cancer. Fresh blood in the stool is a disturbing symptom, but it is sometimes neglected and attributed to haemorrhoids. Meanwhile, it may indicate low-located colorectal cancer or rectal cancer - especially when it is accompanied by a feeling of sudden and painful pressure on the stool or a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
Colon cancer first symptoms - other symptoms
Colorectal cancer can also be demonstrated by general weakness and anemia without digestive ailments. More advanced colon cancer can also change the shape and appearance of the stool, which becomes lumpy, pencil-like. It is related to the progressive narrowing of the intestinal lumen occupied by the tumor.